And then we'll translate French
4,960 parallel translation
Tide's cleared, so I can take you all back to the village and then we'll figure out a way to get you home.
C'est marée basse. Je peux vous ramener au village et... on trouvera une solution.
Well, let's get n'd of Bradley and then we'll see about the RSM.
Débarrassons-nous de Bradley et après du sergent-major.
Let's get through this first and then... we'll figure out what's best for...
Réglons d'abord cette histoire, et après, on décidera de ce qui est le mieux pour...
We're gonna get that gold. I'll get my share, then you and me are gonna run off together.
Je vais prendre ma part et on se barrera ensemble.
And then we'll tie off this artery.
Et après nous attacherons cette artère.
And then we'll ride the world's biggest roller coaster.
Nous allons monter la plus grand montagne russe du monde.
We'll let things cool for a wee bit and then we'll come for you in 12 days.
On va laisser la poussière retomber, et on viendra vous rejoindre dans 12 jours.
Come on, we'll get this over and done with, then we'll be back in time for the darts.
Allez. Qu'on en finisse, je veux retourner à mes fléchettes.
Then, I'll give them what they want and we'll get Rune back.
Je le leur donnerai et on récupèrera Rune.
And then we'll have to hurt him.
On va devoir le blesser.
No,'cause then we'll at least know who to watch out for and who to keep Silver separated from on the watch.
Non, parce qu'alors on saura au moins qui surveiller et de qui il faut séparer Silver.
Wait, we just need to get down there and then we'll get right back.
On y va et on revient direct.
Find him, and then we'll make him a deal.
Trouve-le, nous lui ferons un marché.
So we'll close fast on her, hammer her well with our guns, and then take the fight to her decks.
Alors on foncera sur lui, on le frappera avec toutes nos armes, et on continuera le combat sur le pont.
All right, we'll do a prerecorded piece, bring the audience up to speed at the top of the block and then we'll go straight into our one-on-one.
On va faire un préenregistrement, faire augmenter l'audience au sommet ensuite on enchaînera avec un face à face.
So, hey, we're gonna meet up at my house around 6 : 30 and then we'll go see Dad, okay?
Bon, on se rejoint chez moi vers 18 h 30 et on ira voir papa, d'accord?
And then we'll live in Europe. You'll run your foundation. You'll be world-famous.
On vivra en Europe, vous aurez votre fondation, une renommée mondiale, je serai fier de vous.
Three times around the field and then we'll start the game.
3 tours de terrain, 2 blocs de 15-15, et apres, on commencera le jeu.
Get well first, and then we'll see.
Il faut d'abord que tu guérisses, et après, on verra.
Let's start off easy and then we'll get into the uncomfortable stuff.
Allons-y doucement, avant d'en venir à des sujets plus sensibles.
We'll take a look and then we'll go.
On va voir et on s'en va.
They find out that we have you and then we let you go, I'll have a larger crisis than I have now.
Ils constatent que nous vous avons et nous vous laisser aller, je vais avoir une plus grande crise que j'ai maintenant.
Oh, yeah, and maybe we'll win the lottery later and then get a ride home on unicorns that poop money.
Oh, ouais, et peut-être qu'on gagnera à la loterie plus tard et qu'on rentrera à la maison sur des licornes qui chient de l'argent.
We're just... we're just gonna have one drink, and then I'll be home.
On va juste... on va juste se prendre un verre, et puis je serai à la maison.
I'll probably harbor this for a few months at least and then, you know, we'll see.
Je serai probablement Harbor Pendant quelques mois au moins Puis vous savez, nous verrons.
Just let me have this, and then we'll go.
Laisse-moi juste voir ça, Ensuite nous partirons.
So listen, I've arranged for the mini people to come and collect the car from here, and then we can take the taxi to the port. It'll be about ten minutes. I, in the meantime, am gonna have a quick look around.
Ils vont venir chercher l'auto de location et puis on ira en taxi au port... mais entre-temps je vais jeter un coup d' il.
