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You wouldn't know translate Spanish

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Wouldn't you like to know a bit about him before you marry him?
¿ No te gustaría conocerlo un poco antes de casarte con él?
Couple of nights, come back, disappear, and you wouldn't even know I was here.
Un par de noches, vuelvo, desaparezco, y ni siquiera sabrías que estuve aquí.
And if you did, you wouldn't know what to do with it.
Y si lo hicieras, no sabrías qué hacer con él.
You wouldn't have the powers but you'd know where they were.
No tendrás los poderes, pero sabrás dónde están.
Look. I understand why you wouldn't want people to know about this.
Entiendo por qué no querías que lo supieramos, ¿ de acuerdo?
You know, you wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me.
¿ Saben qué? Ustedes no estarían aquí si no fuera por mí.
You wouldn't know.
¿ No sabrías...?
Yeah, there we go. Yeah, hey Tanya, you know what, you just wouldn't understand Why I want... why I want the panties that your daughter's
Si, oye Tanya, sabes que, tu no entenderías por que quiero tus bragas, y las que tu hija esta usando ahí... justo ahí... la razón por las que las quiero es por tienes que ser un hombre para entenderlo
Yeah, well, I know if you were still managing the store for me you wouldn't need to be borrowing any money.
Sé que si siguieras manejando mi tienda, no necesitarías pedir prestado.
You wouldn't know nothing about it.
Tú no sabes nada al respecto.
But you know, hey, it wouldn't be Christmas without Eleanor coming home to disappoint everyone.
- Pero sabes, no sería Navidad sin que Eleanor venga a decepcionarlos a todos.
But you know I wouldn't have killed him if he hadn't said something.
Y sabes que no lo habría matado si no hubiera dicho algo.
You wouldn't know where Ben has been, would you? - Ben?
No es por casualidad que saber dónde está Ben?
But my biggest fear was, you know, being so... so ignorant of the world that... that I would just wouldn't be able to handle it.
Pero mi mayor temor era que fuera tal... mi ignorancia respecto al mundo, que que no pudiera soportarlo.
But it wouldn't. You know why?
Pero no lo haría. ¿ Sabes por qué?
You know, you wouldn't...
No necesitan...
You know I wouldn't be leaving unless it was real important. You caught me, pal.
Me pillaste.
You know, there's this one last scholarship where I have to submit a proposal for an experiment and I thought maybe if I got it, Mom wouldn't have to sell the house.
Hay una beca en la que debo... presentar un experimento. Pensé que si... me la dieran, mamá no tendría que vender la casa.
You wouldn't happen to know where they towed my car, would you?
De casualidad no sabrías adónde remolcaron mi auto, ¿ verdad?
You wouldn't say that if you know what I done.
No dirías eso si supieras qué hice.
"Even though without me telling you, " you wouldn't even know, " but I feel so bad about it, I have to tell you,
Aunque sin mi diciéndolo tu ni siquiera lo sabrías pero me siento tan mal por ello que debo decirte para que pueda disculparme.
You know, I wouldn't...
Sabes, yo no lo haría...
You wouldn't know.
Nunca se sabe.
You guys know I wouldn't have done this by myself.
Ustedes saben que no lo haría han hecho esto por mí mismo.
It wouldn't hurt you to be a bit more outgoing, you know.
No te haría mal que salieras un poco más. Ya sabes...
Without him, you know, the blend wouldn't be the same.
Sin él, la mezcla no sería la misma, ¿ sabes?
That i was gonna take him in, so it wouldn't ruin him 'Cause you can actually destroy that, You know, that sound.
porque, realmente puedes destruir ese, ese sonido, ¿ sabes?
Now. I know there is a lot of mountaineering experience in this room you wouldn't be here without it.
Sé que hay un montón de experiencia de montañismo en esta sala usted no estaría aquí sin él.
Sophia, you're literally the only girl I know who wouldn't have a fling with a cowboy.
Sophia, eres, literalmente, la única chica que conozco... que no tendría una aventura con un vaquero.
You know, I really wish you wouldn't smoke. Oh, yeah,'cause this is what's gonna kill me.
Sabes, ojalá no fumaras.
You know how life is, you wouldn't lose your head over a woman.
Sabe como es la vida, no perdería la cabeza por una mujer.
You're just a goddamn actor so full of his own bullshit you wouldn't know if your ass was on fire.
Lo que quiere decir... sí, que tu sabes toda esa mierda sobre mi. Eres un maldito actor lleno de su propia mierda No sabrías si tú culo estuviese en llamas.
I really wouldn't, you know, he's trained and sexually frustrated.
Yo no me movería. Está entrenado y frustrado sexualmente.
Frank-Etienne wouldn't be down with that and you know it.
Frank-Etienne no lo hubiera consentido y lo sabes.
With great respect, you wouldn't know if you were having an hallucination.
Con todo mi respeto, no sabría si está teniendo una alucinación.
You know what you get for kidnapping a minor? Doing sick and confusing things to them? Things regular people wouldn't even know how to spell.
¿ Conoces la sentencia por secuestrar a una menor y hacerle cosas terribles, que la confunden, cosas que la gente normal no sabría ni escribir?
You know, he wouldn't, but- - Where's that?
Él no quería. ¿ Qué es eso? Mmm.
You know, Fred, it wouldn't surprise me... if you had your own studio one day.
¿ Sabes Fred? No, me sorprendería si algún día tuvieras tu propio Estudio.
a bullet to the head wouldn't come a knocking'till half past boat man's if you know what I'm saying.
una bala en la cabeza... no tendría un efecto más fuerte. Si sabes lo que estoy diciendo.
Wouldn't you know... How fun.
No sabes... qué divertido.
Whoo! ♪ You know you wouldn't want me any other way ♪
♪ Sabes que no me querrías de otra manera ♪
You know what, maybe if your voice saying "be nice"... hadn't been in my head, then... maybe I wouldn't have helped the guy with a fucking sick dog!
¡ Sabes, quizá si tu voz diciéndome "se buena" no estuviera en mi cabeza, quizá... no habría ayudado al tío con el perro enfermo!
You wouldn't want anyone to know.
No queria que nadie los supiera.
You know, it wouldn't be a revue without songs.
Sabes, no sería un buen teatro de sátira sin canciones.
Just so you know, most people I meet are searching for something, so at least you wouldn't be alone.
Solo para que lo sepas, la mayoría de la gente que conozco están en busca de algo, así que al menos no estarás solo.
You wouldn't even know where to put it in.
Ni siquiera sabrías dónde ponerlo.
But he didn't, and I think people believed that he wouldn't because they felt that he was a true believer in this kind of radically libertarian, crypto-anarchic philosophy that, you know, goes back to the cypherpunks of the 1990s.
Y creo que la gente creía que él no lo haría porque sentían que él en verdad creía en esta clase de... filosofía radical libertaria, cripto-anárquica, que viene de los ciberpunks de los 1990's.
- But you wouldn't. - You don't know that.
Pero no lo harías.
Wouldn't you like to know?
Te gustaría saberlo, ¿ no?
And you really wouldn't want to know?
¿ Y de verdad no quieres saberlo?
Whatever it might be. I wouldn't see him today tweeting out victories or sending Facebook pictures. You know, it just makes me laugh.
Sea lo que fuere, hoy no lo vería tuiteando sus victorias, ni enviando fotos por Facebook.

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