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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ Y ] / You must remember

You must remember translate Spanish

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You must remember.
Tiene que acordarse.
But you must remember what Father Rasputin said.
Pero debes recordar lo que dijo el Padre Rasputín.
You must remember that the Swami foretold his own death.
Olvida que el Swami predijo su propia muerte.
Now you are so tall and turn up your hair, you must remember you're a young lady.
Ahora crece y sujetas tu cabello, debes recordar que eres una señorita.
Pero Nanny, debes recordar lo que te dije sobre los pobres.
But you must remember life goes on, my dear.
Recuerda que la vida continúa, querida.
Excuse me, sir, but you must remember to address me as Ruggles, sir, and not as Colonel or as Bill or as Mr Ruggles, as you've been doing, sir.
Discúlpeme señor, pero le recuerdo que me llamo Ruggles, señor. Y no coronel, o Bill o Sr Ruggles.
You must remember him.
Debe recordarlo.
But you must remember that you loved Geoffrey when you accepted him.
Pero debes recordar que lo amaste a Geoffrey cuando lo aceptaste.
You must remember.
Tiene que recordar.
I don't blame you, but you must remember, this is a weird country.
No le culpo, pero debe recordar que éste es un país extraño.
You must remember, I'm not a colonel's daughter just out of the convent.
Debe recordar, que no soy la hija de un coronel recién salida de un convento.
You must remember that this is the largest city in the world.
Recuerde que esta es la ciudad más grande del mundo.
You must remember I've had a great deal of experience in these maternity cases.
Debe recordar que tengo una gran experiencia en casos de maternidad.
You must remember, you're not in the States now.
Debe recordar que ya no está en EE.
You must remember your duties as hostess.
Recuerda tus deberes de anfitriona.
You must remember that your Mama is often ill and tired.
Recuerda que tu mamá a menudo está enferma y cansada.
If these aren't up to my usual standards... ... you must remember I'm slightly out of practice.
Si no están como siempre, deben recordar que estoy fuera de práctica.
You must remember it's only a few hours since Father was taken out of England by force.
Debe recordar que sólo hace unas horas... mi padre fue sacado a la fuerza de Inglaterra.
You must remember that life at Manderley is the only thing that interests anybody down here.
Debes recordar que su único interés es la vida en Manderley.
But you must remember that I don't conduct this inquiry for my own amusement.
Pero yo no estoy realizando la investigación por gusto.
You must remember that.
Debeis recordar eso.
And besides, you must remember Dr Ponsonby's words of advice.
Además recordad que el doctor Fonsonby os lo prohibió.
But you must remember me kindly.
Pero guarde un buen recuerdo de mí.
Debe recordar que hay orgullo Barclay, también, ya sabe.
" You must remember now, that Drake lives in a new world
" Debes recordar que Drake vive en un mundo nuevo...
Now, Mr. Maxwell, you must remember that I've been in business for 25 years.
Si no arregla esa calle... en un plazo de tres semanas, llevaré esto hasta el alcalde.
But you must remember, Millie... you've never not been sure about anything.
Pero recuerda, Millie... que tú nunca estuviste insegura acerca de nada.
But my expenses are great, and you must remember that many who can pay are waiting to study with me.
Tengo grandes gastos y muchos discípulos aguardan turno.
Now, all of you must remember the cards that you've selected.
Deben recordar la carta que escogieron.
You must remember him in Death Before Dishonor?
Ha interpretado Death Before Dishonor.
You must remember.
- y tu lo debes recordar.
Miss, remember that, to succeed in the theater, you must do three things :
" Señorita, recuerde que para triunfar en el teatro se necesitan tres cosas :
Now, Mary, you must be very careful, and remember he doesn't like to have girls too bold.
Mary, has de ir con tiento, y recuerda, no le gustan las chicas insolentes.
I don't want you to go up there, Oscar, She must have quiet, she mustn't have any excitement now, remember.
Recuerde, calma.
This is not the time nor place to speak of such things, and I must ask you to remember you are in the house of God...
Este no es el tiempo ni el lugar para hablar de esas cosas. Y debo pedirle que recuerde que ésta en la casa de Dios
Remember, you must not repeat this to a soul.
recuerde que no debe repetírselo a nadie.
You can do it much better than I can... and remember, we must not spoil Millicent's dinner.
Hazlo tú. Lo harás mejor que yo... y recuerda, no debemos estropearle la cena a Millicent.
Remember! You must not pause for one moment until you've avenged that insult!
¡ No pares ni un momento hasta que nos desagravies!
Now remember, you must get him to Mr. Lorry's by 8 : 00.
Ahora recuerde, debe llevarlo donde el señor Lorry a las 8 : 00.
You sure must remember me.
Seguro me recuerda.
I meant the thing you must finally remember!
¡ Digo : lo que debes recordar, finalmente!
Yes, I remember, you must answer.
Recuerda que debes decir la verdad.
Well, then you must remember this, our old lobby.
El antiguo vestíbulo.
But you must... Gerard. No, no, don't remember.
- Pero vamos, Gérard.
You must be mad, don't you remember who I am?
¡ Está loco!
You must always remember that, Ethne... for the sake of his memory and for your own happiness.
Recuérdelo siempre, Ethne. Por su recuerdo y por su propia felicidad.
And remember, Googi, if you must steal bread in New York, don't get caught.
Y recuerda, Googi, si debes robar pan en Nueva York, no dejes que te atrapen.
Remember always, to a djinni, you must tell the truth.
Recuerda que a un genio no se le miente.
What would you all give for another chance to see those things you must all remember and often long to touch again?
Qué daríais vosotros por... otra oportunidad de ver todo aquello que recordáis y que... ya no podéis disfrutar.
And remember - - you'll only have a second to fire and you must be quick and sure.
Sólo tienes un segundo para disparar, hay que ser rapido.

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