This time around translate Spanish
1,474 parallel translation
I haven't played that way this time around at all.
No he jugado de esa forma esta vez, en lo absoluto.
strictly business, and I have to play the game differently this time around, because the first time around, I lost.
estrictamente por el dinero, y tengo que jugar el juego de forma diferente esta vez, porque la primera vez perdi.
It seems to be tough for her this time around.
- Ha sido más difícil esta vez, ¿ no?
Um, I came into the game saying that I knew it was going to be harder, because this time around, I was going to be playing with people that I knew, instead of just strangers.
desatenlo y traiganlo de vuelta al centro. a lo largo del camino, se van a encontrar varios obstaculos bloqueando su trayectoria. y van a ver el mismo obstaculo mas de una vez.
And, this time around, I know what I'm fighting for.
Esta vez sé para qué estoy luchando.
He will not forget even this time around.
No lo olvides
Coffee almost got me killed this time around.
El café casi me mató esta vez.
Make no mistake this time around.
Y esta vez no cometas ningún error
Clear all the fog this time around.
Despeja toda la niebla esta vez
I feel like I let her down this time around... but if she needs any help, the card will tell her how to get to me.
Lamento no haberle sido de mucha utilidad esta vez pero si me necesita, mi tarjeta le dirá dónde encontrarme.
I know the stakes around here are always high, but there were serious casualties this time.
Sé que lo que está en juego aquí es siempre mucho... pero hubo una serie de bajas en esta ocasión.
Come on, guys, I mean, this city's been around for a long time.
Vamos chicos en serio, esta ciudad lleva mucho tiempo por aquí.
But just remember, this time Mom won't be around to hear you scream.
Solo recuerda, esta vez mamá no está en casa para oír tus gritos.
It happens all the time around here... but this time, it really looks like it could've been avoided.
Esto es cotidiano aquí, pero esta vez, podría haberse evitado.
This individual suffered a blunt injury to the head around the time of the Norman conquest.
Este individuo sufrió un golpe violento en la cabeza en la época de la conquista normanda.
You're not getting away this time. We don't have time to fool around.
No hay tiempo para tonterías.
I think what was happening around the time when we were filming this, we were still working out the ending, and at that time we always felt that Wallace was gonna have to go back into the Mind-O-Matic with Hutch to reverse the experiment.
Lo que ocurría era que mientras estábamos rodando esto, todavía seguíamos dándole vueltas al final, y por aquel entonces pensábamos que Wallace tendría que regresar al Manipula-mente Mâtico con Oorralito para revertir el proceso.
This time, look around and consider your options.
Esta vez, mira a tu alrededor y considera tus opciones.
And Dylan was very scared for the first time around this routine went.
Y durante los primeros momentos, Dylan se asustó mucho.
Sometime around that period of time I was painting in Berkeley... and the phone rang, and I think this was 1964.
En esa época yo estaba pintando en Berkeley y sonó el teléfono, creo que era 1964.
When I was little my mama used to bring me out here at around this time.
Cuando era pequeña mi mamá solía traerme aquí a esta hora.
There's a lot of resentment in this country towards the Middle East... a lot of stereotypes floating around, which I don't really think are true... because in the short time I've known you, you haven't tried to bomb anybody... and you currently smell okay to me.
Hay mucho resentimiento en este país contra el medio Oriente hay un montón de estereotipos, que no creo que sean verdad por que en el poco tiempo que te conozco, no has tratado de explotar a nadie y para mi hueles bien.
And honestly, if you spent as much time selling as you do goofing around with Dwight and hanging out at reception, we wouldn't be having this conversation.
Me refiero a que si puedes poner tu nombre a este día y estar orgulloso de la cantidad de trabajo realizado, Entonces ya puedes irte a casa.
The bottom line is, we're around each other and this thing grabs hold of us again in the wrong place, in the wrong time, and we're dead.
El caso es... que si estamos juntos... y esto nos atrapa de nuevo... en el lugar equivocado... en el momento equivocado... estamos muertos.
This had landed me a couple of early jobs at places like 2000 AD and the British Doctor Who monthly and weekly that were published around that time.
Esto me dio algunos de mis primeros trabajos en lugares como 2000 AD y el Doctor Who británico mensual y semanal, que se publicaban por aquél entonces.
As I understand the theory of period information doubling, this states that if we take one period of human information as being the time between the invention of the first hand axe, say around 50,000 BC and 1 AD,
Tal como yo entiendo la teoría de duplicación periódica de la información, esta indica que si tomamos un período de la información humana, como podría ser el momento en que se inventó la primer hacha de mano, digamos que entre el 50,000 A.C. y el 1 D.C.
Don't bust my balls, it's hanging around my neck. I'm not going to lose it this time.
Y no me hinchés las pelotas me la colgué del cuello, no la voy a perder esta vez.
This is around the time...
Eso fue en la época en que...
You gonna stick around a little while this time?
¿ Te vas a quedar un tiempo esta vez?
