And sinker translate French
111 parallel translation
He fell for that hook, line, and sinker.
Il a foncé têtes baissée.
She went hook, line and sinker for that Lloyd guy the minute she saw him.
C'est Lloyd qu'elle aime.
Hook, line and sinker!
Une canne, une ligne et un hameçon!
Cup of coffee and sinker for one.
Un café et un beignet.
- They took it hook, line, and sinker.
- Ils ont foncé tête baissée.
They've fallen for it hook, line and sinker.
Ils ont tout avalé.
You wait until I get the deal all sewed up hook, line and sinker.
Tu attends que le contrat soit entièrement ficelé!
Osen went for him hook, line and sinker.
Ce fut un coup de foudre, pour Osen.
If you swear to me that you will destroy this film, hook, line and sinker, not only will I give you the key to my safe - deposit box in Casablanca, but we will split the insurance,
Si vous me jurez de détruire ce film, dans sa totalité, non seulement je vous donne la clé de mon coffre à Casablanca, mais on partage l'assurance,
- Hook, line and sinker.
- Elle a tout gobé.
Yeah, the public bought it hook, line and sinker.
Le public l'a bu comme du petit lait.
Hook, line and sinker.
Il a tout avalé.
He swallowed my story hook, line and sinker. I put the gun against his head and shot him... with a blank cartridge. He fell to his knees, pleaded for his life.
Il a avalé mon histoire... est tombé à genou et a plaidé pour sa vie.
I fell for that story hook, line and sinker.
J'ai tout gobé sans discuter.
She bought the story hook, line and sinker.
Elle a tout avalé.
Old Court fell for your Elizabeth act hook, line and sinker.
Ce vieux Court a plongé pour ton imitation d'Elisabeth.
Alex bought Reinhardt's theory hook, line and sinker.
Alex a complètement gobé sa théorie!
Hook, line and sinker.
Un hameçon, une ligne et du plomb.
Hook, line and sinker.
Et la canne à pêche avec.
She fed you a line. You took it in the cheek hook, line and sinker.
Elle t'a menée en bateau, et toi tu tombes dans le panneau.
Hook, line... and sinker.
Le jaune, le blanc et la coquille!
We bought it, hook, line and sinker.
Nous avons gobé tout le paquet.
Hook, line and sinker.
Lls ont tout avalé.
Hook, line and sinker.
Appâtée et ferrée!
He bought it hook, line, and sinker.
Il a avalé toute l'histoire.
Peanuts told us a wild tale, and we fell for it, hook, line and sinker.
Peanuts nous a raconté des bobards et on est tombés dans le panneau.
Starfleet already bought their recommendation hook, line and sinker.
Starfleet a déjà avalé leur recommandation, avec le crochet et la ligne.
"Hook, line and sinker," Professor.
L'hameçon, la ligne et les plombs.
He'll swallow it hook, line, and sinker.
Ce sont des pièces de réception, question d'organisation.
I bought in hook, line and sinker.
J'ai tout gobé. L'hameçon et le bouchon.
She is playing the only card she's got and you are falling for it hook, line and sinker.
Elle joue son unique carte et toi, tu gobes absolument tout.
This kid spins this incredible yarn, and you buy it hook, line, and sinker, then you drag us down here and waste our time with this nonsense, and now you want us to drag our kids into this?
Un enfant vous raconte des mensonges, vous le croyiez aveuglement, Vous nous faites perdre notre temps. Et maintenant, vous voulez qu'on implique nos enfants là-dedans.
They bought that country jive hook, line and sinker. Ray, man, you're amazing.
J'aurais jamais cru que ça marcherait aussi bien, Ray.
Hook, line and sinker. They used to spend days in the desert looking for the hole that led to the bottomless pit to hide when Helter Skelter started.
Ils passaient des jours dans le désert à chercher le trou qui mène à la grotte pour se cacher pendant Helter Skelter.
Hook, line and sinker.
Visé, touché et coulé.
Hook, line and sinker?
Visé, touché et coulé?
I've got you, hook, line and sinker!
Désolée les filles, je finis! Ah, la salope!
He just a bookie, a beat gang like a bookie the hook, line and sinker, the deep thinker, ink a autobiography beat it, thug, You bother me, swing like a gorilla, fella.
T'es qu'un pauvre raté... Faut arrêter de ruminer Casse-toi, Tolar G, fous le camp
- Hook, line and sinker.
- L'hameçon, la ligne et le plomb.
She bought it hook, line and sinker.
Elle a tout gobé.
- Hook, line, and sinker.
- Oui, il a bien mordu à l'hameçon.
I don't know. Some have, hook, line and sinker.
Certains résistent plus que prévu.
Dude, they've bought it hook line and sinker.
Mec, elles ont avalé la ligne et le bouchon.
Took her down to a medical conference in Miami... a medical conference which did not exist, by the way... and she went for it, hook, line and sinker.
Il l'a emmenée à Miami, lors d'un congrès médical. Et cette saloperie de congrès a jamais eu lieu, en passant. Mais elle ne s'est rendu compte d'absolument rien.
He took the bait, hook, line and sinker.
Il a mordu à l'hameçon.
So he moved right in, and Becky fell hook, line and sinker.
Alors il a emménagé, et Becky est tombé dans le panneau.
You really... You had me like hook, line and sinker with that...
Tu m'as vraiment eu avec ce...
Cup of coffee and a sinker'll fix me up fine.
Un café et un beignet, ça ira.
Hook line and sinker.
Melvin a tout gobé :
And I bought it hook, line and sinker.
Et je l'ai suivi aveuglément.
Hook, line, sinker, rod and copy of "Angling Times", sir.
Crochet, ligne, flotteur, canne et la copie de "le temps de la pêche", monsieur.
and so it begins 55
and so 1582
and soul 16
and so are you 214
and so on and so forth 34
and something else 47
and so have you 26
and so are we 42
and so on and so on 22
and so do you 187
and so 1582
and soul 16
and so are you 214
and so on and so forth 34
and something else 47
and so have you 26
and so are we 42
and so on and so on 22
and so do you 187
and see 72
and so was i 23
and still 144
and so were you 23
and so will i 38
and somehow 99
and so should you 49
and so on 257
and so it was 18
and so i 33
and so was i 23
and still 144
and so were you 23
and so will i 38
and somehow 99
and so should you 49
and so on 257
and so it was 18
and so i 33
and she said yes 23
and she goes 33
and so far 102
and so do we 31
and so did you 29
and soon 235
and sometimes 297
and so did i 52
and so do i 174
and so it is 20
and she goes 33
and so far 102
and so do we 31
and so did you 29
and soon 235
and sometimes 297
and so did i 52
and so do i 174
and so it is 20