As you may know translate Spanish
767 parallel translation
As you may know, my brother is a prisoner of Leopold of Austria.
Como sabéis, mi hermano es prisionero de Leopoldo de Austria.
As you may know, Miss Trellis and Trippy have no father or mother.
La Srta. Trellis y Trippy no tienen padres.
Roy Stuart and I detest each other, as you may know.
Roy Stuart y yo nos detestamos, como sabrás.
This is, as you may know, the last time I shall see you as a class.
Esta es, como ya sabrán, la última vez que les veo en clase.
I'm not a very emotional person, as you may know... but there was something so very unexpected... and, uh, touching about his action... coming as it did so soon after...
No soy una persona muy emocional, como debe saber... pero había algo muy inesperado y... conmovedor en su acción... viniendo tan poco tiempo después...
As you may know, we're opening a political battle with the present administration.
Estamos entabIando una contienda politica con eI gobierno actual,
But as you know everyone in town... you may be able to take her position.
Pero como Ud. conoce a todos en la ciudad... podria ocupar su puesto.
You may as well know it, if you don't.
Ahora lo sabes, si no lo sabías antes.
We may as well discuss this frankly, now that you know the facts.
Será mejor que discutamos francamente este asunto.
Como muestra de nuestro aprecio le ruego que acepte como regalo, alguno de los artículos que se venden en la tienda.
You may as well know it.
Tú también debes saberlo.
I know what you may think of me as I fully recognize all of my mistakes.
Comprendo lo que pensarás de mí. Me doy perfecta cuenta de todos mis errores.
You may as well know... Peter's going to marry me when the old bat dies... and as soon as he gets rid of his present wife!
Ya da igual que te enteres de que Peter se casará conmigo en cuanto la vieja urraca muera ¡ y tan pronto como se deshaga de su actual esposa!
He doesn't want me to speak of it to you, but you may as well know.
No quiere que hable contigo al respecto, pero también puedes saber.
And yet, how well also I know that you may, in the difficulties of your daily life find that the qualities of charity are not always so easy, so ready to observe as one may fancy...
Aun así, también sé perfectamente que con las dificultades de la vida diaria encontrar las cualidades de la caridad no es una tarea fácil y viable a considerar...
And as some of you who are new to India may not know, a wounded pig is a dangerous animal, so a word of advice to, uh, the younger officers.
Y como aquellos que son nuevos en India tal vez no sepan... un cerdo herido es un animal peligroso... así que un consejo para los oficiales jóvenes.
Well, you may as well know if Carston didn't like you, I wouldn't let you in.
Mejor que sepas que si no le cayeras bien a Carston, no te dejaría entrar.
You know, our dear Aunt Ettie may not have mixed her drinks as badly as we thought.
Puede que nuestra querida tía Ettie... no haya mezclado la bebida tanto como pensábamos.
You may as well know, that thing with Iris Manning last night was a gag.
Pero lo de anoche con iris fue una broma.
You may not know it as well as me.
Nadie lo sabe mejor que yo.
Listen, my fine-feathered understudy, you may as well know the facts :
Escucha, mi emperchado suplente, entérate de los hechos :
And we know how to deal with it in our part of the world, strange as it may seem to you.
Sabemos cómo manejarlo aunque parezca extraño.
- Well, you may as well know.
- Bueno, Ud debe saberlo.
You may as well know, Miss Brown, I'm vitally interested.
Más le vale saber que estoy interesadísimo.
- You may as well know I'm not married.
Más le vale saber que no estoy casada.
Podéis también saber que vamos a tener una opción, un jugoso escándalo, que va a sacudir nuestras cabezas.
You may as well know it right off.
Es mejor que lo sepas ya.
I require and charge ye both... as ye will answer at the dreadful day of judgment... when the secrets of all hearts shall be disclosed... that if either of you know any impediment... why you may not lawfully be joined in matrimony... ye do now confess it.
Les solicito a ambos y responderán el día terrible del juicio, cuando los secretos de los corazones sean descubiertos, que si alguno de ustedes conoce un impedimento por el cual no puedan legalmente ser unidos en matrimonio, lo confiese ahora.
I am as you may not know a soldier of some distinction. Could you believe that just now I drew a check.
En mi país soy un soldado de cierta graduación muy respetado y hace un momento he firmado un cheque en descubierto.
