Bring it in here translate French
206 parallel translation
No, bring it in here and guard it with your life.
Non, par là et prenez-en soin.
You can't bring it in here. This is my joint!
Tu n'as pas le droit de les faire chez moi.
Tell Oliver to rustle up all the empty packing cases and debris he can find. Help him bring it in here.
Qu'Oliver rassemble tous les débris qu'il trouve, puis apportez-les ici.
Get your bed roll and bring it in here tonight.
Tu dormiras ici ce soir.
What'd you bring it in here for?
Pourquoi elle est ici?
What did you bring it in here for?
Pourquoi l'avez-vous apportée ici?
Then I'll bring it in here, all right?
Je te sers à manger ici, oui?
Don't just stand there. Bring it in here.
Plutôt que de le dire, apportez-les-moi!
I'd like to buy it. I'd like to bring it in here.
Je veux racheter le tout et l'amener ici.
Susan, get me the LBO analysis on Teldar Paper. Bring it in here, please.
Susan, apportez-moi l'analyse concernant le LBO sur Teldar Paper.
- Okay, let's go, Lefty! C'mon! Bring it in here!
D'accord, on y va!
Bring all that stuff in here as quietly as you can and stow it over there.
Apportez ces choses le plus discrètement possible et rangez-les là-bas.
It was awfully nice of you to bring me in here, really.
C'est gentil à vous de m'amener ici.
In fact, it was suggested that someone be sent to bring him here.
Quelqu'un a suggéré qu'on aille vous chercher.
Bring that tankard here and let me hide my face in it in shame.
Apporte-moi cette pinte que j'y cache ma honte.
That's what I thought, too. But in this situation, it will be crazy to bring her to live here with me.
Oui, mais vu les circonstances, qu'elle vive ici serait une folie.
Go and bring it here... get Hank to help you put it in and get this contraption running.
Va la chercher, monte-la avec Hank et répare la courroie.
Look, honey, you'd better stick around the apartment today, see, in case I have to call you in a rush, you know, and get you to pack a suitcase and bring it to me over here.
Écoute, chérie, reste à l'appartement aujourd'hui, au cas où je t'appellerais d'urgence pour m'apporter une valise avec des vêtements.
Put the water in the bowl and bring it here.
Mets l'eau dans la bassine et pose-la ici.
To find the murderer of the woman who died here and bring him to justice. I will not live in peace until I do it.
Découvrir l'assassin de la femme morte ici et le remettre à la justice, sans ça je ne pourrai pas vivre en paix.
It'll be better to bring the beds in here.
Il vaudra mieux amener les lits ici.
To remain here, a poor monk in simplicity of spirit, is it a path to bring me nearer to you?
Rester ici, en pauvre moine, dans la simplicité de l'esprit, est-ce la voie pour me rapprocher de Toi?
I'll bring them here, you pick out one that appeals to you and I'll put it in Morning Glory Circle quicker than you can say "Beelzebub."
Je les amène, tu en choisis un qui te plaît, et je l'installe ici en moins de temps qu'il faut pour dire "Belzébuth".
It's just in case you decided to bring guards or monks here.
Tu serais capable de faire rappliquer toute ta moinerie en armes.
This is for you, General. You'll find my report in here. It'll bring you up to date.
Vous trouverez là mes rapports, pour vous mettre au courant.
My leg in a cast... and it's grand of you to bring me here like this, Al.
La jambe dans le plâtre, et c'est super de m'amener ici comme ça.
It would bring in customers if somebody hanged himself here.
cela aurait fait de Ia réclame au nouveau magasin.
Bring it back here and lean it up against the great window in the main room... so that you can break in on the upper landing- - understanding?
Appuyez la contre la grande fenêtre de la pièce principale. Ainsi vous pourrez entrer par le pallier du haut- - compris?
I'll collect the money I have in various banks, and I'll bring it here.
Je vais ramasser l'argent que j'ai dans plusieurs banques et je vais le ramener ici.
It's very simple. And bring them in here so I can have a look at them.
