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Pardon us translate French

576 parallel translation
Would you pardon us a moment, uncle?
Flanelle? Excusez-nous mon oncle?
- Pardon us.
- Excusez-nous.
Pardon us.
- Pardon us for talking business, sir
- Pardonnez-nous de parler affaires monsieur.
Pardon us. The general wants to play.
Le général a envie de jouer.
I'll go in and change. Pardon us.
Je vais aller me changer, veuillez nous excuser.
- Pardon us.
- Veuillez nous excuser.
- Will you pardon us?
- Vous nous excusez?
- Lf Miss Vale will pardon us.
- Si Mlle Vale veut bien nous excuser.
Pardon us.
Viens, je vais te montrer. Excusez-nous.
Pardon us, gentlemen.
Excusez-nous, messieurs.
Oh, Lord, pardon us all!
Que Dieu nous pardonne à tous!
Pardon us. Pardon us, please.
Excusez-nous, s'il vous plaît.
Pardon us, dear, I need to tell my sister something.
Pardonne-moi chéri, je dois dire deux mots à ma sœur.
Certainly. - Pardon us.
NELL : Pardon us, please. MIKE :
- Excusez-nous, s'il vous plaît.
Pardon us.
Pardon us again and again.
Pardonnez-nous encore et encore.
I beg your pardon, sir, but you would make us very happy... if you'd set an earlier date for our wedding.
Vous nous rendriez très heureux, monsieur, en avançant la date de notre mariage.
I say, she's the only human being in the whole lot of us.
- Pardon? Elle est la seule ici à se comporter en être humain.
Oh, excuse us.
Oh, pardon.
Pardon me, but could you tell us which one is the city editor?
Excusez-moi, où est le chef de la rubrique locale?
Excuse us.
- Aren't you going to join us, Mr Morgan?
- Ne venez-vous pas, M. Morgan? - Pardon?
Pardon, you must think us crazy.
Pardon, vous devez nous croire fous.
Before we go further, you'll sign this a full pardon for all of us.
Vous signerez ceci...
You should have told me. Leave us. I came to see how my son is doing.
- Pardon de vous déranger, tu aurais dû me prévenir, va.
Pardon us, officer, but where is Denker's Beer Garden?
Vous pourriez nous...
Er, will you pardon us?
Un petit instant, je vous prie.
Excuse us, folks.
Pardon us.
Veuillez nous excuser.
I said, "Pardon me, I'm buying this puppy." And then he just smiled at me. Then somehow, suddenly, the three of us were having lunch... the man, and Mr. Smith, and I.
"Excusez-moi, lui dis-je, je l'achète." Il m'a souri... et peu après, nous déjeunions tous les trois!
Well, you must pardon my rough tactics... but I saw a rifle barrel in the car driving on the road beside us.
Pardonnez ma brutalité... mais j'ai vu le canon d'un fusil dans la voiture à côté de nous.
- Excuse us.
- Pardon.
- All right. - Excuse us, please. - All right.
Almighty gods of Egypt... forgive us, the Priests of Arkam... powerless now to prevent the gaze of these heretics resting upon her.
Dieux tout-puissants d'Égypte... Accordez votre pardon aux prêtres d'Arcam... qui n'ont pu empêcher ces hérétiques de la contempler.
While there is still time, let us kneel and beg God's forgiveness and mercy.
Tant qu'il est encore temps, agenouillons-nous et implorons le pardon et la pitié de Dieu.
Oh! Excuse us.
Oh, pardon.
Excuse us, uncle, we have a cleaning lady, Quitéria, but she hasn't arrived yet.
Pardon, nous avons une bonne, mais elle n'est pas encore arrivée.
Professor, I beg your pardon for bringing this up again, but since you've honoured us with... Since you have...
Je vous demande pardon d'insister, mais puisque... vous nous faites confiance...
Begging your pardon, ma'am... I'd like to say all us boys at the Bit... is praying mighty hard that you get...
En vous demandant pardon, Madame... je voudrais dire que tous les gars... prient très fort pour que...
The thing for us to do now is for me to appear... before the Pardon Board of Springfield this afternoon... present our apologies, and ask that the case be withdrawn.
La chose à faire est... que j'aille à la commission de Springfield cet après-midi m'excuser et demander d'annuler l'affaire.
Forgive the others for us. Paola's not well.
Pardon, mais Paola est souffrante.
Okay, bring us something.
Pardon! Sers-nous quelque chose!
I don't have to be captain to know my rights. And asking'your pardon, this here crew would lay a sight more confidence in a captain as allowed us our say about enemy prisoners.
On ferait plus confiance a un capitaine
Which, as you'll remember is that your crimes against us will be forgiven and your ship released to you once Captain Providence is safely in our hands.
Nous vous avions promis le pardon de vos fautes contre nous et la restitution de votre navire dès que nous tiendrions le Cap.
Let us through.
Pardon us.
- Il n'est pas à son avantage.
Pardon me, sir. Since you want us to speak up.
Let us ask God to forgive our sins.
Nous demandons pardon à Dieu pour nos fautes.
your goodness is an example to all of us excuse me
Votre bonté est exemplaire. Pardon.

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