As you see translate Spanish
14,265 parallel translation
Now... come up with your diagnosis as you see it.
Ahora... elabora tu diagnóstico según lo ves.
As you can see, the upgraded Secure Communications Tent features soundproof fabric, capable of blocking any long - or short-range attempts at surveillance.
Como pueden ver, la carpa de comunicaciones seguras actualizada con funciones de tela insonorizada capaz de bloquear cualquier intento de vigilancia de corto o largo alcance.
As you can see, there is an interesting rare circumstance in her right anterior temporal lobe which we can't describe.
Como pueden ver, hay una interesante rareza en su lóbulo temporal anterior derecho que no podemos entender.
See, because when you decided to drop off the face of the earth for an entire weekend without so much as a word to anyone in your family, I just automatically assumed that you were dead.
Mira, porque cuando decidiste dejar la tierra todo un fin de semana sin apenas una palabra a nadie de la familia, automáticamente asumí que estabas muerto.
I swear to God, as long as I live and breathe, you're never gonna see the light of day outside of this place.
Juro por Dios, que mientras esté vivito y coleando, nunca volverás a ver la luz del sol fuera de aquí.
But, as you can see, I clearly have not done any work for the man since this happened.
Pero, como pueden ver, claramente no he hecho ningún trabajo para él desde que esto pasó.
It's the only direct flight to Venezuela today, and, as you can see, it's already en route.
Es el único vuelo directo a Venezuela hoy, y, como puedes ver, ya está en ruta.
But not as much as I wanted to see you.
Pero no tanto como yo quería verte.
You will see impudent and rampant behavior from them every now and then, as well.
De vez en cuando los verán comportarse de forma imprudente y desenfrenada.
And as you can see, each victim has key segments of their anatomy missing.
Y como pueden apreciar, a cada víctima le faltan piezas claves de su anatomía.
Five, four, three, two... Plane's down, and as you can see, she still only maxed out at six g's.
Cinco, cuatro, tres, dos... el avión cayó.
I know that as a kid you never got to see that boy band concert on pay-per-view.
Sé que cuando eras niña no pudiste ver a aquella boy band en la tele de pago.
If you can't see what we have as a gift, then it can turn into a curse.
Si usted no puede ver lo que hemos como un regalo, Entonces puede convertirse en una maldición.
These are temples, but simultaneously, they are seen as being movable vehicles in which gods... the gods can come to Earth, can come to the presence of the worshippers. You'll see that there are all these little... They're called "kudo."
¿ Podría ser que en Abidos exista tecnología alienígena que fuese escondida deliberadamente de la humanidad?
In many temples throughout India, you'll actually see gigantic wheels added as a motif on the base of these temples, just to remind the worshippers that these are moving chariots.
Y si es así, ¿ cómo lo están logrando?
- Do you sometimes see numbers as colors?
- ¿ A veces ves números como colores?
I-I-I want you to see me as someone you respect.
Quiero que me veas como alguien a quien respetas.
As you can see, our little duck harbor has a working lighthouse.
Como puedes ver, nuestro pequeño puerto para patos tiene un faro operativo.
... and I after I turned their responses into hard numbers, I presented my findings to the CO in the Three-One, who adjusted the manner of our policing, and, as you can see, crime is down, public confidence is up.
Y después de convertir sus respuestas en cifras, presenté mis hallazgos al oficial al mando de la 31, que ajustó la manera de patrullar y, como pueden ver, los delitos han descendido, la confianza ciudadana ha aumentado.
Garrett, um, I love those nicknames you come up with for me, but, uh, some people might see them as insulting, so why don't you just get'em out of your system now?
Garret, me encanta los sobrenombres que inventas para mí, pero puede resultar insultante para algunos, ¿ así que por qué no lo sacas de tu sistema por ahora?
You know, you see your hyperosmia as a curse, when, really, you've been given a great gift.
¿ Sabes? Ves tu hiperosmia como una maldición, cuando, en realidad, se te ha dado un gran don.
And if you let me, you would see that no one works as hard or wants it more than I do.
Y si me dejaras, verías que nadie trabaja tan duro o lo quiere más de lo que yo lo quiero.
Think of it as a test to see if you have what it takes to do this job.
Considéralo una prueba para ver si tienes lo necesario para hacer este trabajo.
