Crossed us translate French
149 parallel translation
Joe, somebody's double-crossed us.
Quelqu'un nous a roulés.
It was Elias who double-crossed us.
C'est Elias qui nous a trahit.
A tornado that double-crossed us and went to Texas.
Une tornade qui a traversé deux fois l'état pour finir au Texas.
I told you he double-crossed us!
Il nous a doublés.
Brad never crossed us.
Brad ne nous a jamais trahis.
- That old man of yours crossed us.
- Votre maudit père nous a eus!
The little rat double-crossed us.
Ce petit salaud nous a dupés.
But our big brother has double-crossed us to get all the reward for himself.
Notre grand frère nous a doublés pour se garder la récompense.
They double-crossed us!
Ils nous ont roulés!
Bitch, you double crossed us!
Salope, tu nous as doublés!
So she's double-crossed us?
Elle nous a trahis.
He never would have crossed us like that a year ago.
Il ne nous aurait jamais trahis comme ça avant.
I don't think Yueh-hsin has double crossed us She must have been caught by them
Lune-Claire ne nous a pas trahis, ils l'ont vraiment enlevée.
You double crossed us.
- Tu nous as doublés!
You double-crossed us, lady, you killed him.
Vous nous avez utilisés pour le tuer.
The CIA have double-crossed us.
La CIA nous a doublés.
They double-crossed us!
Ils nous ont doublés.
Well, if it isn't our little buddies who double-crossed us!
Eh bien! On dirait nos petits copains les traîtres!
You double crossed us! - Steven, no!
Quelqu'un nous a balancés!
That two-timin'son of a bitch! He double-crossed us with that Chinaman from the damn train!
Cet enfant de pute nous a doublés avec le Chinetoque du train!
Well, you double-crossed us.
Tu nous as doublées, mon pote.
You bastard, you double-crossed us!
Tu nous as vendues, fils de pute.
- Lydecker double-crossed us.
- Lydecker nous a doublés.
If it wasn't him that double-crossed us, then who?
Qui nous a doublés si c'est pas lui?
They double-crossed us and you were killed.
Ils nous ont trompés et t'ont tuée.
Oh, but that isn't why you crossed the alps or got in touch with us.
Pourquoi avoir traversé les Alpes? Pour nous contacter?
She's crossed with us often. A great many of the film stars do.
Elle voyage souvent avec nous.
He crossed us once before.
II nous a déjà trahis.
- He double-crossed us.
Eh ben!
He's crossed us.
Il nous a doubles!
Frank, take a ride up river and see if they crossed ahead of us.
Frank, remonte le long de la rivière. Regarde s'ils ont traversé en amont.
It could be anybody, of course, but what crossed my mind was suppose Bill's having us watched, huh?
Ça pourrait être n'importe qui, mais une pensée m'a traversé l'esprit. Imagine que Bill nous fasse surveiller, hein?
It was not meant to be crossed by us.
Nous ne sommes pas censés le traverser.
What, are you lettin'us get our wires crossed now?
Pourquoi se battre.
They crossed behind us.
Ils sont derrière nous.
I have been here before, so don't tell us we have crossed the border when we haven't.
Je sais où est la frontière, alors n'essayez pas de nous jouer un tour.
You have crossed the last great frontier and you have shown us what we are :
Vous nous avez révélés à nous-mêmes.
He followed us nice and friendly-like until we crossed Kepuhi Point.
Il nous a suivis jusqu'à ce qu'on traverse Kepuhi Point.
You double crossed us.
Tu nous as trahis.
which separates us from it ever be crossed.
ne soient jamais franchies!
He crossed the street just in front of us.
Il a traversé la route au ras du capot.
My men have reported that they've crossed the river but they real question is that will he lead us to the diamond I know the guy, he was my best friend
Ils ont traversé la rivière mais... Se dirige-t-il vers les diamants? Je connais ce mec, c'était mon meilleur ami.
With the agreement yesterday of the five permanent Security Council members, the coalition the US has mustered against Iraqi president Saddam Hussein has crossed a crucial threshold, authorising the use of military force.
Avec l'agrément des cinq membres permanents du Conseil de sécurité, la coalition levée par les Etats-Unis contre le président Saddam Hussein a franchi un palier en autorisant l'usage de la force militaire.
Thanks for teaching us "Crossed-eyed Mary." We gotta play that other way.
Merci pour le coup Marie-qui-louche. On aura au moins appris ça!
which separates us from it ever be crossed.
ne soient Jamais franchies!
But that idea of sex... with other men, you know, it crossed my mind, as it has done with most of us, probably.
Avec d'autres hommes, tu vois Ca m'a traversé l'esprit, et à la plupart d'entre nous, sans doute.
Besides us, there's only one other name that's not crossed out.
A part le nôtre, un seul ne l'est pas.
They crossed one another in front of us!
Ils se sont croisés à notre hauteur.
Long enough for us to investigate reports that you'd crossed over to the other side.
Assez pour découvrir que tu as rejoint l'autre camp.
The ones that crossed the ocean... that brought with us to America... the villages of Russia and Lithuania.
Celles qui ont traversé l'océan et emporté avec nous en Amérique les villages de Russie et de Lituanie.
The ones that crossed the ocean... that brought with us to America...
Elle n'était pas juste une personne... mais un genre entier de personne.
useful 59
ushna 19
use your brain 33
use it 260
use your imagination 74
use your words 42
use your head 124
use me 43
used to 118
use mine 46
ushna 19
use your brain 33
use it 260
use your imagination 74
use your words 42
use your head 124
use me 43
used to 118
use mine 46
use the force 25
us too 58
use it wisely 19
use your power 21
use your hands 17
use your legs 22
used to be 136
use them 48
use these 22
use that 67
us too 58
use it wisely 19
use your power 21
use your hands 17
use your legs 22
used to be 136
use them 48
use these 22
use that 67