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29,567 parallel translation
You must be so tired after your long day of cleaning up after no one.
Debes de estar cansada después de un día largo de limpieza despues de nadie.
You must be Hannah.
Tú debes de ser Hannah.
You must be so excited your big brother's finally getting married.
Debes estar muy emocionada de que tu hermano mayor por fin se case.
Now I know how upset you must be.
Sé lo molesta que debes estar.
You must be insane.
Tienes que estar loco.
Three Strips, you must be in charge.
Tres franjas, tú deberías estar a cargo.
You must be happy to not see me any more.
Usted debe ser feliz de no verme nunca más.
Wow, you must be okay because you're now talking about alcohol.
Wow, debe estar bien, porque ahora estás hablando de alcohol.
My goodness, you must be worried.
Mi calidad, debe estar preocupado.
You must be thinking about Yun Gi.
Usted debe estar pensando en Yun Gi.
You must be exhausted.
Debes de estar exhausto.
In future..... you must be accompanied by your mother or me.
En el futuro... debe estar acompañada por su madre o por mí.
The Queen will falter, and when she does, you must be on hand to guide her and show the country that even if the daughter is foolish, the mother is not.
La reina titubeará y cuando lo haga, debe estar a mano para guiarla y mostrarle el país que incluso si la hija es tonta, la madre no lo es.
To be a queen, you must be more than a little girl with a crown.
Para ser una reina, debe ser más que una chiquilla con una corona.
You must be agile.
Debes ser ágil.
You must be Greg!
¡ Debes ser Greg!
You must be Cher.
Tú debes ser Cher.
You must be the Mr. Wormwood I've heard so much about.
Tú debes ser el Sr. Wormwood del que tanto he oído hablar.
You must be amazing at your job.
Debe ser increíble en su trabajo.
You must be Mrs. St. Patrick.
Usted debe ser la Sra. St. Patrick.
You must be Raina.
Tú debes ser Raina.
Oh, you must be psychic.
Debes ser médium.
You must be Joseph.
Tú debes de ser Joseph.
Mr. Zamani, you produce and distribute this music. You must be severely sanctioned, to set an example for others.
Sr. Zamani, en su calidad de productor y distribuidor de esta música... debe ser severamente condenado y que eso sirva de ejemplo.
Hey, you must be Erin.
Hey, debe ser Erin.
You must be sampling your own product if you think that we're gonna tell you anything.
Usted debe estar muestreando su propio producto si usted piensa que vamos a decirle nada.
Well, you must be some kind of sensation.
Debe ser una sensación. ¿ Qué haces?
That's great, you must be thrilled.
Eso es estupendo, debes estar emocionada.
Then you people must be allies with the thieves-amasu!
¡ ¿ No será que ustedes también son aliados de esos tipos-amasu?
They say, "You're a fool for seeing a married man. He must be some kind of sleaze."
Me dicen, " Estás loca por estar saliendo con un hombre casado.
Well, if Marlowe doesn't know, then... whoever gave you that information must be mistaken.
Bueno, si Marlowe no sabe, entonces... el que te dio esa información debe estar confundido.
I know this must be confusing, but we need to sit down with you and explain why this has happened.
Sé que esto debe ser confuso, pero hay que sentarse con usted y explicar qué ha sucedido esto.
Anyway, if you don't think lightning can do that, it must not be true.
De todos modos, si crees que un rayo no puede hacer eso es que no es verdad.
That must be hard, though, you know, working together.
Debe ser difícil, ya sabes, trabajar juntas.
Oh, this must be huge for you.
Oh, esto tiene que ser enorme para usted.
- No, there must be something you can do.
No, debe haber algo que puedas hacer.
But you guys must be fate.
Pero ustedes deben estar destinados.
This must be that time... when a joke gives you courage.
Este debe ser ese momento... cuando una broma te da coraje.
That must be why you're so beautiful.
Por eso has de ser tan bonita.
You don't have to. But there must be someone else who could.
No tienes que hacerlo tú, pero debe haber alguien más que pueda.
Why must you be so cruel to Chiu-ti?
¿ Por qué tienes que ser tan cruel con Chiu-ti?
Are you... Your poor feet must be killing you.
tu eres... tus pobres pies deben estar matándote.
It must be if you're having slumber parties.
Debe ser cierto si duerme aquí.
You guys must be doing something right.
Debéis estar haciendo algo bien, chicos.
My goodness, that must be quite a bit of pressure for you.
¡ Por Dios, que debe ser un poco de presión para usted.
Must be pretty bad, so you want to talk about it?
Debe ser bastante malo, por lo que desea hablar de ello?
You must be fire.
Por lo que está obligado a batirse en duelo.
These interlopers must be punished, starting with the man who murdered you and dared to go back on a deal with me.
Hay que castigar a esos intrusos, comenzando por el hombre... que te mató y se atrevió a no cumplir un trato conmigo.
If you want your feelings to be felt, you must use the felt.
Si desea que sus sentimientos sean sentidos, debe utilizar el fieltro.
Oh. You know what, the power cell must be spent.
Oh. ¿ Sabes qué, debe gastarse la célula de energía.
This must be so much of a shock to you.
Esto debe ser una sorpresa para ti.
you must be tired 132
you must be careful 40
you must be joking 157
you must be busy 17
you must be proud 26
you must be kidding 67
you must be hungry 125
you must be new here 18
you must be mad 34
you must be so proud 34
you must be careful 40
you must be joking 157
you must be busy 17
you must be proud 26
you must be kidding 67
you must be hungry 125
you must be new here 18
you must be mad 34
you must be so proud 34
you must be strong 30
you must be very proud 55
you must be very happy 17
you must be crazy 59
you must be mistaken 82
you must believe me 77
you must be exhausted 87
you must be happy 31
you must be mrs 28
you must be out of your mind 26
you must be very proud 55
you must be very happy 17
you must be crazy 59
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you must believe me 77
you must be exhausted 87
you must be happy 31
you must be mrs 28
you must be out of your mind 26
you must be thrilled 22
you must be patient 21
you must be mr 49
you must be thirsty 22
you must be starving 64
you must be dr 25
you must be elena 17
you must be freezing 18
you mustn't worry 18
you mustn't 153
you must be patient 21
you must be mr 49
you must be thirsty 22
you must be starving 64
you must be dr 25
you must be elena 17
you must be freezing 18
you mustn't worry 18
you mustn't 153