My things translate Spanish
15,228 parallel translation
Excuse me, Mama, I must collect my things.
Disculpa, madre, debo empacar.
Do I have all my things?
¿ Tengo todas mis cosas?
Do you want to take that one? - Don't touch my things!
¡ No toques mis cosas!
I'll send for my things later.
Enviaré por mis cosas después.
I need to take my things.
Tengo que llevar mis cosas.
I came to pick up my things in the morning, and the door was open.
Hoy vine a buscar mis cosas y la puerta estaba abierta.
My eyes have opened to many things.
Mis ojos se abrieron a muchas cosas.
My money paid for things, as much as yours.
Mi dinero pagó por las cosas, tanto como el tuyo.
The British administration may dictate many things in my country, but they will not dictate who I marry.
La administración británica puede dictar muchas cosas en mi país, Pero no dictan con quién me caso.
But my personal failure has only strengthened my resolve to make things right.
Pero mi falla personal... solo fortaleció mi determinación de enmendar las cosas.
I want to have my own room in my own house and my own things.
Quiero tener mi propio cuarto en mi casa, con mis cosas.
And not knowing my weight has been one of the healthiest things for me, um, because at a certain point in my life, I was obsessed with this number and it made me very sick and very unhappy.
Y no saber mi peso ha sido absolutamente sano para mí, porque, en cierto momento de mi vida, estuve obsesionada con ese número, y eso me enfermó y me hizo muy infeliz.
You guys know I can move things with my mind, right?
Ustedes saben que puedo mover cosas con la mente, ¿ no?
Huh. It doesn't change the fact that they never made it to the airport... or all the things I did to avoid processing my grief, but...
No cambia el hecho de que nunca llegaron al aeropuerto o de todo lo que hice para no procesar mi pena, pero...
My friend, now is not the time to talk about these things.
Amigo, no es el momento para hablar de esas cosas.
And you will do wondrous things, my little minnow.
Y harás cosa maravillosas, mi pequeño pececillo.
All my life, he's got me doing things that I didn't wanna do.
Toda mi vida me hizo hacer cosas que no quería hacer.
Do you think your father's doing unspeakable things to my mother?
¿ Cree que tu padre le esté haciendo cosas innombrables a mi madre?
Penny... as a scientist, my job is to figure out why things happen.
Penny... como científico, mi trabajo es averiguar por qué las cosas suceden.
Yeah, I had my head between those two things for like how long?
Sí, ¿ Cuanto tiempo tuve mi cabeza entre esas dos cosas?
I don't know, but as always, in matters like this, I'll take things into my own hands.
No lo sé, pero... como siempre, en asuntos como éste, voy a tomar las cosas en mis propias manos.
Start your own goddamn movement, which they have, but maybe make 1t a little more about legitimate issues like custody and alimony and things that you think are unequal, which all stem from patriarchy, not from, "oh, my god",
Que creen su maldito movimiento, lo cual hicieron, pero quizás, traten un poco más con problemas legítimos como custodia o pensión alimentaria y cosas de las que crean que no hay igualdad, las cuales todas nacen del patriarcado,
He's gonna whisper sweet nothings into my ear and seduce me, do unspeakable things to me that you can't even imagine.
Me susurrará cosas lindas al oído y me seducirá, me hará cosas que ni te imaginas.
But I definitely have to go and patch things up with my mom. She did not take the experiment well at all. Yeah.
Pero en definitiva hay algo por lo que el experimento no salió para nada bien.
And I swear these things before you. My Princess.
Y juro estas cosas ante ti... mi princesa.
Ice cream and pretzels, one of my mom's favorite things.
Helado y pretzels, le encantan.
My eyes see beyond the surface of so many things.
Mis ojos ven más allá de la superficie de muchas cosas.
I never seen so many tall things in my life.
Nunca había visto tantas cosas altas.
Hi. So many other things I could be doing in my senior year.
Podría estar haciendo tantas cosas en mi último año.
