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Good to be back translate Spanish

1,171 parallel translation
It's good to be back.
Es bueno volver.
It's good to be back.
Es bueno haber vuelto.
- Good to be back.
- Me alegro de estar de vuelta.
It's good to be back.
Es bueno estar de vuelta.
But, boy, I'll tell you, it's good to be back in the land of the free.
Pero les diré que se siente bien volver a la tierra de la libertad.
Oh, it's good to be back after all these weeks.
Qué bueno es estar de regreso después de tantas semanas.
- Good to be back.
- se siente bien estar de regreso.
Good to be back.
Me alegra estar de vuelta Bien.
Gosh, it is good to be back. All the familiar faces.
Qué gusto volver y ver las caras de siempre.
Ah, good to be back, Charlie.
- Ah, es bueno volver, Charlie.
It's good to be back, even if it is just for a couple of days.
Me alegra estar de vuelta, aunque sea por un par de días.
It's good to be back.
Me alegra estar de vuelta.
It's good to be back. Yes.
Me alegra estar de vuelta.
It's good to be back.
Me alegro de volver.
- It's good to be back.
- Es bueno estar de vuelta.
- It feels good to be back.
- Se siente bien estar de vuelta.
It's good to be back. Brandon, are you aware that the University Board of Trustees is convening this morning to announce that tuition for undergraduates will be raised by 15 % % next semester?
Brandon, ¿ estás al tanto de que el Consejo Directivo de la Universidad se reunió esta mañana para anunciar que la matrícula para los alumnos aumentará un 15 % el próximo semestre?
It feels good to be back in the old gym again.
Se siente bien estar de vuelta en el viejo gimnasio.
It's good to be back.
Yo también.
- Good to be back?
¿ Qué tal estar de vuelta?
Good to be back.
Me alegro de haber vuelto.
It's good to be back.
Es bueno estar de regreso.
But it is good to be back, nevertheless.
- Pero me alegro de estar de vuelta.
Well, it's good to be back.
Es bueno estar de vuelta.
Yep, it was sure good to be back in that town.
Era bueno volver al pueblo.
- Good to be back, my man.
- Es bueno estar de vuelta, hombre.
Yeah, it's good to be back.
Si, es bueno volver.
It's good to be back, commander.
Es bueno regresar.
Feels good to be back.
Da gusto volver.
It's good to be back.
- Me alegra haber vuelto.
Robert, I wonder if perhaps you would be good enough to take a gas jeep and bring back my grandchildren.
Robert, ¿ serías tan amable de ir a buscar un jeep a gas y traer a mis nietos de vuelta?
It'll be good to get back to that ghost town, huh Bill?
Es bueno volver al pueblo fantasma, ¿ no crees, Bill?
You're supposed to be setting a good example, now will you get back to your coffin immediately!
¡ Se supone que debe dar el ejemplo! ¡ Vuelva a su ataud inmediatamente!
Would Monday be a good time for me to come back,
¿ Le parece bien que venga el lunes, Sr. Pinto?
Well... anyone can argue, but... It's a good skill... uh, discipline to be able to debate and stand back.
Cualquiera sabe discutir, pero hace falta habilidad, para ser capaz de ser objetivo.
Oh, it's heaven to be back. It's good to see you again.
- ¡ Oh, es el cielo a donde llegué!
It's good to be back.
Qué alegría.
Anyways, I am sorry about what happened back there,..... but you have to admit, I've been tryin'to be good lately.
De todas formas, lamento lo sucedido. Pero me he estado comportando últimamente.
Then be good enough to hand us our money back, or you think about us coming in on this new deal. You let us know.
Would you not rather be dead this morning after a good hump and a belly full of stolen beef, or would you have me march you back to Montrose so you can shit yourself on the gallows a month hence?
¿ No preferirías morir después de una buena jodienda y de cargar la tripa con cerveza robada a que te lleve preso hasta Montrose y que de aquí a un mes acabes cagándote de miedo en la horca?
Sergeant, now might be a good time to consider turning back.
¿ Consideraria la idea de volver?
Be good enough to get your men back to the engine room.
Sea bueno y lleve a sus hombres de vuelta a la Sala de Máquinas.
And I thought to myself if ever I went back, it would have to be for a very good reason.
Y me dije que si alguna vez volvía, tendría que ser por una razón de peso.
How good it will be to have him back with us.
Será magnífico contar con él.
Getting back on your feet isn't going to be easy, but you're in good hands.
Volver a ponerte al día no será fácil, pero... estás en buenas manos.
It'll be good to have the place back to normal. Don't even talk to me about normal.
Será bueno que la casa vuelva a la normalidad.
And you're not saying good-bye to me either. I'll be back.
Tampoco vas a decirme adiós a mi, porque pienso volver.
Be good if you came back to London, wouldn't it?
Estaría bien que volvieras.
I want him to be able to go plop, plop, all day long, real slowly. Shit. Finally, I came up with the idea of good old Alberto VO5 and just went back to the old tempera paint.
Por fin se me ocurrió la idea del viejo Alberto y volvemos a la vieja tempera.
I'll let you say good-bye to your friends, and I'll be right back.
Te dejaré despedirte de tus amigos. Ya vuelvo.
Good to have you back, Captain. Good to be here.
Me alegro de verla.

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