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You must've missed me.
Deben de haberme pasado por alto.
Whenever you're with a girl, or woman or whatever, you must ask and be certain that she has agreed to whatever it is you are doing together.
Cuando estés con una chica o una mujer o lo que sea, tienes que preguntar y estar seguro de que está de acuerdo a lo que sea que estéis haciendo juntos.
You must understand Uhtred saved my life.
Debes entender que Uhtred me salvó la vida.
You must offer your sister.
Debe ofrecer a su hermana.
This is for Alfred, you must save your sword for Kjartan.
Esto es por Alfredo, debes reservar tu espada para Kjartan.
For Valhalla, you must give me my sword!
¡ Debes darme mi espada para entrar en el Valhalla!
You must be Gordy.
Debes ser Gordy.
But there are certain things you must get used to.
Deben acostumbrarse a ciertas cosas.
The point is, I can order you to participate, and you must obey.
La cuestión es que puedo ordenarles que participen, y ustedes deben obedecer.
You must have been terrified.
Debió darte mucho miedo.
Remember, you must use the exact same wording you use in an actual wedding.
Recuerde usar justo las mismas palabras que usa en una boda real.
- You must be the Baudelaires.
- Ustedes deben ser los Baudelaire.
Now you must be Violet, the inventor.
Tú debes ser Violet, la inventora.
And you must be Sunny.
Y tú debes ser Sunny.
Well, Stephano, you must join us.
Stephano, debe acompañarnos.
You must have oodles of questions after that movie.
Después de esa película, deben tener miles de preguntas.
Children, you must be very distraught about losing your uncle.
Deben sentirse desolados por la pérdida de su tío.
Well, you must have hit a nerve, or the White House wouldn't be going to all this trouble to remind people what a train wreck you are.
Bueno, debes haberles tocado la fibra sensible o la Casa Blanca no se tomaría tantas molestias en recordarle a la gente el despojo que eres.
- You must be new, I don't recognize those skins.
Deben ser nuevos. No reconozco esos cuerpos.
Oh, you must be the ones who put Savanah up to this horse nonsense.
Deben ser los que metieron a Savanah en esa tontería de caballos.
Well, if you must know,
Bueno, si quieres saberlo...
Oh, so you must not be high. Congratulations.
No debes estar colocada, felicidades.
You must be in a pretty sketchy part of town to be seeing one of those.
Debes estar en un barrio de mala muerte si estás viendo uno de esos.
You must have a hell of a wedge.
Debes tener pruebas firmes.
If you do not want the killer to escape, you must allow me to pursue it.
Si no quiere que el asesino escape, me debe dejar que lo siga.
Don Hector, you must understand that I answer to Juan Bolsa.
Don Hector, debe entender que yo respondo ante Juan Bolsa.
You must maintain lawful employment.
Debe mantener un empleo legal.
- Please let me in! So now the question you must ask yourselves is this...
Entonces, ahora la pregunta que se deben hacer es esta :
You must be kidding me.
Me estás tomando el pelo.
You must listen.
Tienes que escucharme.
In Werdohl, you know how you must live when you are born.
En Werdohl, sabes cómo has de vivir al nacer.
Born to a shoemaker, you must make shoes.
Si tu padre es zapatero, harás zapatos.
Born a girl, you must be a mother.
Si naces chica, serás madre.
You must rest.
Debe descansar.
I can't imagine what you must be going through.
No puedo ni imaginar lo que debes estar atravesando.
You must have made a mistake.
Has debido cometer un error.
Must've been someone you invited.
Tiene que haber sido alguno de los invitados.
You are a Saxon who is also a Dane, the very embodiment of the England that must emerge.
Eres un sajón que también es danés, la encarnación de la Inglaterra que debe emerger.
I must say, you show genuine compassion for these children.
Debo decir que muestra genuina compasión por estos niños.
I appreciate you have many questions, but I must act quickly to track this demon.
Aprecio que tenga muchas preguntas, pero debo actuar rápido para seguir a este demonio.
And I must inform you, Mr. McGill, as an officer of the court and member of the bar, your confession will be referred to the New Mexico Bar Association.
Y debo informarle, Sr. McGill, que como oficial del juzgado y miembro del Colegio, su confesión se remitirá al Colegio de Abogados de Nuevo México.
Like, the recorder, it must've hurt like hell for you to touch that.
Como la grabadora, debió dolerte la hostia tener que tocarla.
I don't know what you do, but... Mr. Fring must think you're quite good at it.
No sé qué hace usted, pero el señor Fring debe pensar que es muy bueno.
Using a telephone must have been difficult for you.
Utilizar un teléfono debió resultarle muy complicado.
You must listen.
Debes escucharme.
Well, when I see how casually you're attired, I guess my enthusiasm for our little table read must have run away with me.
Ahora que veo lo informal que vas vestida creo que mi entusiasmo por nuestra pequeña lectura debe de haberse esfumado.
God, I must have been such a fool, thinking that you were paying me this great tribute by promising me top billing.
Dios, he debido ser una estúpida pensando que me ofrecías un gran homenaje al prometerme encabezar el reparto.
Whatever's on this must be pretty important for you to risk another lifetime in that hole in the ground.
Lo que haya aquí debe ser muy importante como para que te arriesgues a pasar el resto de tu vida en ese agujero.
You all must be very confused.
Deben estar muy confundidos.
To those who stood with me, I ask you to accept that... we must now all work together.
A los que me apoyaron, os pido que aceptéis esto... ahora debemos trabajar todos juntos.
So, if Ms. Carlson didn't make the payments, then it must've been you.
Entonces, si la Srta. Carlson no hizo esos pagos, debe haber sido usted.
you must be tired 132
you mustn't worry 18
you mustn't 153
you must be careful 40
you must be joking 157
you must be busy 17
you must have 63
you must be proud 26
you must understand 119
you must be kidding 67
you mustn't worry 18
you mustn't 153
you must be careful 40
you must be joking 157
you must be busy 17
you must have 63
you must be proud 26
you must understand 119
you must be kidding 67