As you can see, my trusted team will finish getting the floor ready, so there's no need to worry.
Como pueden ver, mi equipo de confianza terminará de preparar el piso, no hay de qué preocuparse.
I wonder why the things you see as a child seem so beautiful.
Me pregunto por qué las cosas que vemos de niños parecen hermosas.
Without having to see you there, as well.
Sin tener que verte allí, también.
You make excuses as if you don't want to see me.
Pones excusas como si no quisieras verme.
We won't see each other again, yet you act as if you're stuck with me.
No volveremos a vernos, pero actúas como si te hubieses pegado a mí.
As you can see, Tandy's still alive in this one.
Como verán, Tandy está vivo en esta.
A new app called Sex With Google Glass is set to hit your face in the near future, and the makers hope you'll indulge as a way to see sex from a new perspective.
Una nueva aplicación, Sex With Google Glass, llegará a tu cara en el futuro cercano, y los creadores esperan que te des el gusto de ver el sexo desde una nueva perspectiva.
Perhaps this newfound view of yours is accurate, but you must respect that others may need time to see it as you do.
Tal vez esta visión renovada de los suyos es exacta, pero hay que respetar que otros pueden necesitar tiempo verlo como usted lo hace.
As you can see, I am unarmed.
Como puedes ver, no estoy armada.
As you can see, Ostrov's plans are much more aggressive than anyone at the Pentagon anticipated.
Como puedes ver, los planes de Ostrov son mucho más agresivos que cualquier persona en el Pentágono haya anticipado.
As you can see, I rounded us up a little help.
Como pueden ver, nos conseguí un poco de ayuda.
- As you can see, she's still the same.
- ¿ Cómo está? - Como puede ver, sigue igual.
As you can see, we've made some arrests of people who we think might be responsible.
Como puede ver, hemos hecho algunas detenciones, gente... que pensamos podrían ser los responsables.
Garibotti : The first thing you see even from a hundred miles away as you're driving into town is the Fitz Roy skyline. Right now we're interested in these enchainments or these long traverses.
Ahora mismo estamos interesados en el encadenamiento de estas largas travesías.
Charming as you are, Kendrick, we don't see you as the logistics type.
Tan encantador como eres, Kendrick, no te vemos del tipo logístico.
As the first woman in my family to graduate college, it's- - You see?
Como en la primera mujer en mi familia en graduarse de la universidad, es...
As you can see, the body's very badly burned.
Como se puede ver, del cuerpo muy mal quemado
As you can see in detail, this patient- -
este paciente...
But you'll soon see this place as British soil.
Pero pronto verá este lugar como suelo británico.
As you can see, I divided all the labor up equally.
Como se puede ver, he dividido todo el trabajo a partes iguales.
tasha, you've been closed off To me because I think you see me as this crappy person, but I
Tasha, te has alejado de mí porque creo que me ves como una persona horripilante, pero yo confío en ti y te he sido leal.
Make sure you can see his little hand, so it looks like he's gonna rip your face off and wear it as a mask.
Asegúrate de que puedas ver su pequeña mano, así parece que va a arrancarte la cara y a usarla como una mascara.
I see you as children so clearly now, as if it was yesterday.
Os veo como niños tan claramente ahora, como si fuese ayer.
Joel asked you to see Anton not as a bunch of medical records, but as his son.
Joel le pidió ver Anton no como un montón de historias clínicas, pero como su hijo.
Oh, it means that you haven't been my doctor for years, but you still see me as one of your patients and not your son.
Oh, esto significa que usted no ha estado a mi médico durante años, pero todavía me ve como uno de sus pacientes y no a su hijo.
As you can see, The test subject is struggling to keep up at three miles per hour.
Como podéis ver, el sujeto de pruebas lucha por mantener el ritmo de cinco kilómetros por hora.
I mean, if one of us is a Jew, Do you see that as being at all problematic?
digo, si uno de nosotros es judio, eso es completamente problematico?
As you can see, Your Honor,
Como puede ver, su señoría,
as you wish 846
as you know 1680
as you requested 56
as you can see 1468
as you can imagine 154
as you may know 70
as you were 223
as you say 390
as you are aware 22
as you want 26
as you know 1680
as you requested 56
as you can see 1468
as you can imagine 154
as you may know 70
as you were 223
as you say 390
as you are aware 22
as you want 26