I kill people translate Spanish
1,300 parallel translation
I don't go to school and I kill people.
No voy a la escuela y mato gente.
I kill people for less!
¡ He matado por menos!
Well... I guess you can kill people with kindness sometimes, huh?
Bueno... supongo que a veces puedes matar a la gente siendo amable, ¿ eh?
I was kidnapped by the same people who are trying to kill Senator Palmer. I know this sounds crazy.
Estaba secuestrada por los mismos que intentan matar al senador Palmer.
I will not let you kill innocent people.
No voy a dejar que mates a personas inocentes.
I can taste the blood of the people it's going to kill, smell the burning flesh.
- Puedo sentir el sabor de la sangre de toda las personas que va a asesinar, huelo la carne quemada.
And if he ever comes close to any of my people ever again or tries to touch a hair on my son's head, I'll kill him.
Y si alguna vez se acerca a mi gente de nuevo o intenta tocar un pelo de la cabeza de mi hijo, le mataré.
If I were gonna kill the twig would I do it in a room full of people and then make a conspicuous getaway so I looked extra suspicious?
¿ lo haría en un cuarto lleno de personas y luego haría una salida aparatosa para que parezca extra sospechosa?
I don't suppose you tell people at cocktail parties... that you're a mercenary for hire, willing to kill as brutally as necessary if the price is right?
¿ Supongo que en fiestas no dirá que es mercenario? ¿ Dispuesto a matar a lo bruto por el precio justo?
You think I'm gonna let you kill people?
¿ Crees que dejaré que mates gente?
I thought you were with Giles studying how to not kill people.
Creí que estabas con Giles aprendiendo a no matar gente.
It's like I'm watching someone else... do it, kill people.
Es como si viera a otra persona haciéndolo, matando.
And then I'd kill the rest of the people in your life who still care about you.
Y mataría a toda la gente que aún se interesa por ti.
You know I always wondered what people did to kill time while we worked.
Siempre me pregunté cómo pasaban el tiempo.
How many people did I kill?
¿ A cuanta gente he matado?
I remember... but your leader had more people slaughtered in one day than I could possibly kill in a lifetime.
Lo recuerdo. Pero tu líder ha masacrado a más gente en un solo día que lo que yo pueda matar en toda una vida.
- I don't kill people.
- No mato a la gente.
I was going over my'people to kill'list, and I don't think you were on it.
Estuve revisando mi lista de "personas a eliminar" y tú no estabas.
I killed them other people, and I'll kill you, too!
Maté a todos los otros. ¡ Te mataré a ti también!
I can go there and get letters from people begging me not to kill myself.
Podré ir a recoger cartas de gente rogándome que no me suicide.
There are people here at the FBI who would kill me if they knew I was being held here.
Porque, en el FBI, hay personas que me matarían si supieran que estoy acá.
I mean, we grab these people, we pop the implants out of their heads, we even kill some of them, but our little grey friends don't do squat.
Es decir, capturamos a esas personas, le sacamos los implantes de sus cabezas, incluso asesinamos a algunos de ellos, pero nuestros pequeños amigos grises no se agazapan.
It seemed odd that I should be having a meal today with people whom I was trying to kill yesterday.
Parecía tan extraño estar almorzando hoy con la gente que había estado tratando de matar ayer.
Well I don't know. I never had to kill anybody myself, I... I just taught people how.
No lo sé, yo nunca he tenido que matar a nadie, sólo yo sólo enseño a hacerlo.
Albert, I love you like a son, honey, but you Jewish people... you can't kill Christ and expect to have a conversation with him later.
Te quiero como a un hijo, pero los judíos no pueden matar a Cristo y luego pretender hablar con él.
And I was just thinking hypothetically, if something did happen to him, and somehow, Miss Farrow, you happened to be involved, you knew the people that Tony was associated with, you had to assume that if they found out, they'd kill you.
Y sólo pensaba hipotéticamente, si algo lo hizo desaparecer, y de alguna forma, la Srta. Farrow, pasó a estar involucrada. Conoce a la gente con la que Tony estaba asociado, tiene que asumir que si ellos lo averiguan, la matarán. De nuevo, sólo hablando hipotéticamente.
Despite my personal differences with Stefan I would not kill dozens of innocent people to see him dead.
a pesar de mis diferencias con Stefan yo no mataría inocentes para verlo muerto.
God allow as I seen Shorty kill a few in his day there are some people who see it kinder to shoot a horse than to ride it to death.
