Talk to the hand translate French
77 parallel translation
Talk to the hand!
Parlez à la main!
Yeah, yeah. Talk to the hand.
Cause toujours.
But I've been hearing good things about Talk to the Hand.
Mais j'ai lu de bonnes critiques de Parle à ma main.
Talk to the hand, grandma.
Demande à la main, mamie.
Or I don't know. "Talk to the hand" or something like that.
Ou j'sais pas, "Cause à la main", un truc de ce genre.
- Talk to the hand.
- Parle à ma main!
Talk to the hand.
Parle à ma main!
- Ha! Talk to the hand.
- Parle a mon cul, ma tete est malade.
- Talk to the hand.
- Parlez à ma main.
Are you saying you want to talk to the hand?
Tu veux que je te fasse parler?
Come on, fat boy why don't you talk to the hand.
Allez, mon gros. Pourquoi tu parles pas!
Talk to the hand,'cause, er... nobody round here's arsed.
Parle à la main, Parce que, euh... personne ici n'en a rien à foutre.
Talk to the hand, sister. I'd like to relieve both of you... of your any kind of duties. I'll talk to it.
J'aurais des choses à lui dire.
Whoa, dude, talk to the hand.
Whaou, mec. Il obéit à la main.
But I say talk to the hand, call waiting, because he's out.
- C'est ce que je dis. J'ai mûri très tôt.
Lily, until you stop menstruating, talk to the hand!
Lily, tant que t'as tes ragnagnas, parle à mon cul.
Talk to the hand, sister.
Parle à ma main, ma sœur.
Talk to the hand, Jack.
Parle avec les mains, Jack.
You know what? If this were 1990 I would say talk to the hand.
En 1990, j'aurais dit : "Parle à ma main."
I said, "Dad and Marisa are about to- -" and then you stopped me, and then you said, "talk to the hand", and I said, "no one says that anymore" - -
J'ai dit : "Papa et Marisa vont..." Là, tu m'as arrêtée et t'as dit : "Parle à ma main." J'ai répondu : "On dit plus ça..."
- Talk to the hand.
- Parle à ma main.
And I was all like, "talk to the hand."
- Et j'ai fait, "parle à ma main".
Talk to the hand because the Brent isn't listening.
Parle à la main parce que Brent n'écoute pas.
I'm sure you already get the picture, so talk to the hand.
Je suis sûr que vous voyez le topo, donc parlez à ma main.
Talk to the hand.
Mêle-toi de tes oignons.
"He goes," yeah, talk to the hand. "
Il fait : "Parle à ma main, ouais."
♪ Medium 7x05 ♪ Talk to the Hand Original Air Date on October 22, 2010
Medium 7x05? Talk to the Hand
You were in a hurry to kill them all, and the stranger gave you a hand. Now that guy can't talk.
Vous étiez bien pressés de les tuer tous, l'étranger vous a aidé et celui-là ne peut plus parler.
I was going to talk about this after the ritual, but to straight out everything, why doesn't the Teppokyu Family hand over Sato troupes temporarily?
Je pensais en parler plus tard mais j'aimerais que les choses soient claires. Je propose au clan Teppokyu de confier la troupe Sato au clan Samezu.
Do me a favor, would you? Would you talk to the Medical Examiner... find out if there were any traces of nitrate on Deschler's hand.
Vous pourriez demander au légiste s'il y a des résidus de poudre sur les mains de Deschler.
I remember talking with Dicky Euwe... of Dick's Supermarkets... and asking him if I could come and work in his pet food section... and just hand out my cards and talk to the people... about having a pet cemetery.
Je me rappelle avoir parlé à Dicky Euwe, des supermarchés Dick's, lui demandant si je pouvais utiliser le rayon d'aliments pour animaux pour distribuer mes cartes et parler aux gens du cimetière pour animaux.
Take your hand out of that bowl of Fritos, throw away your National Enquirer, and pick up the phone, hold it up to your face... and dial 555-TALK.
Retirez la main de votre bol de frites, jetez votre feuille de chou... prenez le téléphone, gardez-le près de vous... et composez 555-TALK.