Apportez-les-moi, que je puisse les regarder.
I'm sorry, I was just saying that this room is so much nicer than yours, and I wanted to bring you in here now, and show it to you and apologise, in case you found out about it later, and got rather cross.
- Pardon, je disais que cette chambre et tellement plus belle que la vôtre, que je voulais vous la montrer, et vous faire des excuses, au cas où vous la verriez plus tard, et seriez fâchée.
Come in. Bring it over here, please.
Mais apportiez-le nous ici.
It is not the Defendant who should be on trial here, but a besotted establishment who can cheerfully send a generation to slaughter in the name of war and yet has the audacity to bring a hapless fool like Lovelass to trial for uttering words.
Ce n'est pas l'accusé qui devrait être ici, mais nos institutions qui envoient des générations se faire massacrer au nom de la guerre tout en ayant l'audace de poursuivre des gens comme Lovelass pour avoir parlé!
I knew that a probate judge in Miami would spot the mistake right away so I thought I'd bring it up here to Okeelanta County since Edmund had the residence here and see if I could get lucky with a judge who didn't know estate law quite so well.
N'importe quel juge à Miami aurait vu ça immédiatement. Je me suis dit que dans un petit comté... j'aurais peut-être un juge moins perspicace... qui aurait les mêmes notions de droit que M. Racine.
Bring it on in here!
Here. Bring it in.
Rentrez-la, par ici.
Bring it right on in. Right here. Bring it ahead.
Apportez-la ici.
Here, bring it right in, fellas.
Bien! Par ici.
See now, I'll go in my office and I'll get my. 357 Magnum and I'll bring it out here and then you and I can discuss just who's got the right.
Je vais aller dans mon bureau prendre mon 357 Magnum et je vais revenir te voir et on pourra discuter de ce que j'ai le droit de faire.
Thanks, bring it here, in the sunshine.
Ah, merci, mettez-le là, au soleil
You bring it back in here... everything!
Vous allez tout me rapporter. Tout.
Bring it in here, Eddie!
Vise là-dedans, Eddie!
It's illegal to even bring beer in here.
La bière est interdite, ici.
It was your bright idea to bring him here in the first place.
C'était ton idée géniale de l'amener ici.
It's not your business... - who I bring in here. - Parade your white meat somewhere else.
Je vais vous dire, ça ne vous concerne pas qui j'amène ici.
What's amazing about the library is here's a place where you can go in take out any book you want. They just give it to you and say, "Bring it back when you're done."
Ce qu'il y a d'étonnant avec les bibliothèques, c'est qu'on y entre, on choisit un livre, on vous le donne, et on le restitue une fois lu.
Look, don't bring the burglar in it we both got to much at stake here.
Oublie notre relation, il y a trop de risques.
If you wanna take it back so bad, why'd you bring it here in the first place?
Très bien.
If it hadn't been for Master Dong, I would never have recovered my balance... and now you bring me a child - -- your own child - -- already fully grown... and who frankly doesn't belong here. I mean it's like having a big dog in an apartment. It is so unkind.
déjà tout grandi... et qui n'a rien à faire en ville... alors écoute... mais c'est trop!
STEVEN : Let me bring you up to speed. It's not safe in here, either.
Ici non plus, ce n'est pas très sûr.
Food is here. Shall I bring it in?
- J'apporte la commande?
bring it on 469
bring it 412
bring it up 72
bring it home 60
bring it to me 68
bring it here 88
bring it in 351
bring it out 20
bring it down 74
bring it back 84
bring it 412
bring it up 72
bring it home 60
bring it to me 68
bring it here 88
bring it in 351
bring it out 20
bring it down 74
bring it back 84
bring it over 24
bring it over here 26
in here 1287
bring 74
brings back memories 21
bring them 33
bring' em on 16
bring him up 49
bring her 47
bring him in 236
bring it over here 26
in here 1287
bring 74
brings back memories 21
bring them 33
bring' em on 16
bring him up 49
bring her 47
bring him in 236