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Can we come in translate Spanish

1,145 parallel translation
Can we come in?
¿ Podemos pasar?
- Can we come in?
- ¿ Podemos pasar?
Can we come in and have a look?
Podemos pasar a dar un vistazo?
Who is this? Can we come in?
- ¿ Podemos pasar?
- Yeah, bowling buddies. - Can we come in?
Si, compañeros de bowling
- Can we come in now?
- ¿ Ya podemos entrar?
Can we come in?
Su mamá la obliga a ir a París.
Can we come in?
¿ Podemos entrar?
Can we come in, sir, please?
Podemos entrar, señor, por favor?
- Can we come in?
- ¿ Podemos entrar?
Here we are. Come on in. Can I get you a cup of coffee or something?
Pase. ¿ Quiere un café?
You can't come in. We just polished the doorknob.
No puedes entrar, acabamos de pulir la manilla de la puerta.
Ven podremos hablar aqui.
Can we please come in for a little while?
Gracias Dios.. ¿ Nos dejan entrar solo un momentin, por favor?
Come to think of it, I haven't been to church in weeks maybe I'd learn something little late for that we can't trust you to behave yourself you're making a big mistake here now
Hizo un gran error. Tal vez no le guste mi alma pecadora. No se preocupe.
Now, we can only come in for just a minute.
Nos detuvimos por un momento.
Well, come on, then. Come on. We'll get this over in five minutes, and then we can have a spot of lunch.
Bueno, si lo liquidamos en cinco minutos, nos iremos pronto a comer.
They come in from Cambodia, and they kill us, but we can't go back and get them!
Ellos vienen de Camboya y nos matan, pero nosotros no podemos ir tras ellos.
I told her I'd come in and we can try to patch things up together.
Le dije que tal vez deberíamos intentar remendar cosas otra vez.
Come see me after class. We can talk in confidence.
Ven a verme después de clase para que podamos hablar.
But a lot of the guys who come in here, we can't handle one on one.
Pero no podemos enfrentarnos a esos tipos uno contra uno.
Why don't I come back in a couple of weeks and we can re-evaluate the situation then.
¿ Y si vuelvo dentro de dos semanas y reevaluamos la situación?
Come on in, roomie, and close the door, would you? We can't keep the whole camp cool.
Pasa, compañero de habitación y cierra esa puerta, ¿ quieres?
You can come quietly or we can drag you through your lobby in handcuffs.
Venga sin oponer resistencia o le pondremos las esposas.
And I can't tell you how ex cited we are to have you come on-board and put in a hitch here at our flagship.
Y no sabes lo entusiasmados que estamos de tenerte a bordo y de que nos ayudes en el negocio.
And so in that spirit, I'm inviting the governor to come here and join me, so that we can have a conversation privately because... whoever becomes the president is going to have to deal with ICO and all of the other terrorist threats that we face around the globe.
Y creo que deberías hacerlo. ¿ De verdad? Creía que eras el gran investigador.
We'll park near the terminal where I can see you go in an come out.
Aparcaremos cerca de la terminal donde podamos verte.
We're in the process of deactivating the system so that you can come out!
¡ Estamos desactivando el sistema para que pueda salir!
That's how come, in America, we can live safe.
Así podemos vivir tranquilos.
You tell your boyfriend Ramirez he can come in by himself, or we can bring him in.
Dile a tu novio Ramirez que puede venir él mismo, o lo podemos venir a buscar nosotros.
Well, that would make sense, unless you'd prefer to sleep in your clothes. Well, can't we invite some guys to come over later?
Y eso le quita la oportunidad de obtener la educación que merece.
We can exchange keys so we can come in and out.
Podemos intercambiar llaves para entrar y salir.
- What can we get you? Come on in.
- Larry Stanford.
Can we come in?
Podemos pasar? ......
So, if any names come up on this tape, they are going to stay here, in this office, amongst us, because we are opening one very big can of worms.
Entonces, si sale algún nombre de esta cinta, ellos vendrán a esta oficina con nosotros, porque estamos abriendo un enorme lata de gusanos.
So we can help you, say, not being bullied, you will get A in every subjects, every dream will come true.
En eso podemos ayudarte, quiero decir, no serás acosado, Sacarás "A" en todas las asignaturas, Y todos los sueños se harán realidad.
Come in, we can dry your clothes
Entra. Podrás secar tu ropa.
We... We were thinking that you could come live with us in Paris. And we can come here in the summer.
Nosotros... pensamos que tal vez pudiera venirse a vivir con nosotros a Paris... y podríamos venir aquí en verano.
0pen the door, otherwise we can rush, come in
¡ Abran o echamos la puerta abajo! - ¡ No dispares Mario!
How can we afford to go there? Ask all the juniors come in.
Te presto 2 talentos.
We are still in this. Come on, we can do it!
Vamos aun podemos!
Well, look, I'm gonna be in and out, so if you come up with anything... like where he is or how we can reach him, call my office, ask for Evans.
Estaré yendo y viniendo. Si averiguas... dónde está, llama a Evans a mi oficina.
So if you want it gentlemen, I'm sure we can come to an arrangement. I'll be in the hall sir, when you've finished.
O sea, que si ustedes lo quieren, caballeros estoy seguro que llegaremos a un entendimiento estaré en el pasillo, señor, cuando terminen.
They can come to us, we can keep more stuff in house.
Podrían venir a nosotros, podríamos ahorrar más en casa.
- Can we see if it's come in?
- ¿ Podemos ver si llegó?
Why don't I just come over and we can speak in person?
- Mejor iré a verlo y hablaremos personalmente.
Esperen, señores no pueden entrar
- We can ´ t send in a doctor. But if you come out with Anne and the children, we ´ ll get you to hospital imediately.
- No podemos enviar un doctor pero si sale con Anne y los niños..... lo llevaremos a un hospital inmediatamente.
With all the aliens who come through Babylon 5, we can accomplish our task... in four or five decades.
Con todos los alienígenas que vienen a Babylon 5... lo lograríamos en cuatro o cinco décadas.
My nurse informs me that a new heart has just come in, so we can, in fact, service you both.
Mi enfermera me informa que ha llegado un nuevo corazón o sea que podemos servirles a los dos.
We can pretend it never happened, simply walk away, just go home, have a nice hot meal, watch a bit of television, go to bed, get up in the morning, brush our teeth, come down, have breakfast...
Podemos pretender que nunca ocurrió y simplemente irnos a casa tener una linda cena, ver televisión, irnos a dormir despertarnos, lavarnos los dientes, bajar a tomar el desayuno- -

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