And sinker translate Turkish
117 parallel translation
She went hook, line and sinker for that Lloyd guy the minute she saw him.
Lloyd'u gördüğü anda ona sular seller gibi aşık oldu.
Hook, line and sinker!
Olduğu gibi yuttu!
A cup of coffee and sinker for one.
Bir fincan kahveyle çörek.
- They took it hook, line, and sinker.
- Evet. Numarayı yuttular.
Osen went for him hook, line and sinker.
Osen kendini ona tamamen kaptırmıştı.
If you swear to me that you will destroy this film, hook, line and sinker, not only will I give you the key to my safe - deposit box in Casablanca, but we will split the insurance,
Bu filmi yok edip parçasını bırakmayacağınıza yemin ederseniz, size Kazablanka'daki kasamın anahtarımı vermekle kalmam, sigortadan alacağım paranın da
Hook, line and sinker.
En ince ayrıntısına kadar.
I fell for that story hook, line and sinker.
Bu hikayenin uydurma ve tekdüze olduğunu hissediyordum.
Old Court fell for your Elizabeth act hook, line and sinker.
Yaşlı Court senin Elizabeth rolünü yuttu.
Alex bought Reinhardt's theory hook, line and sinker.
Alex, Reinhardt'ın teorisine kapıldı, bağlandı ve gömüldü.
Hook line and sinker.
- Hem de bütünüyle.
Hook, line and sinker.
Misina, iğne ve yem.
Well, Johnny, they bought your whole load. Hook, line and sinker.
Senin tüm hikayene inandılar Johnny.
Hook, line, and sinker.
Oltaya takılmıştım.
And you bought it hook, line, and sinker.
Ve sen de oltaya fena geldin.
Hook, line... and sinker.
Olta ip ağırlık.
Hook, line and sinker.
Abayı yaktın.
We bought it, hook, line and sinker.
Hepimizi zokayı yuttuk.
Ah, but they did, hook, line and sinker.
Ah, ama onlar oltaya geldi.
Hook, line and sinker.
Balık hep oltaya gelir.
Hook, line and sinker, baby.
Bu iş böyle yapılır bebeğim.
Hook, line and sinker.
Bu iş böyle yapılır.
Starfleet already bought their recommendation, hook, line and sinker.
Yıldız filosu zaten onların tavsiyesini aldı denize düşen yılana sarılır.
I bought in hook, line and sinker.
Attığın oltayı direkt yuttum.
She is playing the only card she's got, and you are falling for it hook, line and sinker.
Elindeki tek kartı oynuyor sen de hemen yutuyorsun.
They bought that country jive hook, line and sinker.
Şu taşra cazını olduğu gibi kabul ettiler.
Hook, line and sinker.
Hook, line and sinker.
Korkudan altına edecektin.
I had you huh? Hook, line and sinker?
Korktun değil mi?
The tiger falls for it, hook, line, and sinker.
Kaplan numarayı yedi.
He just a bookie, a beat gang like a bookie the hook, line and sinker, the deep thinker, ink a autobiography beat it, thug, You bother me, swing like a gorilla, fella.
Aceminin tekisin. Kara kara düşünürsün. Çek git Thugg!
- Hook, line and sinker.
Tam üstüne bastın.
- Hook, line, and sinker.
- Sazanı avladı.
Some have, hook, line and sinker.
- Bilmiyorum. Denize düşen yılana sarılır.
Dude, they've bought it hook line and sinker.
Adamım, tamamen yuttular.
Took her down to a medical conference in Miami- - a medical conference which did not exist, by the way- - and she went for it, hook, line and sinker.
Onu Miami'de bir tıp konferansına götürdü, Hiç olmayan bir tıp konferansı, neyse... ve onunla gitti, sonrasında kanca, misina ve kurşun.
Some girls fall for a good approach hook, line and sinker.
Bazı kızlar hemen oltaya gelirler.
So he moved right in, and Becky fell hook, line and sinker.
O'Grady bundan yararlandı. Becky tamamen zokayı yuttu.
You really... You had me like hook, line and sinker with that...
Gerçekten... beni oltaya aldın...
You're the one who's disappointed, mother, In the bill of goods you bought hook, line and sinker.
Hayal kırıklığı olan sensin anne aldığın şeyler iğne, misina ve kurşundan başka bir şey değil.
I bought his crap, hook, line and sinker.
Oltasına geldim, sözlerine kandım.
Hook, line, and sinker.
Zokayı yutuverdi.
A cup of coffee and a sinker will fix me up fine.
Bir fincan kahveyle çörek işimi görür.
He swallowed my story hook, line and sinker.
He flashed me a look and I bit his hook, line and swallowed his sinker. Ally?
Beni bir şair gibi davranarak elde etti.
He bought it hook, line, and sinker. Saved him a lot of hurt.
Hemen inandı.
İki tane düşür, tatlı çörekten ve biraz da baloncuk.
You guys took it line, sinker and hook and all, for a while.
Sadece zokayı değil, kancayı hatta misinayı da yuttunuz.
And some won't fall for anything hook, line or sinker.
Ama bazıları gelmez.
Ever since he was an itsy-bitsy little snot-nosed kid, our Kevin had bought the whole stupid fairy tale, hook, line, sinker, and the grand piano, you know what I mean?
Küçük ve sümüklü bir çocuk olduğundan beri, Kevin'ımız aptal peri masallarıyla, kanca, ip, olta kurşunu, ve büyük bir de piyano satın almıştı, biliyor musunuz?
And Nevile's fallen for it hook, line and sinker!
Neville de yutmuş bu numarayı.
and so it begins 55
and so 1582
and soul 16
and so are you 214
and something else 47
and so on and so forth 34
and so are we 42
and so have you 26
and so on and so on 22
and so do you 187
and so 1582
and soul 16
and so are you 214
and something else 47
and so on and so forth 34
and so are we 42
and so have you 26
and so on and so on 22
and so do you 187
and so were you 23
and still 144
and see 72
and so was i 23
and so on 257
and so will i 38
and so i 33
and so should you 49
and so it was 18
and she said yes 23
and still 144
and see 72
and so was i 23
and so on 257
and so will i 38
and so i 33
and so should you 49
and so it was 18
and she said yes 23
and so far 102
and somehow 99
and sometimes 297
and she goes 33
and so do we 31
and soon 235
and so did i 52
and so did you 29
and so it is 20
and so do i 174
and somehow 99
and sometimes 297
and she goes 33
and so do we 31
and soon 235
and so did i 52
and so did you 29
and so it is 20
and so do i 174