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Wouldn't you say translate Spanish

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Obviously the mill's non-operational until the police say otherwise, but if you wouldn't mind staying here until they have all they need.
Obviamente, el molino no está en servicio hasta que la policía lo diga, pero si no les importa quedarse aquí hasta que tengan todo lo que necesitan.
- Wouldn't you say so, Sergeant Gabriel?
- ¿ No diría eso, sargento Gabriel?
Eric, when they write your obituary why wouldn't you want them to say... amongst all the other good things... that you did this charitable thing for your entire community?
- Ya veo. Eric, cuando escriban tu obituario, ¿ por qué no querrías que dijeran que entre todas las demás obras buenas hiciste este acto caritativo por toda tu comunidad? ¿ Sabes?
You said you wouldn't say anything.
Habías dicho que mantendrías el secreto.
It wouldn't kill you to say something nice, you know.
Lo sé.
But it seems to me that a transaction Of such a magnitude Would be worthy of his presence, wouldn't you say?
Maidstone, pero me parece que una transacción de tal magnitud, sería digno de su presencia, ¿ no lo crees?
Why do announcers always say, "Put your hands together"? You'd just go like that, wouldn't you?
¿ Por que los locutores siempre dicen, "Junten las manos"?
We have measured the cost, wouldn't you say?
Hemos medido el costo, ¿ no crees?
This is convenient timing though, wouldn't you say?
Pero es un momento muy conveniente, ¿ no te parece?
What would you say to a doctor Who wouldn't even try to save him?
¿ Qué le diría a un doctor que ni siquiera intenta salvarlo?
Wouldn't you say, honey?
- ¿ No crees, cariño? - Sí
But even if I am what you say I am and I'm not saying I am wouldn't I have faced a situation like this before and handled it without killing anybody?
Pero si yo fuera el hombre que dice que soy y no digo que lo sea ¿ no habría ya enfrentado esta situación y manejado sin matar a nadie?
- Wouldn't you say?
¿ No le parece?
I'd say that's pretty relevant, wouldn't you?
Creo que eso es muy relevante. ¿ No crees?
If they saw you they wouldn't say he tackled a girl.
Luces como un estúpido yendo por las mujeres. Bien, si hombre lo viera por televisión no dirían : " ¡ Oh, él golpeo a una mujer!
Yeah, well, you wouldn't say that if you were a cop.
Sí, no dirías lo mismo si fueras un policía.
So the cops say you wouldn't talk to them.
Los policias dicen que no has querido hablar con ellos.
- Wouldn't you say that? Bubbly. - Larry : yeah, i think so.
Nunca estuve tan cansada.
If you knew everything about me, I mean everything, you wouldn't say that. You wouldn't even want me as a sister.
Si supieras todo sobre mí, me refiero a todo, no dirías eso.
You might say you wouldn't like him when he's angry.
Vamos, que no te gustaría verle enfadado.
Give me a call and say, "you wouldn't believe it. This kid's amazing."
Llama y dime : "Oye, no lo creerías, esta criatura es increíble".
No, I'm not. Because if a man was wearing this, you wouldn't go out and say anything to him.
Si un hombre usara esto no le dirías nada.
- Oh. I'm thinking that counts as a visit though, wouldn't you say?
- ¿ Esto cuenta como visita, no?
- I wouldn't say that - They're biding their time You must repudiate Agger's accusations
Es importante que niegues las alegaciones de Agger.
I wouldn't say the same for you.
Y no diría lo mismo de usted.
I wouldn't hang it all on the chemicals, but let's just say you haven't exactly been yourselves lately.
No todo es culpa de los productos químicos, pero digamos que no eran exactamente ustedes ultimamente.
That's pretty good for an old soviet lit professor Who came to this country with his hat in his hand. Wouldn't you say, ray?
Es muy bueno para un profesor de literatura soviético que llegó a este país con una mano sobre la otra... ¿ Quién lo diría, Ray?
Thout that if you guys got back together, that I wouldn't have to say anything because the point would be mute!
¡ Pensé que si volvían a estar juntos, no tendría que decir nada porque el asunto sería "no importante."
You know, I wouldn't say you lied to your parents.
Sabes, yo no diría que mentistes a sus padres.
Even if I had anything to say, it certainly wouldn't be to you.
Y si tuviera algo que decir, no me dirigiría a ti.
If you had seen them you wouldn't say that.
Si los hubieras visto, no dirías eso.
You wouldn't say that if we'd stopped the tanker.
No dirías eso si hubiésemos detenido el camión cisterna.
You spent the night in my bed. There was cuddling, and then you snuck out so you wouldn't have to face me. Which I must say is a total lame-guy move that I did not appreciate.
Pasaste la noche en mi cama, hubo abrazos y luego te escapaste antes del amanecer así no tendrías que verme que tengo que decir es algo patético que hacen los hombres y no me gustó.
Wouldn't you like to say something?
¿ No te gustaría decir algo?
You just say you don't know, Or you wouldn't want to speculate.
Simplemente diga no sé o que no quisiera especular.
For death by sniper, wouldn't you say?
Para matar por un francotirador, ¿ No crees?
- That's a classic, wouldn't you say?
- Ese es un clásico, ¿ no crees?
Hammond, I want to say something to you that I wouldn't say at any other time.
Hammond, quiero decirte algo que no te diría en cualquier otro momento
I wouldn't say that just yet... if I were you.
Yo no diría eso ahora mismo... si fuera tú.
Regardless, if I didn't say it, you wouldn't know.
De todos modos, si no lo hubiese dicho, usted no lo hubiera sabido.
Wouldn't you say?
¿ No te parece?
Listen, you, you wouldn't even be able to say soufflé if I hadn't put that smart screw in your head.
Oye, tú, no serías capaz ni de decir soufflé Si no te hubiese puesto el tornillo De la inteligencia en la cabeza.
All the more reason to push forward, wouldn't you say?
Demas razón para continuar adelante., ¿ no te parece?
I'm all heart, wouldn't you say?
Soy todo corazón, ¿ o no?
You wouldn't say that if you had one.
No lo dirías si comieras uno.
Say, you wouldn't happen to be free to bang a few with him around 3 : 15, would you?
Dime, ¿ estarás libre para jugar con él alrededor de las 3 : 15?
Of course, he's a little darker than you are, wouldn't you say?
Por supuesto, era un poco más oscuro que tú, ¿ no te parece?
It's an unusual degree of comprehensive self-labelling, wouldn't you say?
Es un grado inusual de autodenominación integral, ¿ no lo cree?
Well, you would say that, wouldn't you? Yeah, and I'd also say it if it was true.
si, y también decirlo si fuera verdad
A doctor that knows everything, a doctor that can do anything, a doctor that makes no mistakes? You'd say I was crazy. You'd say I was a raving lunatic, wouldn't you?
Un doctor que sabe de todo, un doctor que puede hacer todo, un doctor que no comete errores, dirían que estaba loco, dirían que estaba loco como una cabra, ¿ verdad?
Why... Why wouldn't you just say so?
¿ Por qué no lo dijiste?

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