I'm sorry i thought you were 86 from the bean curd shop it looks like... trash little friend don't be running around in the mountain at this time go back to your bed
disculpa, pensé que era el 86 de la tienda de tofu esto luce mas, como basura amiguito no corras en la montaña a estas horas vuelve a tu camita
Get out of there and no fucking around this time.
Vete de ahí, y no lo arruines esta vez.
This time he'll turn around for sure, and also admire his new girlfriend
Esta vez él de seguro girara, y además mirara a su nueva novia.
Everyone is reading it, two or three guys at a time, sitting around on a bed, around guys'beds and stuff like that, checking out this paper.
Todo el mundo lo leía, dos o tres tipos a la vez, sentados alrededor de una cama, leyendo esta publicación.
This time no messing around, okay? We get in, we find him, we get out.
vamos directo al grano.
You know, my buddy and I have been messing around for quite a while, and this whole time I kept telling myself that it didn't really mean anything, you know?
Usted sabe, mi amigo y yo, llevamos divirtiéndonos por bastante tiempo, y todo este tiempo, me decía a mí mismo que realmente no significaba nada, ¿ sabe?
I can't believe you've been carrying this around by yourself all this whole time.
No puedo creer que hayas pasado tú sólo por eso.
I don't know how to break this to you, but I have a job. I don't have time to sit around making phone calls all day.
No quiero desilusionarte pero tengo un trabajo no tengo tiempo para estar haciendo llamadas todo el día
Hannah, you've been carrying this around for a long time.
Hannah, has estado cargando con todo esto demasiado tiempo.
As long as you don't jerk me around with any more lies this time.
Mientras no me engañe con más mentiras esta vez. ¿ Alguna vez te mentí?
Well, who knows, maybe this time you'll be able to stick around for a while.
Bueno, quién sabe, tal vez esta vez puedas quedarte por un tiempo.
Many of our children, they send us photographs around this time of year to keep in touch.
Muchos de nuestros chicos nos envían fotos... en esta época del año para mantenerse en contacto.
- Mm-hmm. Coroner put time of death around 8 : 00 this morning.
El forense estima la hora de la muerte cerca de las 8 : 00 de esta mañana.
This place is usually packed around this time of day.
Este lugar suele estar lleno de gente a esta hora.
Come up here hunting around this time of year.
Viene a cazar por aquí en esta época del año.
He's walked every time. I started poking my nose around a little. People are telling me he's gonna skate on this one.
Con todo lo que pasó acabaste al cargo de casi todas las responsabilidades en lo que respecta a los niños.
Good. OK, there are 90 flats in each tower and we're assuming at this time of night there is around 200 people in each of them.
Vale, hay 90 apartamentos en cada edificio y calculamos que a esta hora de la noche, habrá unas 200 personas en cada uno.
One time this girl whipped her head around to look at me,'cause I'm hot, and her neck just snapped.
Una vez una chica movio su cabeza para mirarme, por que soy lindo, y su cuello solo chasqueo.
It's always like that around this time. Absolutely.
Siempre es así cuando llega este momento.
Ê! This boy's more like a frog... jumpin'around all the time.
Oye, niño, pareces un sapito.
"The time temperature curves for this standard require the samples to be exposed to temperatures around 2000F for several hours." "And as we all agree, the steel applied met those specifications."
Las normas para este certificado requieren que las muestras se expongan a 1100ºC durante varias horas y como todos acordamos, ese acero cumplía dichas especificaciones. "
Where are they off loafing around this time?
¿ Dónde demonios andarán esos dos?
this time 1599
this time tomorrow 41
this time next year 20
this time of year 37
this time of night 20
this time it's different 20
around 956
around the world 31
around the corner 75
around noon 17
this time tomorrow 41
this time next year 20
this time of year 37
this time of night 20
this time it's different 20
around 956
around the world 31
around the corner 75
around noon 17
around me 18
around midnight 41
around here 182
around money 20
this is 5015
this way 5411
this is my bedroom 18
this is your captain speaking 58
this is it 3373
this is important 545
around midnight 41
around here 182
around money 20
this is 5015
this way 5411
this is my bedroom 18
this is your captain speaking 58
this is it 3373
this is important 545
this is bullshit 584
this is bad 606
this is awesome 376
this is different 405
this is me 479
this is weird 356
this one 1756
this isn't you 235
this is crazy 1291
this is fun 448
this is bad 606
this is awesome 376
this is different 405
this is me 479
this is weird 356
this one 1756
this isn't you 235
this is crazy 1291
this is fun 448
this is a 428
this is ridiculous 1419
this is the guy 68
this isn't right 330
this is for you 917
this is not good 352
this is a bad idea 175
this is amazing 700
this morning 1627
this isn't going to work 72
this is ridiculous 1419
this is the guy 68
this isn't right 330
this is for you 917
this is not good 352
this is a bad idea 175
this is amazing 700
this morning 1627
this isn't going to work 72