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Most people do translate French

484 parallel translation
In moments like these, most people do.
Dans ces moments-là, la plupart des gens disent oui.
Like most people do.
Comme la plupart des gens.
I mean, most people do.
On le fait tous...
Most people do.
La plupart y arrivent.
Most people do.
Tout le monde en veut.
Most people do, because he hasn't been back to America since his early 20s.
La plupart des gens le croit, il n'est pas retourné en Amérique depuis ses 20 ans.
Most people do get married.
Bien des gens se marient.
Well, most people do when they rent an automobile to a perfect stranger.
Ça se fait généralement quand on loue une voiture à un étranger.
Most people do.
Comme la plupart des gens.
Most people don't believe they do the first time.
La plupart des gens n'y croient pas la 1 re fois.
No, you don't have to, but most people do so.
Pas obligatoirement, mais tout le monde le fait.
No. Most people do, actually. I mean, like to be scared.
- La plupart aiment ça, avoir peur.
Besides, I already know and so do most other people.
Cette chose, je la sais déjà. Plusieurs personnes la savent.
- Most big people do.
- Les grands rient de moi...
Do you realize that practically most of the trouble in the world comes from people lying to people.
Savez-vous que la plupart des problèmes dans le monde sont dus au mensonge? Prenons Hitler par exemple...
Most of the people on the island, the natives, are patriots. They're for de Gaulle, but so far they haven't been able to do much about it.
La plupart ici sont des patriotes pour de Gaulle, mais ils ne peuvent pas grand-chose.
Most people know who they are, or think they do, wich is the same thing.
Les gens croient savoir qui ils sont.
So Cochise did the only thing a decent man could do. He left. Took most of his people and crossed the Rio Bravo into Mexico.
Alors Cochise a décidé sagement d'emmener son peuple au Mexique.
Most of my people do not cross illegally.
La plupart ne sont pas clandestins.
Most people remember the nice things you do for them while they're living.
On se souvient en général des bonnes choses que l'on a eu de son vivant.
Most people would just laugh at me if they knew what I was trying to do.
Les gens riraient bien s'ils me voyaient...
Do you know which people interest me most?
Savez-vous qui sont les gens qui m'intéressent...
Most people use more brains picking a horse than they do picking a husband.
Mais pour choisir un mari, il faut se servir de sa tête...
Why try to face it, like most people do?
Mais tu fais pas face comme la plupart.
Most Dutch people do.
La plupart des Néerlandais le parlent.
As for our famous, honored Hana-ogi, there are many Japanese - most of them, in fact - who look upon marriage to an Occidental with as much distaste as your people do to one of us.
Pour ce qui est de notre célèbre et très respectée Hana-ogi, de nombreux Japonais, je dirais même la plupart, envisagent les unions interraciales avec autant de répugnance que votre peuple.
I like doing what most people would like to do, but simply haven't the courage.
Je peux faire ce que beaucoup de gens aimerait faire, mais simplement n'ont pas le courage.
Well, then you could probably do what most people would do.
Tu pourras sans doute faire comme la plupart des gens.
Most young people today have been raised by parents who were married in church and lived an ordinary life, a life having nothing to do with love.
Aujourd'hui, les jeunes sont élevés par des parents dont la vie n'est faite que d'habitudes qui n'ont rien à voir avec l'amour.
I've never understood why most people will do things in the dark that they'd never think of doing in the light.
Je n'ai jamais compris pourquoi les gens font dans le noir des choses qu'ils ne feraient jamais en pleine lumière.
Well, I wouldn't do this for most people but I kind of like Old Paint here and for a 2-dollar investment, he can make himself a bundle.
Je ne fais généralement pas ça, mais j'aime bien ce Défraîchi et pour 2 dollars, il peut gagner un max.
Most people are high shy. How do you know you're not?
La plupart des gens ont le vertige.
Yeah, well, that's the trouble with most people. That's what they all do, keep it to themselves.
Le problème, c'est que beaucoup intériorisent.
But most of the people that I do place it with are with the Irish people... because they are very devout Catholics, you know that.
Je vois surtout des Irlandais, ce sont des gens très pieux.
Some people do talk in the most extraordinary way.
Il y a des gens qui parlent d'une façon très étrange.
Do most people think it was a man or a woman?
La plupart des gens pensent que c'est un homme ou une femme?
Come to think of it, most people like a good laugh more than I do.
En y pensant la plupart des gens aiment mieux rire que moi.
Do you know, in most cases, people, they don't remember what time it is?
La plupart du temps, les gens ne se souviennent pas de l'heure.
Do you know that's what most people think?
Beaucoup pensent comme vous.
You know that most people, when they're around a murder, they just don't stop to do anything like that.
Après un meurtre, la plupart des gens ne pense pas à faire ça.
Ain't that funny how people do all kind of things, and most of it's just a lot of bullshit?
C'est marrant comme les gens font toutes sortes de choses et que la plupart, c'est que des conneries.
But most black people do, anyway... feel as though they're being burnt out.
La plupart des Noirs pensent ça, ils sentent qu'ils se consument.
"'Ah, so am I. Most people are when they've little to do... "'
"'Moi aussi, comme tous les hommes, quand ils n'ont pas grand-chose à faire... "'
What do you miss most of all? The people? The country?
Qu'est-ce qui vous manque le plus, les amis, le pays, le ski?
Well, listen, I sure do appreciate knowing that because most of the people I know just step on them and squish them.
Je suis content de l'apprendre. Je connais des gens qui les écrasent du pied.
Just, you know, all those people and... You know, how unhappy most of them are and... Those terrible things they do to each other and, you know...
A tous ce gens... ils sont tellement malheureux pour la plupart... et ils se font des choses horribles les uns aux autres.
The fact that most of them do come back is a mystery people like us will never understand.
Beaucoup reviennent. Mystère! Nous autres, on comprend pas.
People do it all the time. With most of my friends it's a full-time occupation.
Mes amis s'y adonnent passionnément.
Come to think of it, most people enjoy a good laugh more than I do, but that's beside the point.
En fait... tout le monde, mais passons.
Now, most people do it.
Maintenant, la plupart des gens le font.
And it is to make the most exciting and intimate pictures that you can and I'm a great believer in if you have the right people around you and you know their capabilities and you know their talents, you don't have to tell them exactly what to do.
Il consiste à filmer les images les plus surprenantes et intimes possible. Je suis fermement convaincu que, lorsqu'on s'entoure des bonnes personnes, qu'on connaît leurs capacités et leur talent, il n'est pas nécessaire de leur dire exactement ce qu'elles doivent faire.

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