As you were translate Spanish
9,403 parallel translation
As long as you were with him between 5 : 00 and 6 : 00.
Siempre que estuvieras con él entre las cinco y las seis.
More than making him permanent, as you were fired from job.
¡ Ese picazón de gusano! Más de dejarlo permanente, como tu fuistes despedido de tu trabajo.
I was in your head as much as you were in mine.
Estaba en tu cabeza tanto como tú en la mía.
As you were.
Olvida lo que dije.
You were thick as thieves, the two of you.
Erais como uña y carne.
When you're inside someone else's memory, your mind projects an image of yourself as if you were actually there.
Cuando estás dentro de la memoria de otra persona, tu mente proyecta una imagen de ti misma como si estuvieras en realidad allí.
Don't you dare speak about him as if he were already dead.
¡ No se atreva a hablar de él como si ya estuviera muerto!
And if you were to come on board with us, if you were to announce that you're not running it wouldn't seem as if we're abandoning you.
Y si estuviera de acuerdo con nosotros si anunciara que no se postula no parecería como si lo abandonáramos.
But if you do, I would rather have us be together... the way we were always meant to be... for as long as possible.
Pero si lo haces, prefiero que estemos juntos... de la manera en que siempre estuvimos destinados... tanto como sea posible.
Hell, when I first met you, y'all were thick as thieves.
Diablos, la primera vez que los conocí eran uña y carne.
These are your call logs, as compiled by DI Nolan, direct from the service provider since you were detained.
Estos son los registros de llamadas, recopiladas por DI Nolan, directa del proveedor de servicios desde que fuiste detenido.
Well, you were the one who said if we didn't have a signature cocktail, we might as well serve warm beer out of a hobo's sock.
Bueno, era usted el que dijo que si no teníamos un cocktail de autor, tambien podríamos servir cerveza caliente del calcetín de un vagabundo.
Most men would curl up and die from your wound, but you shrug it off as if it were a scratch.
La mayoría de los hombres se caerían y morirían por tu herida... pero te levantaste como si fuera un rasguño.
Were you attacked, as well?
¿ Fue atacada también?
But it's not the same as if you were here.
Pero no es lo mismo que si estuvieras aquí.
And everyone knew we were together, I wouldn't have to take parts as a fish. Thank you.
Y todos supieran de lo nuestro, no tendría que aceptar papeles de pescado para poder ejercer mi oficio.
- As a junior agent. Even if there were a law suit You'll never get another job in this town.
Sabes que si hubiera un juicio, como agente principiante, nunca conseguirías otro trabajo.
It seemed like you were using him as some kind of rebellion against us all.
Parecía que le utilizabas como algún tipo de rebelión contra nosotros.
If all bosses were as kind as you...
Si todos fueran así de amables...
Now, as you know, while the men were away, the women did their bit as well.
Como saben, mientras los hombres no estuvieron, las mujeres hicieron lo suyo.
So you were using this... orgy as some sort of sperm bank?
Entonces, ¿ usabas esta orgía...? ¿ como una especie de banco de esperma?
I had some more information regarding Dr. Cotton's death that you might be interested in hearing since, as you said, you and your wife were so fond of him.
Tengo más información sobre la muerte del Dr. Cotton que puede que le interese oír ya que, como dijo, su mujer y usted le tenían mucho aprecio.
And you were right as usual, Eunice.
Y tuviste razón como siempre, Eunice.
You see, my sugar mama, Denna Altshuler, has pulled out... prematurely as it were- - leaving me in a state of expansionus interruptus.
Verán, mi querida Denna Altshuler se ha retirado, prematuramente... dejándome en un estado expansión interrumpida.
So as long as I didn't know the truth, you were fine with using me, making me feel like you cared about me, but... now that I know the truth, you'd prefer to dump me, move on and use someone else?
Mientras no sabía la verdad, te parecía bien usarme, hacerme sentir que me tenías afecto, pero ahora que estoy enterada, ¿ prefieres echarme y usar a otra?
Did anyone ever talk to you while you were there, you know, as in officially?
¿ Habló alguien contigo mientras estuviste allí, o sea, oficialmente?
Do you remember our first week of Glee Club, when you took us to Carmel to see Vocal Adrenaline and they were as great as your team is probably gonna be?
¿ Recuerdas nuestra primera semana del Club Glee? ¿ Cuando nos llevaste a Carmel a ver a Vocal Adrenaline y eran tan buenos como probablemente sea tu grupo?