You may as well know what I know, some of it, at any rate.
Debe saber lo que yo sé. Al menos, una parte.
Mr. Skeffington, you may as well know that Miss Trellis and Trippy are stone broke.
Sr. Skeffington, la Srta. Trellis y Trippy están en la ruina.
I know it may seem screwy to you, but it seems to me as if I can smell some of that coal smoke right off the old Monongahela River. That sound crazy?
Esto puede parecerle extraño, pero creo poder sentir el humo de carbón viniendo de las costas del río Monongahela. ¿ Es loco, no?
You know, if it ever gets out why they shot you, you may end up as a heroine.
Si alguna vez sale a la luz por qué te mataron, te convertirías en una heroína.
It may interest you, too, to know that the man we have depicted for you as State's Attorney Harvey was actually a Connecticut lawyer named Homer Cummings.
Quizá les interese saber que el hombre que representamos... como el fiscal estatal Harvey... fue, en realidad, un abogado de Connecticut llamado Homer Cummings.
Look, Mr Ackland, I don't like murder any more than anybody else, but you may as well know what you're up against.
Mire, Sr. Ackland, no me gusta el asesinato más que a cualquier otra persona, pero quizás debería saber a lo que se enfrenta.
For your desire to know what is between us, oermaster it as you may.
El deseo de saber qué nos une, superadlo como podáis.
As some of you may know... There isn't gonna be any statue there!
... porque repito que todo Lo que se ha dado en llamar hasta ahora belleza...
As soon as you've checked into a hotel.. Let me know and I'll tell my lawyers where they may serve you.
En cuanto te hayas registrado en un hotel, avísame y les diré a mis abogados dónde atenderte.
You may never know why everything happened... but now you do know how and where it started, and that does matter. It's as though you were in a dark room... like this one. Look.
Tal vez nunca sepa por qué sucedió todo pero ahora sabe cómo y dónde empezó y eso sí importa.
It may interest you to know that I believe this lady was abducted from Strasbourg as part of some conspiracy.
Creo que usarán a la joven en una conspiración.
I know this may come as a surprise to you but Margaret's fortune is greater than mine.
Sé que esto puede sorprenderle pero la fortuna de Margaret es mayor que la mía.
Now, Miss Barton, you may know as well as I do that people may disappear overnightÉ but hardly a bedroom.
Los dos sabemos que la gente puede desaparecer de pronto... pero difícilmente una habitación...
And let me tell you, Favell, blackmail is not much of a profession, and we know how to deal with it in our part of the world, strange as it may seem to you.
Deje que le diga, Favell... que el chantaje no es una profesión y sabemos qué hacer con él.
Before Mr. Lockwood refreshes your memory, you may as well know...
Antes que lo diga el señor Lockwood, lo diré yo misma.
We shall find in him a shrewd contriver, and, you know, his means, if he improve them, may well stretch so far as to annoy us all, which to prevent, let Antony and Caesar fall together.
Es muy astuto... y si mejora sus medios... podría perjudicarnos a todos. Para evitarlo, Antonio y César deben caer juntos.
You may as well know it now. I won't see an arranged marriage, I won't see you jumping from party to party, from title to title, all the rest of your life.
No dejaré que te cases por conveniencia, ni que te pases la vida de fiesta en fiesta.
But you may as well know tonight what a famous husband you have.
Pero ya puedes saber cuán famoso es tu marido.
You may as well know at once what your father has decided.
Y ya puedes imaginarte lo que piensa.
Rhett, you may as well know something now as later.
Rhett, te diré algo que sabrás tarde o temprano.
You know, Jed, I may not be as pretty as the Colonel's wife... but you carry me gently and I'll give you the kiss she didn't.
Usted sabe, Jed, no puedo ser tan bonita como la esposa del Coronel... pero usted me lleva suavemente y le daré el beso que ella no le dio.
That you may know these things are done of God you shall see hail fall from a clear sky and burn as fire upon the ground.
Para que sepas que estas cosas fueron realizadas por Dios... verás caer granizo bajo un cielo claro y arder sobre la tierra.
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as you know 1680
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as you can see 1468
as you can imagine 154
as you were 223
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as you are aware 22
as you want 26
as your attorney 28
as you know 1680
as you requested 56
as you can see 1468
as you can imagine 154
as you were 223
as you say 390
as you are aware 22
as you want 26
as your attorney 28