Breathe in translate Spanish
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Breathe in, feel the breath.
Respira hondo, siente la respiración.
You gotta breathe in too, not just out.
Debes inhalar, no sólo exhalar.
Breathe in, breath out... village life goes on.
inspirad, expirad... la vida de la aldea continúa.
Kind of. * If I can give it to you... * Breathe in the heat and the steam, and let the warm water fall all around you.
* If I can give it to you... * el aire caliente y el vapor y deja que el agua templada caiga sobre ti
Yeah, germs are like that. Would you breathe in for me?
Sí, los gérmenes son así.
Breathe in.
But we can do, my friends, is breathe in, breathe out...
Pero lo que podemos hacer, amigos míos, es inhalar, y exhalar...
Breathe in.. with me, breathe out. Come on!
Inhalen conmigo, exhalen.
I won't be able to breathe in here for weeks! [coughing]
¡ No podré respirar aquí en semanas! Ooh.
Breathe in slowly.
Respire lentamente.
Okay, breathe in and out. Shh. Remember what we said?
De acuerdo, inspira y espira.
This time, you're just gonna breathe in and out.
- Shh, shh, shh. - ¿ Recuerdas lo que dijimos?
It's a little difficult to breathe in here, right?
Es un poco difícil respirar aquí, ¿ verdad?
Just don't breathe in her direction, okay?
No respires en su dirección.
Breathe in, breathe Out, stay calm..
Inhala, exhala, mantén la calma..
Breathe in.
Everyone breathe in...
Todos inhalen...
Breathe in deeply.
Respira profundamente.
I want the audience to believe in the characters, to experience the emotions, breathe in the spicy meatball man, as they breathe life itself.
Quiero que la audiencia, Crea en los personajes Experimente las emociones, Respire el hombre de las Albóndigas picantes,
Breathe in, Papa.
Respira, papá.
Breathe deep. Tiffy, let us in.
Respira profundo Tiffy, déjanos entrar.
Breathe it in.
They cannot breathe... and are sent back to the water with a hole in their mouths.
Casi se asfixian y luego los devuelven al agua agujereados.
Poison in the very air we breathe
Es una jungla ahí fuera. Poison in the very air we breathe. Hay veneno en el aire que respiramos.
Feels like someone's kicking me in the chest every time I breathe.
Siento que alguien me patea en el pecho cada vez que respiro.
I can breathe it in.
Puedo respirarla.
the youth you breathe of guilty, be assured he closes with you in this consequence.
Si ve que el joven tiene las faltas de que tú le acusas, puedes estar seguro de que terminará la charla contigo de esta manera :
I don't know why I breathe. I go on, I drive, I wait and I wait for this black pit feeling in my guts to go away, but it don't.
Sigo adelanto, conduzco, espero y espero que este pozo negro que siento en mis entrañas se vaya, pero no.
Breathe a word of this to anyone anywhere, and I will hunt you down and put a bullet in your head.
Dices una palabra de esto a alguien, donde sea, y te voy a perseguir y te meteré una bala en la cabeza.
Breathe, just like in class.
Respira, como en las clases.
It's a jungle out there Poison in the very air we breathe
It's a jungle out there Es una jungla ahí afuera... poison in the very air we breathe Veneno en el aire que respiramos.
Breathe in and out. Do not go in...
No... si, vas a estarte aquí y esperar hasta que abra la puerta.
Poison in the very air we breathe
Poison in the very air we breathe Veneno en el aire que respiramos.
Poison in the very air we breathe
Poison in the very air we breathe
Poison in the very air we breathe
Veneno en el aire que respiras.
I remember a hand being in my face and I couldn't breathe.
Recuerdo, una mano en mi cara y no pude respirar.
Your son has blood in his chest that's making it hard for him to breathe.
Su hijo tiene sangre en el pecho respira con dificultad.
There's a child in my care, lying on the ground, barely able to breathe!
Hay un chico a mi cargo, tirado en el piso a penas capaz de respirar.
Poison in the very air we breathe
Veneno en cada bocanada que respiramos
Poison in the very air we breathe You know what's in the water that you drink?
Poison in the very air we breathe d'you know what's in the water that you drink?
I suck in the dirt, and I choke trying to breathe as more bombs fall.
Aspiro polvo, y me ahogo tratando de respirar mientras más bombas caen.
For the first time, her wings seem to be a hindrance... but, in fact, they help her yet again... by trapping a silvery layer of air which enables her to breathe.
Por primera vez sus alas, parecen ser un estorbo pero, de hecho, la ayudan una vez más al atrapar una plateada capa de aire que le permite respirar.
I can't breathe because the dust gets in.
No puedo respirar porque me entra polvo.
I can't breathe that well in here.
No puedo respirar muy bien aquí adentro.
But then you see this girl with this hand knocking herself in the head for being such a fool, crying so hard she can't mostly breathe and all that business like that. And how men are shits, and don't even trust'em.
Llorando tan fuerte que apenas puede respirar y todo eso, y cómo los hombres son pendejos no confiables.
And you just breathe it in and it'll be ok.
Y acaba de respirar y estar bien.
Your film might come to life for a moment or two when your actors breathe life back into it, But then it dies again, buried in film cans.
Tu película tal vez cobre vida una o dos veces tus actores le dan un nuevo aire a ella pero luego vuelve a morir, enterrada en una caja.
- Oh, my God, it reeks in here. I can't breathe. - Shut up.
No puedo creer estar aqui no puedo respirar
In the name of all that is holy, oh, hallelujah, lord. Breathe.
Breathe in.
Breathe in. Breathe out.
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