But... on the other hand, if you leave me alone, and put the Nagus back the way he was when you met him, I guarantee that you'll never have to talk to another Ferengi again.
Mais... d'un autre côté, si vous me laissez tranquille, et remettez le Nagus dans l'état où vous l'avez trouvé, je vous garantis que vous n'aurez plus jamais à parler à un Ferengi.
That lumbering field hand is the First Minister of Bajor and he knows more about how to talk to me than you ever will.
Cet homme aux idées simplistes est le premier ministre de Bajor. Il sait bien mieux me parler que vous ne saurez jamais le faire.
Take the hand of a guy and not talk to him?
Prendre la main d'un mec et pas lui parler?
I've prepared a memo which both advises parents as to the situation at hand and advises them to talk to their children.
J'ai préparé un mémo dans le but d'informer les parents de la situation, et de les aider à dialoguer avec leurs enfants.
Talk to your hand, nigger, that's the only girl you got.
Utilise ta main, c'est ta nouvelle nana.
- Did you ever stop to think... - Let's just drop it, all right? Forget the pep talk, and let's just focus on the task at hand - you know, defeating the forces of evil and all that.
La production est entièrement informatisée et sous constante surveillance.
I, on the other hand, have to get up every day by myself, and talk worthless pieces of crap off ledges!
Moi, d'un autre côté, je dois me lever tous les jours, seule, et aller parler à des connards de la pire espèce!
I'll even try to spice it up a little, talk about how the night before the telethon, I wanted to sleep like a babe so to cover my bets, I kept a few babes on hand.
J'essayerai même de pimenter l'histoire, de dire que la veille du Téléthon, je voulais dormir comme un bébé, et que pour assurer mon pari, j'avais des filles sous la main.
Talk to him about the hand-over of your team
Parle-lui de la reprise de ton équipe.
On the other hand, I don't want to talk you out of this deal by pointing out your hypocrisy.
Mais je ne veux pas te faire fuir en montrant ton hypocrisie.
I can't talk, I have to mash these potatoes. Hand me the cream.
- Passe-moi la crème.
Talk to the second hand!
Parle à ma main!
I've got the waiver in my hand. Though how I'm ever gonna to get Wesley to sign it when he won't even talk to me,
Je l'ai dans la main, mais comment la lui faire signer alors qu'il refuse de me parler?
On the other hand, if you had spousal privilege... I could talk to you without worrying about you incriminating yourself later.
Par contre, si tu avais les privilèges d'un conjoint... je pourrais te parler sans m'inquiéter de t'incriminer plus tard.
- On the other hand, we'll have something to talk about.
- En revanche il y aura de quoi parler.
No, Frank, I got this. You want to talk about the hand of righteousness.
Vous voulez parler de la main du juste?
I had a dream that one day I'd be head of a firm so nobody would be able to talk about the big, weird hole in my hand.
Le rêve d'être un jour à la tête d'un cabinet, pour que personne ne parle du gros trou bizarre dans ma main.
I am sorry about t.J.'S hand, and I'll talk to him again about the knife, but he is gonna have to help out more when I'm gone. Why?
Je suis désolé pour la main de TJ, et je reparlerais du couteau, mais il va devoir t'aider quand je serais parti.
I'm gonna talk to the head of the division and ask him to hand the case to us.
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) } Je parlerai au chef de la division { \ pos ( 192,230 ) } pour qu'il nous délègue l'affaire.
talk to you tomorrow 30
talk to me 2348
talk to you later 250
talk to you soon 72
talk to her 263
talk to your father 18
talk to my lawyer 20
talk to your mother 16
talk to them 86
talk to us 100
talk to me 2348
talk to you later 250
talk to you soon 72
talk to her 263
talk to your father 18
talk to my lawyer 20
talk to your mother 16
talk to them 86
talk to us 100
talk to him 399
talk to you for a second 17
talk to you 56
the hand 48
the handcuffs 17
the hands 26
talk soon 65
talk later 61
talk me 19
talk me through it 21
talk to you for a second 17
talk to you 56
the hand 48
the handcuffs 17
the hands 26
talk soon 65
talk later 61
talk me 19
talk me through it 21