She had notions of how things were... her place in my life...
Ella tenía nociones de cómo eran las cosas. De su lugar en mi vida.
Do you think it's bad that I'm starting off my relationship with Riley - by hiding things from her?
¿ Crees que es malo que esté empezando una relación con Riley escondiéndole cosas?
And there's like four things in my inbox... that you're perfect for and I will submit you.
Y enviaré tus datos a cuatro audiciones... para las que serías perfecta.
But it is work, and my big brother does not like it when things don't come easy.
Pero es trabajo y a mi hermano mayor no le gustan las cosas que no son fáciles.
Get your things and get out from my house.
Toma tus cosas y vete de mi casa.
My phone's dead! Guy Lapointe : Children should not play with dead things.
Las niñas no deberían jugar con cosas muertas.
Can't go scrounging off my sister every time things get a bit tough.
No se puede pedir a mi hermana cada vez que las cosas se ponen un poco difíciles.
I see terrible things at the back of my eyelids when I... so I'm trying not to blink.
Algo terrible me sucede cuando los cierro. Estoy tratando de no parpadear.
Some of my tethers, they want me to do terrible things, but if you want to take a life to save your own, now your life is not worth saving.
Algunos de mis espíritus quieren que haga cosas horribles. ¿ Tomarías una vida para salvar la tuya? No, tu vida no merece ser salvada.
And if I have to drag Nelson Kinny through my life and never give him what he really wants... then maybe I can find a few things that make him happy.
Y si tengo que llevar a Nelson toda mi vida sin darle lo que quiere. Entonces, encontraré algunas cosas que le hagan feliz.
I feel like my life is slipping away and there's so many things I haven't done.
Siento que mi vida esta por tropezar. Y siento que hay muchas cosas que aún no he hecho.
I would say a little nervous'cause it's a new thing for me, doing my own things on my own.
Diría que algo nervioso porque es algo nuevo para mí... hacer mis cosas yo sólo.
I've been scared my whole life of growing up because you might lose some of the old things you treasured, like all my fun films, but I never did.
Toda mi vida he tenido miedo de crecer... porque quizá puedas perder algunas de las viejas cosas que valorabas... como todas mis películas divertidas... pero no lo hice.
My condolences, Mr. Taylor, and my apologies, but there are certain things only you can clarify for us.
Mis condolencias, Sr. Taylor, y mis disculpas pero hay cosas que solo usted puede aclarar.
These are the things in my Jeep
♪ Esas son las cosas que hay en mi Jeep ♪
I didn't really relate to that song because, you know, I had different things in my Jeep than he had in his Jeep.
No me identifiqué con esa canción porque tenía cosas distintas en mi Jeep que las que él tenía en el suyo.
O Thou that judgest all things, stay my thoughts.
Juez de todas las cosas, detén mis pensamientos.
Keeper, I have done these things, But now give evidence against my soul, for Edward's sake
Guardián, por servir a Eduardo... hice esas cosas que ahora me remuerden.
It is, my liege, and all things are in readiness.
Sí, majestad. Todo está listo.
Let me get your things, put'em in my truck.
Déjenme ir por sus cosas, ponerlas en mi camión.
You underestimate my ability to break things.
Subestimas mi capacidad de romper cosas.
Because they did bad things to my mom.
Porque le hicieron cosas malas a mi mamá.
things 422
things happen 87
things will get better 22
things change 215
things fall apart 17
things will change 18
things have changed 201
things could be worse 16
things are different 35
things like 24
things happen 87
things will get better 22
things change 215
things fall apart 17
things will change 18
things have changed 201
things could be worse 16
things are different 35
things like 24
things to do 42
things are looking up 44
things are going well 18
things are changing 33
things are great 27
things are different now 78
things would be different 16
things like this 16
things are good 60
things got out of hand 38
things are looking up 44
things are going well 18
things are changing 33
things are great 27
things are different now 78
things would be different 16
things like this 16
things are good 60
things got out of hand 38