Good to be here translate Spanish
993 parallel translation
We'll get the duffel up. My, it's good to be here!
Por aquí, ahora traen el equipaje.
It's good to be here alone with you, dear.
Es grandioso estar aquí solo contigo.
Well, it's mighty good to be here too, T2...
Yo también me alegro, T2...
It's good to be here.
Es bueno estar aqui.
It ´ s so good to be here.
Qué bueno que estoy aquí.
Don't know if I can be of any use to you around here, but if you need a good C.P.A. -
No sé si puedo serle útil aquí, pero si necesita un buen contador...
I wonder if you'd be good enough to run over there and ask him to drive up here.
Me pregunto si serias tan bueno como para correr allá y le pedirías que conduzca hasta aquí.
Good to see you here again. - Glad to be here.
- Es un placer verte.
I thought it'd be good to pop in here till the boys in blue get through blowing their horn.
Pensé que estaríamos bien aquí mientras esperamos que los guardias de azul dejen de tocar las sirenas.
Look here, Biff - if you would give up this hare-brained idea of yours of wanting to be a dentist, why maybe I could get you a good job at the factory.
Mira, Biff si quieres renunciar a esa descabellada idea tuya de querer ser dentista, tal vez podría conseguirte un buen trabajo en la fábrica.
As long as you're here, it's still got to be a good idea.
Si está aquí, seguirá siendo una buena idea.
I came here to give you some good advice which I knew in advance would not be taken.
Vine a darte un buen consejo aunque ya sé que no vas a hacerme caso.
He must wait. Whilst I'm in charge here, regulations - good, bad or indifferent - must be carried out to the letter!
Mientras yo esté a cargo, la ley, buena o mala... se cumplirá al pie de la letra.
Look here if she'd met a good-looking yokel on her way to the water she wouldn't be here now.
Si hubiera conocido a un palurdo atractivo de camino al agua, ahora no estaría aquí.
And I may add, sir, a butler has to be good to hold his job here.
Y debo añadir, señor, que un mayordomo tiene que ser bueno para seguir aquí.
And, oh, I figured that a bit of hot tea would do her good, and downstairs I go to make it, and who should be waiting for her here in the hall but that slick-lookin'dude.
Supuse que un té caliente le vendría bien, y bajé a preparárselo. Entonces vi que la esperaba ese tipo tan peripuesto. - ¿ Quién?
And as I don't propose to stand here and be insulted, I will, with your permission, say good-Bye.
No me gusta ser insultada... así que, con su permiso, adiós.
You want to be an actress, eh? Well, here is good luck!
¿ Conque quieres ser actriz?
To undermine the good work you've been doing. I didn't know you were going to be here. Brent sent for me.
lgnoraba que vendrías.
He knows that it took billions of years to put it here and if we keep taking it at this rate before long, there won't be any oil left in the good old U.S.A.
Él sabe que tardó millones de años en formarse y si continuaba perforando a ese ritmo no quedaría petróleo en EE.UU.
Lulubelle, I want you to be good to this little boy here.
- Sí. Lulubelle, sé amable con este amiguito.
What did you wanna go over there for? Well, I figured that was a good place to be because they had to rear up and show themselves in order to shoot at me and the rest of the boys back here.
Me figuré que sería un buen sitio para mí porque no tendrían más remedio que asomar la cabeza si querían matarme.
Good. And we'll be delighted to live here with you.
Estaremos encantados de vivir aquí con usted.
He'd be very disappointed if he doesn't get here to say good-bye.
Estará muy decepcionado si no llega a tiempo para despedirse.
I think it would be a good idea to get out of here.
Sería buena idea largarse de aquí.
I hope not. Governor, would you be good enough to tell them what we are here for?
Para mí una buena noticia sería saber que tu madre se ha vuelto honrada.
I'm sorry you've had this wild goose chase... But now that you are here, perhaps you'd be good enough to take a look at her.
Siento que haya venido para nada, pero ya que está aquí, quizá tenga la amabilidad de examinarla.
If that book of yours had been any good at all... you'd know they ask personal questions here just to be polite.
Si ese libro suyo valiera algo sabría que hacen preguntas personales sólo como cortesía.
It's good to be back here.
Qué bueno estar de vuelta.
- l think that's quite- - l don't think it would be a good idea to have him here.
- Creo que... No seria buena idea invitarlo a casa.
I didn't come here to do myself any good or to be told off, either.
No he venido aquí a ganar nada, ni tampoco a que me regañen.
I never thought I'd be standing here like this with you. Not wanting to say good night.
