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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ W ] / We already did

We already did translate Spanish

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We already did everything we could possibly imagine... to please the Holy See regarding the fugitives, but it doesn't seem to have been enough.
Nosotros que hacemos, lo posible y lo imaginable Para cumplir con la Santa Sede En cuanto a la cuestión de los fugitivos. Pero parece que esto todavía no es lo suficiente.
We already did 18.
- Ya dijiste dieciocho.
- I think we already did that.
- Eso ya sucedió.
We already did.
- Ya las tuvimos.
- We already did the arteriogram.
- Ya le hemos hecho el examen.
- We already did.
- Está avisada, señora.
- We already did.
- Ya estamos.
We already did!
¡ Ya te ayudamos!
We already did.
Ya lo hicimos.
Apparently we already did that.
Al parecer ya nos jodimos.
But we already did it.
Pero ya la hicimos.
We already did.
Ya lo hemos visto.
We already did.
Ya lo hemos hecho.
Unless we already did.
A menos que ya Io hayamos hecho.
Guys, we already did.
Chicas, ya lo hicimos.
You mean I'd have to fight you again? But we already did that.
Quiere que volvamos a pelear pero si ya lo hicimos
- We already did.
Pero ya lo hicimos.
- We already did.
Ya lo hicimos.
When I'm gone, you must see to the harvest we almost did it already, the clerk will tell you how much.
Cuando me vaya, debes ocuparte de la cosecha. Ya debemos la mayoría de ella. El administrativo te dirá cuánto.
So did I. When I woke up, we were already at Seta.
Cuando me desperté ya estábamos en Seta.
I've done too much of that already. What we did to Johnny, we did together.
Lo que le hicimos a Johnny, lo hicimos juntos.
We already took up a collection, we did.
Hemos hecho una colecta.
- Did you tell him we already have?
- ¿ Le dijiste que ya habíamos comido?
- We tell him you already did.
- Le decimos que se la puso.
Why don't you turn off the Kravitzs'door until we check it for shorts. - I already did.
Desconecta la de los Kravitz para ver si hay alguna avería.
Moscow radio's already saying we did it.
Radio Moscú ya nos acusa de ello.
Our Agency did not have to be able to stop the sales of rubber tires, but we emit an order to the same one e we order an anonymous difundiz it, for all the cabinets of the Secretariat of Management of the Production, that they had to get rid itself of the paper, already it had much bureaucracy.
Nuestra agencia no tenía poder para detener la venta de neumáticos de caucho, pero emitió una orden a la misma enviar un anónimo y difundirla, para todas las oficinas el Departamento de Gestión de la Producción, tuvieron que deshacerse del papel, había un montón de burocracia.
If we did not have care, passed one week already we smelled badly.
Si no le importaba, más allá de cheirávamos apenas una semana.
We already know that. What did they say?
Eso ya lo sabemos, que cosa dijeron?
- Did not we already pay?
- ¿ No los pagamos ya?
We already know who did this.
Nosotros ya sabemos quien lo hizo.
- We did John already.
- Ya hemos dado a Juan.
No, we did that already. That's yesterday's news.
No, eso ya lo hicimos, es cosa del pasado.
- We already did.
- Estamos apuntadas.
- No, we did one of your things already.
- No, ya hemos hecho algo tuyo.
You already did. - We, uh, ran the test twice.
Hemos hecho los análisis dos veces.
Before we did Sergeant Pepper, we were given a license to kill, so to speak... because we were already successful.
Cuando hicimos Sargento Pepper, podíamos hacer lo que queríamos... porque teníamos éxito.
But we knew each other already and I did not say goodbye.
Pero ya nos conocemos y no lo he abandonado.
Did not we do this already?
¿ No hicimos esto ya?
They did what we did many times. At night they stole up to the ambush... where the Fifth Brigade had already been slaughtered.
Por la noche robaron en la emboscada donde la Quinta brigada ya había sido masacrada.
I already did before we went out.
Ya he cerrado antes.
We did it with Stolz. The preparation already included...
Lo hicimos con Stolz y la preparación ya tenía integrado...
For instance, we much later started doing filming with candlelight, for instance, or a match and he already did it in The Grapes of Wrath
Por ejemplo, nosotros comenzamos mucho más tarde a usar luz de vela, y él ya lo hacía en The Grapes of Wrath.
- We already know that. He did it.
Eso ya lo sabía, lo ordeno él.
- We already knew. - How did you...
- ¿ Cómo...?
We would've already had this, kind of, awkward kind of, yikes-what-did-we-do conversation.
Entonces ya habríamos tenido esta conversación un tanto incómoda, un tanto "¿ qué hicimos?".
Because we did that already to come here, so...
Pedimos prestado para venir aquí.
We did this already.
Ya lo hicimos.
- We did our prayers. 'Cause we were already on our knees. Okay.
Rezamos, porque ya estábamos de rodillas.
The first thing we're gonna do is... Buffy? - Did I fall asleep already?
Lo primero que vamos a hacer... ¿ Buffy?
Teal'c? Did we score already?
Teal'c, ¿ tuvimos éxito tan pronto?

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