Things are great translate Spanish
506 parallel translation
Things are great at the store.
La tienda va viento en popa.
What are you doing? Oh things are great.
De mil maravillas.
Those things are great hill climbers.
Son buenas para subir colinas.
Things are great, yeah.
De maravilla.
Things are great.
Las cosas están bien.
On schedule as usual. Machines are great things.
A la hora prevista, como de costumbre.
Miss March, it would give me great pleasure if I could show you some of these things while you are here.
Señorita March, sería un gran placer si pudiera mostrarle algunas de esas cosas, mientras esté aquí.
How can we do that when your science and inventions... are perpetually changing life for us... when you're everlastingly contriving strange things... when you make what we think great seem small... when you make what we think strong seem feeble?
¿ Cómo podemos hacerlo si tu ciencia y tus inventos nos cambian la vida? Cuando continuamente estás inventando cosas extrañas y haces que lo que es grande nos parezca pequeño. Cuando haces que lo que creemos fuerte sea débil.
That shows that there are great many things going on that you know nothing about, Briggs.
Hay cosas que no sabes.
" There are so many great and beautiful things...
" Y hay temas tan fascinantes y hermosos...
You will learn one day, great king... that there are about three things that men respect :
Un día aprenderéis que el hombre sólo respeta tres cosas :
- There are things I cannot explain, but in my rightful place I have power, great power.
Hay cosas que no puedo explicar, ¡ pero soy poderoso!
Cheela, we are in the road to great things.
Cheela, haremos grandes progresos.
To be... to be glad you're alive... to be grateful because people are kind to you... to be able to see some of nature's great wonders... the budding of the flowers in spring... the changing of leaves in the autumn... to be able to appreciate beautiful music... to be conscious of the beauty of tasting and feeling... and hearing only the things that are good for you.
Agradecer el bien que nos hacen los demás. Poder contemplar las maravillas de la naturaleza. Los árboles en flor en primavera.
There are a great many things I don't know.
Hay muchas cosas que no sé.
- There are a great many things- -
- Sr. Larkin, hay muchísimas cosas...
There are a great many things that you don't know about me.
Hay muchísimas cosas que usted no sabe de mí.
And there are a great many things you don't know about me.
¿ Y sabe? , hay muchísimas cosas que usted no sabe de mí, Srta. Fisher.
Joe, ¿ qué tal van las cosas por el mundo exterior?
And I know that you are going to do great things with the paper.
Y sé que harás grandes cosas por el periódico.
Things that are too great don't allow for consideration.
Las cosas que son demasiado grandes no admiten ponderación.
The great things by which we really live... are not proven by logic... but by life.
Las grandes cosas por las que realmente vivimos... no se pueden probar por la lógica... sino por la vida.
Make us ever mindful that we are the heirs of a great heritage... and the trustees of priceless things... lest we forget the price that was paid for them... or the cost that mayyet have to be met to keep them.
No permitas que olvidemos que somos herederos de un gran legado... y los depositarios y guardianes de cosas invalorables. No permitas que olvidemos cuánto costaron esas cosas... y cuánto nos puede costar conservarlas.
Look, darling... I'm quite prepared to admit that I've made mistakes... and that there are a great many things that are the matter with me.
Escucha... estoy dispuesto a admitir que cometí errores... y que tengo muchos defectos.
If you were in a calmer state it might work, but, as things are, the risk is too great.
Si estuvieses más calmada, quizás podría intentarlo, pero en tu estado el riesgo es enorme.
- I know this will come as a great shock to you, Teddy... but there are other things in life than horse-racing.
- Esto te sorprenderá mucho... pero hay otras cosas además de los caballos.
Adam's ribs with Hachinaya to Hapoleona. All great things are based on trust, without success.
Después de Adan y su costilla, Napoleón esperaba a Grouchy los temores estaban basados en la confianza.
I know this must be a great shock to you but there are things we need to know.
Sé esto debe ser un gran choque. Pero hay cosas que tenemos que saber.
The king is a great one, but things are as they lay.
