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How was the funeral translate French

44 parallel translation
By the way... how was the funeral?
Ah. Bien. Très bien.
- ( groaning ) Oh. How was the funeral?
80.000 électeurs.
- How was the funeral?
- Et cet enterrement?
How was the funeral, Coach?
Comment était l'enterrement?
- How was the funeral?
Et cet enterrement?
How was the funeral? You have fun?
C'était sympa, cet enterrement?
How was the funeral?
Comment étaient les funérailles?
How was the funeral?
Comment était la cérémonie?
- How was the funeral?
- Comment était l'enterrement?
Hey, how was the funeral?
Alors comment étaient les funérailles?
Anyways, how was the funeral?
Bref... c'était comment les funérailles?
How was the funeral?
Comment était l'enterrement?
How was the funeral?
Comment étaient les obsèques?
- So how was the funeral?
Comment était l'enterrement?
How was the funeral?
Comment était l'enterrement, Ari?
How was the funeral?
Comment c'était?
How was the funeral?
Et les funérailles?
How was the funeral, Gary?
Comment c'était, l'enterrement, Gary?
How was the funeral?
Comment s'est passé l'enterrement?
Hey, buddy. How was the funeral?
Comment étaient les funérailles?
How was the funeral?
- Comment étaient les funérailles?
Mr. Manning, how was the funeral?
Comment étaient les funérailles?
So, how was the funeral?
Alors, comment c'était, les funérailles?
How was the funeral?
Comment c'était, les funérailles?
How was the funeral?
C'était comment, l'enterrement?
- Oh, by the way, how was my funeral?
Au fait, comment était mon enterrement?
When Arthur was having his little affair, every time he got on a plane I would imagine the plane crash, the funeral, what I would wear at the funeral, flirting at the funeral, how soon I could start dating after the funeral.
Quand Arthur a eu sa petite aventure, quand il prenait l'avion, j'imaginais qu'il s'écrasait, puis à l'enterrement, dans une belle robe d'enterrement, flirtant à l'enterrement, calculant quand je pourrais commencer à coucher.
I asked him how far he was at the funeral. What did he say?
A l'enterrement, je lui ai demandé où il en était.
I never realized how much money there was to be made in the funeral business.
Qui aurait cru que les pompes funèbres rapportaient tant.
- How was the funeral?
Comment était l'enterrement?
Sorry I had to blow out of there after the funeral, but how was the rest of the week?
Désolé d'être parti après l'enterrement, comment s'est passé le reste de la semaine?
I saw how Buck was looking at David at the funeral.
J'ai vu comment Buck regardait David à l'enterrement.
So... how was the rest of your funeral?
Alors, comment s'est déroulé le restant de tes funérailles?
There's no Rock'n'roll at the funeral, no party afterwards where everyone gets drunk and remembers how it was for us.
Il n'y a pas de Rock'n'roll à l'enterrement, pas de fête après où tout le monde se bourre la gueule et se souvient de comment c'était pour nous.
Uh, actually that's why I was coming over. I'm not going to the funeral, so could you please tell Susan how sorry I am?
Je venais justement te dire que je n'allais pas à l'enterrement.
When my mom died... at the funeral, I heard my cousins talking about how sad it was that she couldn't get pregnant.
Quand ma mère est morte... à son enterrement, J'ai entendu mes cousins dire que c'était triste qu'elle ne puisse tomber enceinte.
Hey, I was just calling to see how the funeral went.
Hey, j'appelais juste pour savoir comment se passe les funérailles.

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