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If he's alive translate Spanish

819 parallel translation
If he's alive... the others are alive too. It's not true.
No es verdad.
I'm being paid for telling the world that if Napoleon were alive today, he would wear Kaplan and McGuire's 250 non-wrinkling underwear.
Me pagan por decirle al mundo que si Napoleón viviera... usaría calzoncillos largos Kaplan y McGuire, modelo 250, antiarrugas.
If Rome's father were alive, he'd back me up.
Si el padre de Rome viviera, me apoyaría.
And he's the only relative I have. If he's alive.
Es el único pariente que me queda, si sigue vivo.
A man's lucky if he gets out of it alive.
Un hombre tiene suerte si sale de él con vida.
I mean, if he's alive you could ask him. But he's dead.
Si estuviera vivo podrías pedírselo, pero está muerto.
- Yes. And maybe if he's alive and well, he's on some Northern road right now.
Y si está sano y salvo, puede que esté en camino.
That's true. I don't know where he is now. Or even if he is still alive
Es cierto, no sé dónde está, ni si está vivo.
If Ronnie's alive, he'll find us there.
Venga a Texas conmigo.
If he's alive, he'll come back.
¡ No es cierto!
If MacGyver's still alive, he could tip off the world by then.
Si MacGyver está vivo todavía, podría informarlo para entonces.
If he's alive, he may still try to reach Thornton.
Si está vivo, puede tratar de contactar a Thornton.
We wanted to see if he's alive, and we found this package.
se pusieron a palparle el corazón, tenía un paquete.
If that cat's alive, he's probably out in the country hiding under a bush, starving to death.
Si esta vivo, estará en el campo. Oculto bajo un arbusto y medio muerto de hambre.
Janet, if he's alive, he'll find you!
¡ Janet, si está vivo, te encontrará!
Our job now is to find the real Matthew Ordway, if he's still alive.
Tenemos que encontrar al verdadero Ordway si aún está vivo.
Stéphane was directly under his command. But in Reims, the Resistance had identified them both and if Stéphane had gone to the Café du Commerce it's possible he may not have come out alive.
Stéphane era su sucesor directo, pero entonces, la resistencia les identificó a ambos y si Stéphane hubiera ido al Café del Comercio, es posible que no hubiera salido de allí con vida.
As if anything would make any difference to me as long as he's alive.
Nada puede ser diferente desde el momento que él está con vida
If Nelson's still alive, he'll join us.
Si Nelson sigue vivo, se unirá a nosotros.
If he were alive, it's more than likely he'd hang you.
Si estuviera vivo, seguro que él le colgaría.
And doesn't even know if he's still alive or dead!
Y ni siquiera sabe si aún está vivo o muerto!
If he's alive, I'm afraid so.
Si está vivo, me temo que sí.
He must be 90 if he's alive.
Unos 90 años, si es que todavía vive.
If he's alive they will make him tell who was with him.
Si está vivo, lo harán confesar quiénes lo acompañaban.
If he's still alive, send up another.
Si está vivo, disparen otra.
If he's alive there'll be another one.
Si está vivo dispararán otra.
Even if they get that kid down alive he's gonna be in a pretty tough spot.
Incluso si el chico sobrevive va a ser un momento muy difícl
We'll speed it up as much as we can, and if we get him while he's still alive, well, fine.
Lo aceleraremos al máximo y si llegamos cuando esté vivo, bien.
"As sure as my name is Reggie Sinclair" he says. Now.. do you know if he's still alive?
después de todo él está muerto y es inútil andar sollozando y levantando monumentos.
A kid like Happy, even if he came through it alive... a traitor's always a traitor, no matter what his reasons are.
Un chico como Happy, aunque hubiera sobrevivido... sería un traidor, independientemente de sus motivos.
It's almost as if he were alive. Alive?
Es casi como si estuviera vivo.
If there is a plantation, if he's there, if he's alive. If! If!
Si hay una plantación, si él está allí, si está vivo. ¡ Si, si!
If Bouchard's alive, he'd have had food and ammunition when the Japs came in.
Si está vivo, habrá tenido comida y municiones al llegar los japoneses.
I want to know if at least if he's alive.
Quiero saber si por lo menos está vivo.
[I wonder if he died of fear? And, if he's still alive, what he's doing now? ]
Debió de morir de miedo y, si aún vive, ¿ qué será de él?
A man talks well if he's alive.
Un hombre habla mejor si esta vivo.
If he's alive, maybe you be sorry you find him. Yeah?
Si está vivo, quizá pueda usted encontrarlo.
If he's still alive.
El vive aún.
I must know if he lived, if he's alive, if he got home.
Debo saber si vivió, si está vivo, si volvió a su casa.
- Just tell me if he's alive.
¡ Decidme si está vivo! Es lo único que importa.
But just tell me if he's alive.
Pero, tened la piedad de decirme, si él aún sigue con vida.
He's alive and you ask if I'm happy?
¿ Está vivo y me preguntáis si estoy contenta?
But if he's alive, why hasn't he written to you?
¿ Por qué, entonces, no hay ninguna noticia de él?
If he's still alive in the morning... pinch his cheeks a couple of times before you take him out on the field.
Si mañana sigue vivo... pellízquenle las mejillas un par de veces.
If he's still alive when you get there, get on the boat with him.
Si todavía esta vivo cuando lleguen, vete en el bote con él.
What's done is done. But he's only 17. And I assure you that if he's alive, sooner or later he'll be my son again.
Pero tiene solo diecisiete, y si él está vivo, tarde o temprano, el será mi hijo otra vez.
And there's just a chance that your brother might be able to make it a little easier for us to lay our hands on him. If he's still alive.
Hay una posibilidad de que tu hermano pueda facilitar... que le pongamos las manos encima... si aún está vivo.
How can a man betray his wife when he doesn't even know if she's alive?
¿ Cómo se puede traicionar a la mujer si no se sabe si está viva o no?
If he's still alive when the tide turns, any fool who fishes him out can have him.
Si sigue con vida cuando baje la marea, el necio que lo salve podrá quedárselo.
If Fleming were alive today, he would be fighting to prove Vick's innocence.
Si Fleming estuviese vivo, lucharía para probar su inocencia.
If he's alive somewhere... I shall find him somehow.
Si está con vida, en algún lugar... lo encontraré de una manera u otra.

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