Could be nothing translate French
680 parallel translation
From the looks of you, it could be nothing else.
Cela saute aux yeux...
- Nothing could be more uncertain.
- J'ai réfléchi.
- Nothing that could be done?
- On n'a pu rien faire?
Oh, nothing could be worse.
Rien ne pourrait être pire.
But you could imagine my embarrassment, Doctor, when I found your $ 5,000 offer to be nothing but a lot of baloney.
Mais imaginez mon embarras, quand j'ai su que votre offre de 5 000 $ n'était rien d'autre que du bluff.
Looks like an attempted theft, but nothing stolen here could be disposed of.
On dirait une tentative de vol, mais rien ici ne se revendrait.
And as I was saying, ma'am, if you could put up with my little girl and give her and me a roof over our heads, I'd be willing to work for almost nothing.
Comme je vous disais, si vous pouviez accepter ma petite fille... et nous donner à toutes les deux un toit pour nous abriter... je serais prête à travailler pour presque rien.
Nothing could be left alive in that furnace.
Rien ne saurait survivre dans ce brasier.
A pity to pay for them when they could be had for nothing.
Dommage de payer quand on peut les avoir pour rien.
Nothing else could be more unfair than this!
Rien ne pourrait être plus injuste!
Mr. Mantell, nothing could be farther from the truth.
- M. Mantell... rien ne pourrait être plus loin de la vérité.
Nothing could be better.
Tu as bien fait.
There's nothing in your eyes to tell her whether she could be happy forever, or for a week.
Vos yeux ne laissent pas voir si elle sera heureuse à jamais ou juste pour une semaine.
Nothing could be more serious than this.
Rien n'est plus sérieux que Ca.
Nothing could be more absurd.
Rien ne saurait être plus absurde!
There was nothing that could be done for her, except wait.
Il ne restait qu'à attendre.
- Nothing could be clearer.
- Très clairement.
More than 10 years have passed since our graduation, and nothing could be more enjoyable for us than being here together this evening.
10 ans ont passé depuis la fin de nos études et ce soir, nous avons le plaisir d'être ici, réunis à nouveau tous ensemble.
I know nothing could be further from your wish.
Je sais que vous ne pourriez rien souhaiter de moins.
Mmm? Nothing razzle-dazzle but you could be a lot of woman if you ever got the urge.
Pas trop tape-à-l'œil, mais vous pourriez être très séduisante.
Nothing could be more true
Rien n'est plus vrai
Nothing that could be held to anything.
Rien à quoi se raccrocher.
- He could be President. Nothing would be dearer to my heart than to be worthy of the honour you offer me.
Rien ne me ferait plus plaisir que d'être digne des honneurs que vous me faites.
Now, you know perfectly well that nothing I could say about you... the way you look, I mean... could be anything but flattering.
Vous savez très bien que je ne pourrais rien dire... en vous voyant, qui ne soit pas flatteur.
Nothing could be fairer. I suppose not.
- Ce ne pourrait être plus juste.
Nothing could be- - Why!
Rien n'est trop...
I love you so much that there is nothing you could do that I would not be willing to forgive.
Je t'aime tant qu'il n'y a rien que tu puisses faire que je ne pourrais pardonner.
'I love you so much that there is nothing you could do that I would not be willing to forgive.'
Je t'aime tant qu'il n'y a rien que tu puisses faire que je ne pourrais pardonner.
If Soapy turns King's evidence, there'd be nothing they could do about it.
S'il témoigne, le tour est joué.
It's nothing to be ashamed of. It could happen to anybody.
Ça peut arriver à n'importe qui.
Nothing could be wrong with you, could there?
Toi, tu es parfait, n'est-ce pas?
Nothing could be more wonderful.
Ce serait divin!
But nothing could be real in Warren's life as long as Barney Deager lived.
Mais rien n'était possible pour lui sans la mort de Deager.
Nothing could be finer Than to sail a liner
Il n'y a rien de mieux Que de monter sur un paquebot
♫ Nothing could be drier than a jolly caucus race ♫
Pour nous réchauffer, faisons la course saugrenue
But at least we could get them. There's nothing to be done, I tell you.
On pourrait au moins les tuer.
Nothing could be less important to me than this whole business... of rumors and charges against you.
Rien ne pourrait avoir moins d'importance que cette affaire de rumeurs et d'accusations contre toi.
Nothing could be gained by it.
Il n'y avait rien à en retirer.
I believe nothing could be more wonderful, for me, than marrying you. - And nothing worse for you.
Pour moi, ce serait merveilleux de vous épouser... mais pour vous, ce serait catastrophique.
You made no commitments, nothing was said by either party that could be construed as binding either on this company or...
Vous ne vous êtes pas engagé, rien n'a été dit qui puisse être interprété comme tel de votre part ou...
You killed them for rewards on their head when nothing could be done except give you the cash.
Tu tuais ceux dont la tête était mise à prix. Tu ne risquais rien et tu empochais la prime.
♪ Dinner in the diner ♪ Nothing could be finer
- Dîner dans le wagon-restaurant - Il n'y a rien de mieux
Nothing could be better, darling.
Rien ne pourrait être plus beau.
- Nothing that he could've done tonight, so... he'll be back in the morning.
Il n'y avait plus rien à faire pour l'instant. Il reviendra demain matin.
[With the election now in full swing, the people, woken suddenly... ] [... by a scandalous terrorist attack, were unlikely to be in a good mood... ] [... and that night it seemed that nothing could be done...] [... to avoid something awful happening.
En pleine fièvre électorale, comment des gens sortis du lit par un attentat sacrilège pourraient-ils être de bonne humeur? Ainsi, la nuit s'ouvrait résolument sur la promesse d'échauffourées.
The Air Force is aware of the widely held belief that some could be flying saucers from another planet. While there is nothing conclusive in the evidence the probing and digesting of information about UFOs continues unceasingly.
Les témoins étant convaincus d'avoir vu des soucoupes volantes... les services secrets continuent... sans désemparer recherches et sondages.
Nothing could be immune to that thing...
Rien ne peut etre immunise contre cette chose.
Nothing could be easier.
Enfin, rien de plus facile.
Could you tell them there's nothing to be afraid of? - Only if it's true.
Dites-leur de ne pas avoir peur.
And very soon, believe me, I'shall no longer think of him, for there will be nothing left of Pauline that could think of him.
Tu verras. Bientôt, tu verras. Il y a plus de 200000 F, là-dedans.
It could be due to changes in the placenta since you were so long overdue. But there's nothing to suggest that it won't work out next time.
ça pourrait être dû à des mouvements du placenta vous pourrez recommencer il y a des chances que ça marche mieux la prochaine fois.
could be more 16
could be 753
could be worse 129
could be better 30
could be anything 68
could be anywhere 25
could be a trap 19
could be fun 50
could be anyone 27
could be anybody 19
could be 753
could be worse 129
could be better 30
could be anything 68
could be anywhere 25
could be a trap 19
could be fun 50
could be anyone 27
could be anybody 19
could be a coincidence 22
nothing 25771
nothing else matters 82
nothing to see here 87
nothing to hide 21
nothing much 304
nothing more 611
nothing happened 754
nothing changes 92
nothing at all 597
nothing 25771
nothing else matters 82
nothing to see here 87
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nothing much 304
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