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Translate.vc / English → French / [ H ] / He won't talk

He won't talk translate French

624 parallel translation
He won't go far but he can talk
Il ira pas loin, et il peut parler.
- He wants his scoop He won't talk
- Il veut son scoop, il parlera pas!
Soon it won't make a difference, and he won't talk about it anymore.
Bientôt, il ne fera plus de différence et il n'en parlera plus.
He... He won't talk till after the show.
Il ne parlera qu'après le spectacle.
He won't talk, but you will!
Il ne parlera pas, mais toi, oui!
He won't talk business for the first two hours.
Il ne parlera affaires qu'après deux heures.
- Only Hackenapuss, and he won't talk.
Seldecheval, et il dira rien.
If he don't, you won't be around to talk about it.
Sinon, tu ne seras plus là pour en parler.
He won't talk until he's ready.
Il n'est pas prêt à parler.
He won't talk, he won't listen.
Celui-ci ne veut pas parler et celui-la ne veut pas écouter.
And if he won't talk to you, tell him it's orders.
S'il ne veut pas vous parler... dites-lui que ce sont les ordres.
- He won't talk.
Il ne mouchardera pas.
- I'd give anything if I could but he won't even talk about it.
- Si seulement je pouvais, mais il ne veut pas en parler.
Why won't he talk?
Pourquoi ne parle-t-il pas?
Nobody knows where he got it. Or they won't talk.
Ils l'ignorent ou refusent de parler.
But so far he won't talk.
Mais il ne veut rien dire.
First he won't talk. Now he talks too much.
Il ne voulait rien dire et maintenant il parle trop.
But even if he's 100 % innocent, he still won't walk in and talk.
Même innocent, il se camouflerait.
Why, he won't even let another man talk to me.
Aucun homme ne peut me parler.
Because if we duel in the morning he won't be here to talk of death in the evening.
- Vous êtes fou. - Qu'est-ce que ça peut vous faire si ce n'est pas lui que vous aimez?
Let him talk about what he wants to talk about, and he won't talk about art.
Il veut simplement prendre le temps de te parler d'art.
Believe me. He won't talk.
Je ne crois pas.
But he won't talk... not as long as he can stand that punishment.
Il ne parlera pas... tant qu'il tiendra le coup.
But how do you know he won't talk? He needs the dough.
- Comment être sûr de son silence?
He won't talk to anyone.
Il ne m'écoute pas.
"The ladies may miss the stage." He won't talk to you in three days.
"Ces dames manqueront la diligence!" Disiez-vous. Heureux s'il vous dit un mot en trois jours!
If my friend is alive, he won't talk at once.
Si mon ami est en vie, il ne parlera pas tout de suite.
He won't talk. Cotton.
Il parlera pas.
He won't talk to me, I told him I was your confidential secretary, but I guess I don't sound confidential enough.
Il ne veut rien savoir. Je lui ai dit que j'étais ta secrétaire, rien à faire, il n'a pas dû me croire.
He won't talk to anyone but you.
Il ne souhaite parler qu'à vous.
He won't even talk to me.
Il ne me parle plus.
Well, as long as he won't be around to talk, nobody can tie us into anything.
Tant qu'il ne peut pas parler, on est tranquilles.
It's no use, Colonel. I've been at him. He won't talk.
Voici la colline et la route.
Uh-huh. Well... he won't let me talk.
Il ne me laissera pas parler.
He won't talk to anybody else.
Il ne parlera à personne d'autre.
- Why won't he talk to you?
- Pourquoi ne veut-il pas vous parler?
Please talk to Father so that he won't be angry.
" Demande à papa de ne pas se fâcher,
Let's ask the principal to talk to your father. He won't object to her coming then.
M. Le Directeur de l'école... s'il intervient, père ne pourra rien dire.
George, talk to him, make him see that we won't harm him..... he can let us live.
Parle avec lui, montre-lui que nous ne lui voulons aucun mal. Il peut nous laisser vivre.
He won't run. Just talk to him.
Il ne s'enfuira pas.
Yes, doctor? Dr. Wolff will be here all evening, won't he, in case anyone wants to talk to him?
Le Dr Wolff est de service ce soir si on souhaite le voir?
He won't talk Texas.
Papa refuse de parler du Texas.
He won't talk, Doc.
Il refuse de parler.
He won't talk.
He won't talk to me, either.
Et ne veut pas me parler non plus.
- He won't talk.
- Il ne dira rien.
He won't talk or answer the telephone.
Il ne répond même pas au téléphone.
─ He won't talk.
Il ne parlera pas.
So long as she's where I can reach her, that's why he won't talk.
Tant que je pourrai l'approcher, il ne parlera pas.
- He won't talk.
- Il ne parle pas
Minoru's good too but now he won't talk
Minoru pète de mieux en mieux, mais il n'ouvre plus la bouche.

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