Nunca pensé que llegaría a estar aquí con Vd sin querer despedirme.
it's good to be here.
Es bueno estar aquí.
Be good enough to tell Mr. Sowerberry that the beadle is here.
Dígale al Sr. Sowerberry que está aquí el celador del orfanato.
I've just been having a little talk with the mine owners inside here and they seem to think it would be a good idea if I were to set up a bank.
He estado charlando con los propietarios de las minas. Y opinan que sería buena idea que yo estableciera un banco.
My word doesn't seem to be very good around here.
Mi palabra parece que no vale mucho por aquí.
It isn't good for you to be seen here.
No es bueno que te vean aquí.
Good. Pinky give me the $ 15 you give her, said you'd be here to give me the rest.
Pinky me dio los $ 15 y me dijo que vendrías a darme el resto.
I got some good news for you. My trunks have to be sent back here whether you like it or not.
Enviaron mis baúles para acá, le guste o no.
There ought to be... some good ideas in here.
Debería haber... algunas buenas ideas aquí.
The chances are that we should be here for a good long time and I think it is just as well that we come to an understanding right away
Es probable que estemos aquí mucho tiempo, es mejor poner las cosas claras.
Here, Bonzo, eat your pablum like a good boy, hmm. And pretty soon you'll grow up to be a big, strong, handsome man just like your daddy.
Bonzo, cómete el cereal como los niños buenos... y muy pronto te convertirás... en un hombre fuerte y apuesto, como tu papá.
Did you come here to teach me how to be a good mother?
Señora, ¿ ha venido aquí para decirme cómo tengo que educar... a mi hija?
Lf, in addition, one is a denizen of the city's parks... like our good friend Soapy here... the need is not only great, but a state of real emergency may be said to exist. "
Si, además, uno es morador de los parques... como nuestro buen amigo Soapy... la necesidad no sólo es grande, sino existe un estado de alarma ".
And... and I'll be saying good day to you, Mrs Tillane, and all here but one.
Y... les deseo buenos días a todos, señora Tillane, menos a uno.
It must be strange to you from America, but it's an old, old custom here, and believe me, it's a good custom.
Te debe parecer extraño para ti, un americano, pero aquí es una muy muy vieja costumbre,... y créeme, es una buena costumbre.
Think you're too good to be here?
¿ Te crees demasiado buena para ello?
Sit down here, be good, try to remember.
Siéntate aquí, intenta recordar.
From here on, when you'll be hurt more and more... when everything in life seems wrong and you think that nobody understands you or loves you... just remember, your mother loves you with all her heart... even if she hasn't been very good at proving it to you.
A partir de ahora, cuando te hagan mas y mas daño... cuando creas que todo está mal y que nadie te comprende ni que quiere... recuerda que tu madre te quiere con todo su corazón... aunque no haya sabido demostrártelo muy bien.
Jolly good old Syme ought to be here. That's his favourite.
Lástima que Syme no esté, es su preferido.
I'm waiting here to see the people that are interested in buying the villa, and I think it might be a good idea if you were here too.
Me quedo esperando a la gente... que quiere compra la villa y tú deberías quedarte conmigo.
good to see you 2547
good to hear from you 16
good to know 481
good to see you again 390
good to hear 75
good to hear your voice 18
good to go 197
good to meet you 379
good to see you too 96
good to be back 59
good to hear from you 16
good to know 481
good to see you again 390
good to hear 75
good to hear your voice 18
good to go 197
good to meet you 379
good to see you too 96
good to be back 59
good to have you here 19
good to be home 24
good to see you guys 26
good to have you back 122
good to see ya 52
be here 37
good night 12775
good morning 12476
good luck 6133
good evening 5411
good to be home 24
good to see you guys 26
good to have you back 122
good to see ya 52
be here 37
good night 12775
good morning 12476
good luck 6133
good evening 5411
good morning to you 106
good job 2434
good boy 1464
good luck tomorrow 38
good afternoon 2327
good morning to you too 27
good for you 2168
good girl 941
good call 326
good work 1533
good job 2434
good boy 1464
good luck tomorrow 38
good afternoon 2327
good morning to you too 27
good for you 2168
good girl 941
good call 326
good work 1533
good day 1886
good one 705
good luck to you all 17
good work today 50
good on ya 17
good times 259
good luck to you 277
good god 990
good luck tonight 45
good luck today 49
good one 705
good luck to you all 17
good work today 50
good on ya 17
good times 259
good luck to you 277
good god 990
good luck tonight 45
good luck today 49