He visto a Shorty matar a algunos. Algunos consideran mejor matar a un caballo que montarlo hasta matarlo.
I don't know, you'd have time to react... before they kill people.
No sé, antes de que matasen a 20 personas... tendrías tiempo de reaccinar.
I don't know why people kill... but it's true that you seem more, well, less...
Yo no sé por qué la gente mata... pero es verdad que tú me pareces más, bueno, menos...
I wouldn't kill myself for the same reasons as other suicidal people.
No me mataria por las mismas razones que otros suicidas.
I've seen people kill for less.
- La gente mata por menos.
Just kill me, cos there's no way in hell I'm gonna help you people any more.
¡ Máteme ya porque no hay camino en el infierno por el que vaya a ayudar a su gente de ninguna forma!
- But vampires kill people, and they... - Can control themselves if they want to. I do it every day, and so can you.
pero los vampiros matan a la gente, y... pueden controlarse si quieren. yo lo hago cada día, y tú también puedes.
These people... they don't tolerate a buzz kill, and I'll be damned if I'm going to be shot for being the messenger.
Esa gente... ellos no toleran un rumor matador, y estaré arruinado si alguien me apunta por ser mensajero.
Can I say "pee on people" or is standards gonna kill me?
¿ Puedo decir "meo sobre la gente" o me lo pueden censurar?
I don't generally try to kill people who help finance my campaign, John.
Generalmente no intento eliminar a los que financian mi campaña, John.
I could kill... more people.
Podría matar... a más gente
I'm not gonna waste my time threatening you'cause I think you believe I will kill people... if someone upsets my plan
No perderé mi tiempo amenazándola porque bien sabe que mataré a alguien si interfieren en mis planes.
I'm not all that interested in the mental health of people who want to kill me.
No estoy tan interesado en la salud mental de la gente que quiere matarme.
Well, I hope that it had something to do with hiring people to kill her?
Espero que tuviera que ver con contratar a alguien que la mate.
Wait, when people see all the stuff we did, they are gonna kill us. And I can't run too fast after 15 years of eating nothing but gummy worms. Yeah.
¡ Espera, cuando la gente vuelva van a matarnos!
I'm going to New York to kill the Queer Eye for the Straight Guy people.
Voy a Nueva York a matar a los de Queen Eye.
Why were these boys sent to a place I have never heard of and to kill people I've never heard of?
¿ Por qué los enviamos a un país que no sabía que existía... para matar a gente de la que nunca oí hablar?
I've had, uh, I've had people just tell me flat out they want to kill me.
Ha habido, uh, ha habido gente que me ha dicho directamente que quiere matarme.
I will not let anyone send me back over there to kill other poor people.
No permitiré que nadie me mande de vuelta allá a matar más gente pobre.
People who live in places like these, will hurt, I'll beat up, I'll stab will kill you.
La gente que vive en tales lugares te hará daño, te golpeará, te cortará, te matará.
What, I should only kill people after I get to know them?
¿ Sólo debo matar a la gente después de conocerla?
I will kill Sir John Huntly in his cell, people will assume friends or family of the victim have done it.
Mataré a Sir John Huntly en su celda. La gente dirá que un amigo o un pariente de la víctima lo hizo.
I didn't just go out and kill innocent people.
Yo no salí a la calle, no salí a matar gente inocente.
I've admitted that I'm not very truthful. But I don't kill people, M. Poirot.
Ya le he dicho antes que no soy muy sincera, pero no soy una asesina, Monsieur Poirot.
i kill you 71
i killed it 29
i killed a man 52
i killed my brother 18
i killed them all 20
i killed him 428
i killed 46
i kill him 30
i killed my wife 16
i killed them 79
i killed it 29
i killed a man 52
i killed my brother 18
i killed them all 20
i killed him 428
i killed 46
i kill him 30
i killed my wife 16
i killed them 79
i killed you 76
i kill 23
i killed someone 57
i killed her 247
people 5151
people like me 81
people of earth 28
people don't change 46
people screaming 74
people change 205
i kill 23
i killed someone 57
i killed her 247
people 5151
people like me 81
people of earth 28
people don't change 46
people screaming 74
people change 205
people can change 59
people like you 105
people are scared 36
people are talking 31
people talk 81
people are watching 31
people get hurt 32
people are dying 81
people make mistakes 71
people were killed 27
people like you 105
people are scared 36
people are talking 31
people talk 81
people are watching 31
people get hurt 32
people are dying 81
people make mistakes 71
people were killed 27