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Translate.vc / English → French / [ I ] / I bet you would

I bet you would translate French

423 parallel translation
I bet you would even kill me if I made a move that didn't meet with your approval.
Vous me tueriez si je faisais geste qui vous déplaît!
I bet you would.
Vous en seriez capable.
- I bet you would.
- Je sais.
I bet you would've traded it for a meal after the surrender. How'd you guess?
Vous avez dû la vendre pour manger, après la défaite.
I bet you would.
C'est ça, McNulty.
I bet you would!
Tu parles!
Of course, a fellow would have to watch his step, but... I'll bet it'd be a lot of fun once you got to know the place.
Bien sûr, il faut faire attention quand on marche, mais... je parie que c'est très amusant une fois qu'on connaît la place.
I would not bet on that if I were you.
N'y comptez pas trop.
I'll bet Professor Fenninger would have given you proof.
Je suis sûre que le professeur Fenninger vous en aurait donné.
If you'd discovered what Rosebud meant, I bet it would've explained everything.
Tu penses que "Bouton de Rose" aurait tout expliqué?
- I know he would. - You bet I would.
- Je sais qu'il le ferait.
- Bet you I would.
- Je dis que si!
I bet you don't know what sort of hat would look good on me.
Mais tu sais pas quel chapeau me va. Moi?
- Me too. - I'll bet you would.
- Je vous crois sur parole.
If I only had a few resolved men, you bet the oil wells of The National would be producing.
Avec quelques gars résolus, les puits de La Nacional marcheraient.
You bet I would, but you're too late.
Evidemment, mais c'est trop tard.
- Sure I would, but I bet you'd be scared.
- Si. Mais vous allez vous dégonfler.
- You bet I would!
- Et comment!
Let's get a bet down. A thousand would cover it. I've got 300 - how about you?
Il suffirait de 1000 lires, j'en ai 300 et toi?
- What would you do with them? - I'd bet you the whole million that this time, Oscar charmed the little bird right back into the tree
- Je vous parlerais un million qu'Oscar a fait fuir la biche.
I bet you, you would know! With a fur coat, they are overgrown now, But those dogs in the past were :
Ne croyez pas si bien dire! Mais ces chiens étaient par le passé : et sa fille.
- For this kid, you bet I would.
- Pour ce gosse, ça oui.
- I'll bet you would.
- Pas étonnant.
I'll bet Dave would like a drink. - No, thank you.
- Dave prendra bien un verre.
- I'll bet you would. - Have a great time.
Ce serait super.
I would like to bet more, if you would.
J'aimerais parler plus, si vous suivez.
Now, I ask you, would you bet a hotel or not?
Dis-moi, tu ne parierais pas un hôtel?
- I'd bet you would.
- Je parie que t'en serais capable.
- I bet you would!
- Ah!
You bet I would. What else is there in life?
Et comment... qu'est-ce qui compte plus?
Would it have made any difference... if I had gone out and hocked my left leg to bet on you?
Rien du tout. Quand bien même j'aurais parié sur toi.
Uh-huh... i'll bet you would.
J'en suis sur
Yeah, i'll bet you would, and someday you shall.
Ca, j'en suis sûr.
If the rest of you would like, I invite you to put your chips in with mine and bet on even.
Quelqu'un veut-il miser avec moi?
I bet you my old friend Clint Cooper would give plenty to be with us right now.
"Je parie que le vieux Clint Cooper paierait cher pour être avec nous!"
And I'll bet you Mr Orient would be proud to know you love him.
M. Orient serait fier de savoir que tu l'aimes.
I bet you the change would do you good.
Le changement vous fera du bien, je parie.
I would bet on that if I were you.
Je parierais pas là dessus si j'étais vous.
That would be you, I bet.
Ça ne pouvait être que vous.
I bet you if you didn't have that busted back you would've shown those kooks in the hot rods.
Si tu n'avais pas le dos fichu, tu leur apprendrais, à ces tarés du volant.
Yes, I'll just bet you would.
J'imaginais bien que oui.
You know, if I didn't know it was artificial I would be willing to bet
Si je ne savais pas qu'elle était artificielle, je parierais qu'elle...
Well, I... I was wondering if you would be kind enough to cancel the bet and give us back the money?
Pourriez-vous annuler le pari et nous rendre l'argent?
I'll bet that if anyone of you had found a treasure, you would have done exactly like I did.
Je suis sûr que si l'un d'entre vous trouvait un trésor il ferait exactement comme moi.
- I would'but who'd bet on you?
- Et qui va parier sur toi?
You know, Mr. Bent, I bet the police would very interested in hearing our story.
Vous savez, M. Bent, il est certain que notre histoire intéressera la police.
- Oh, you bet. And if it wasn't for a certain married son of a bitch down there... I would be home right now.
Un salopard d'homme marié aussi, sinon j'y serais chez mes parents!
You bet I would.
Tu m'étonnes!
We got the lumberman's field day coming up. Boy, I sure bet the boys would like to see all you Stamper folks out there when that gets underway.
Ça va être un drôle de pique-nique, et les copains aimeraient que vous soyez tous là.
You bet I would, King Kong.
J'aimerais assez.
Only I would've bet that you'd never been in love.
Et j'aurai parié que vous n'aviez jamais été amoureuse!

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