El Rey es un gran rey pero las cosas son como son.
And in such cases, men's natures wrangle with inferior things though great ones are their object.
En casos tales, la naturaleza humana se fija en pequeñeces, aunque le preocupen razones mayores.
It must be great being in on things like you are.
Debe ser estupendo saber todo lo que sabes.
There are great things in the making.
Se preparan grandes cosas.
Things like that are great and divine...
Estas cosas son grandes y divinas.
Business-wise, things are going great for me in there.
En cuanto a negocios, las cosas me van bien.
Now, don't worry about the accounts at the office because things are going great.
Oye, no te preocupes por las cuentas de la empresa porque las cosas van bien.
I mean, really tremendous, the great things that are being accomplished.
Quiero decir, realmente es algo tremendo, las grandes cosas que se están cumpliendo.
In the modern britain, united under a great leader It's the housewives of britain who are getting things moving.
En la primera fila del país, unidas por un gran dirigente... están las amas de casa británicas.
My friends, we are fortunate to witness great things.
Amigos, somos afortunados al presenciar grandes cosas.
- Through Hebediah, his servant there shall in that time be rumours of things going astray and there shall be a great confusion as to where things really are.
- A través de Hebediah... ... habrá rumores de cosas que se desvían... ... y habrá confusión respecto de dónde están las cosas.
Things are gonna be great, you know?
Sera genial.
I'm proud of you. - Things are gonna be great, huh? - Adrian and Rocky, congratulations!
Estoy orgulloso enhorabuena
There is no punishment great enough for the enormity of the crime and if it remain unpunished, the most sacred things are no longer secure.
No hay tortura suficientemente grande para el tamaño de este crimen, y, si queda sin castigo, las cosas más sagradas no tienen seguridad.
Great things are afoot.
Grandes cosas nos esperan.
Great things are happening.
Hay grandes cosas en marcha.
Even when things are going great, we're still just barely getting by.
Incluso cuando las cosas van bien, apenas sobrevivimos.
We must fill the eyes and ears of all of us with things that are the beginning of a great dream
Debemos llenarnos, ojos y oídos... con cosas que son el principio de un gran sueño.
You will find that it is you who are mistaken... about a great many things.
Descubrirás que tú estás equivocado sobre muchas cosas.
A great many things that are still quite οbscure.
Hay muchos aspectos oscuros.
I'm only a girl. A simple American girl. And of course I haven't seen much and there's a great deal of life I don't know anything about, but there are some things that I feel.
Sólo soy una chica, una simple chica americana, que no he visto mucho y hay mucha vida de la que no sé nada.
My great granddaddy always used to say, there are two things you never sell to a friend - a car and a slave.
Mi bisabuelo decia que hay 2 cosas que no le vendes a un amigo : Un coche y un esclavo.
- I see great things for you. I think your troubles are over.
Para vosotros se acabaron los problemas.
things are different 35
things are looking up 44
things are going well 18
things are changing 33
things are different now 78
things are good 60
things are bad 21
things are going to change 16
things are fine 21
things are 35
things are looking up 44
things are going well 18
things are changing 33
things are different now 78
things are good 60
things are bad 21
things are going to change 16
things are fine 21
things are 35
great 25235
great minds think alike 42
great job 528
great stuff 65
great to see you again 26
great to meet you 111
great scott 63
great to see you 248
great work 234
great shot 34
great minds think alike 42
great job 528
great stuff 65
great to see you again 26
great to meet you 111
great scott 63
great to see you 248
great work 234
great shot 34
great news 351
great idea 483
great party 136
great meeting you 24
great song 31
great minds 35
great guy 76
great seeing you 38
great place 25
great day 31
great idea 483
great party 136
great meeting you 24
great song 31
great minds 35
great guy 76
great seeing you 38
great place 25
great day 31
great game 51
great man 24
great job today 19
great show 88
great speech 37
great khan 37
great king 30
great talk 24
great plan 56
great question 40
great man 24
great job today 19
great show 88
great speech 37
great khan 37
great king 30
great talk 24
great plan 56
great question 40