And you were mine.... but I just think, like you always say, we're probably better off as... great friends, you know?
Y tú fuiste el mío... pero creo, como siempre dices, probablemente estemos mejor como... buenos amigos, ¿ sabes?
Whatever you were looking at last week was not nearly as attractive as me.
Lo que estuvieran viendo la semana pasada no era tan atractivo como yo.
What were you like as a young man?
¿ Cómo eras de joven?
I told you I would support you as long as I believed that you were doing the right thing.
Te dije que apoyaria usted mientras yo creia que estaba haciendo lo correcto.
Because he married the girl you were fond of as a boy?
¿ Por casarse con la chica que querías de joven?
As you may or may not know, my parents were Nazi hunters.
Como podréis o no saber, mis padres eran cazadores de nazis.
They were almost as young and beautiful as you.
Era casi tan joven y hermosa como tú.
As you know, for years this place served as neutral ground for both our communities. A place where all were welcome and safe.
Como sabe, durante años, este sitio sirvió como terreno neutral para las dos comunidades, un lugar donde todos eran bienvenidos y estaban a salvo.
I already have Rebekah and Elijah's trust, and I'm not going anywhere, but if I were you, brother, I'd rethink your alliances as you go forward.
Ya tengo la confianza de Rebekah y Elijah, y no voy a ir a ninguna parte, pero si fuera tú, hermano, reconsideraría tus alianzas antes de seguir adelante.
Much as I really wished you were here,
Por más que deseaba que estuvieras aquí
Because you were the first to see me as a sister, and since you spent so long looking after your family, I thought, for once, you deserve a sister to look after you.
Porque fuiste la primera que me vio como una hermana, y ya que has pasado tanto tiempo buscando tu familia, pensé que, por una vez, merecías una hermana que cuidara de ti.
Even if she were to regain consciousness, we can prolong her life for as long as you wish.
Incluso si recobrara el conocimiento, podemos prolongar su vida tanto como desee.
I will remember you as the warrior you once were and not as this shell that stands before me.
Te recordaré como la guerrera que fuiste una vez y no como esta cáscara que está delante de mí.
I've asked you not to treat me as if I were your bro.
No me trates como si fuera un muchacho, ya te Io dije.
So you lot were in the same state as we were.
Entonces estais en el mismo estado que estábamos nosotros.
And maybe if you were as cute as you used to be, but now... I'm not a granny chaser.
Y quizás si fueras tan guapo como solías ser, pero ahora... no persigo abuelitas.
So you took him down first, in a blaze of glory, and you were gonna rise back up through his ashes and replace him as mayor.
Así que fuiste a por él primero, a lo grande, e ibas a ascender a través de sus cenizas y sustituirlo como alcalde.
But as the Morrigan, you were too powerful.
Pero como Morrigan, eras demasiado poderosa.
It's no coincidence you called just as we realized we were looking for the Horseman of Pestilence.
No es coincidencia que llamaras justo cuando nos dimos cuenta de que estábamos al Jinete de Pestilencia.
Well, they were having this huge sale at Old Timers, and I was fixing to get you a new one as an anniversary present, okay?
Bueno, estaban teniendo esta gran venta en Old Timers, y estaba tratando de conseguirte... una nueva como regalo de aniversario, ¿ de acuerdo?
How can you ignore the moral you were taught, as was I, in popular entertainment?
Entonces ¿ Por qué ignorar la moral que te enseñaron... y también a mí por diversos medios?
I remember you as a youth and you were ever a creature of vice.
Os recuerdo de joven y erais una criatura viciosa.
You were fine as long as everything else was fine.
Tú estabas bien mientras que todo estaba bien.
As you probably know, he died tragically in a fire before you were born.
Como probablemente sabes, él murió trágicamente en un incendio antes de que tú nacieras.
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as you wish 846
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as you wish 846
as you know 1680
as you requested 56
as you can see 1468
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as you are aware 22
as you want 26
as your attorney 28
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as you may have noticed 26
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as you command 52
as you probably know 36
as you may recall 29
as you see 194
as you may have heard 27
as you said 191
as you are 36
as you well know 135
as you do 33
as you please 44
as your friend 86
as you 43
as you call it 56
as you put it 48
as your doctor 24
as your father 16
as you well know 135
as you do 33
as you please 44
as your friend 86
as you 43
as you call it 56
as you put it 48
as your doctor 24
as your father 16