I'm gonna take a quick shower, and then we'll lockdown.
Je vais prendre une douche, puis on va tout verrouiller.
We'll shoot a few takes as written and then kind of mess around a little bit.
On tourne quelques prises telles quelles, et après on improvise autour.
How about we just start with this, and hopefully you'll understand why I did what I did, and then I won't have to put up with being stared at by Steve for the rest of my life.
Si on commençait déjà avec ça, et avec un peu de chance tu comprendras pourquoi j'ai fait ce que j'ai fait, et que je ne devrais pas supporter le regard braqué de Steve durant le restant de ma vie.
We'll see what they've got to say and then I'll decide whether to proceed.
Selon ce qu'ils diront je déciderai ou non de poursuivre.
And then we'll go back and figure it out.
Et on y retourne et on verra bien.
And then when we find it, we'll actually charge the guy!
Et après quand on le retrouve, on le fait payer!
And if we have to do it a little further up the coast, then that's what we'll have to do.
Et si on doit le faire un peu plus loin de la côte, alors nous le ferons.
We're just... we're just gonna have one drink, and then I'll be home.
On va juste... on va juste prendre un verre et je serai à la maison.
We'll deal with Milady and then we'll find Constance.
On s'occupe de Milady et ensuite on trouve Constance.
We'll give you 10 minutes, okay, And then we're making the call.
Vous avez dix minutes, après on passe l'appel.
And then tomorrow, in the morning..... we'll gather the family together and we'll let them know.
Ensuite, demain matin... nous rassemblerons la famille et nous le leur dirons.
I just need to grab my dress and heels. Then we'll go.
Je ne peux imaginer comment vous vous sentez.
[fussing] This is gonna be your home for tonight, little angel, and then, tomorrow we'll take a bus to Vermont.
Ce sera ton toit pour ce soir, petit ange, et demain, nous prendrons un bus pour le Vermont.
Look, we just have to get one thing and then we'll be out of there.
On doit juste prendre un truc puis on sort d'ici.
Let's get all this done first, and then we'll figure out the top.
On va faire ça d'abord et après, on verra le haut.
And then we'll find this Private Watson and convince him to rip up your paperwork.
Et puis on va trouver ce Private Watson et le convaincre de déchirer ton contrat.
We'll go to Taormina first, and then to Milazzo.
Maintenant, Taormine. Après, Milazzo.
Join me in taking out the Winchesters and that ridiculous Blade, and then we'll deal with each other.
Joins-toi à moi pour supprimer les Winchester et cette ridicule Lame, et ensuite, on s'occupera de toi et moi.
Why don't you slate first, And then we'll take it from the top.
Vous allez d'abord improviser, et ensuite on reprendra depuis le début.
You settle in, and then we'll make dinner.
Tu t'installes, puis on fera le dîner.
The parade should end about 11 : 00 at the park, and then, we'll unveil the statue which I'm told is terrifying.
Le défilé s'achèvera à 11 h au parc. On inaugurera l'horrible statue.
We'll start with your name and rank, then move onto your war record.
Votre nom et votre rang, puis vos états de services.
Get me some answers and then we'll deal with the CIA.
Trouvez des réponses et ensuite on gérera la CIA.
We'll look at the list, and then we'll be like,
On va regarder la liste, et puis on sera, style,
and then we'll talk 37
and then we'll go 22
and then we'll see 25
and then 7362
and then i met you 29
and then she said 33
and then what 920
and then i 152
and then some 118
and then what happened 169
and then we'll go 22
and then we'll see 25
and then 7362
and then i met you 29
and then she said 33
and then what 920
and then i 152
and then some 118
and then what happened 169
and then finally 32
and then we 52
and then there's me 17
and then you 113
and then suddenly 99
and then i realized 60
and then i said 46
and then there's this 38
and then after that 60
and then all of a sudden 77
and then we 52
and then there's me 17
and then you 113
and then suddenly 99
and then i realized 60
and then i said 46
and then there's this 38
and then after that 60
and then all of a sudden 77