Simply put translate French
374 parallel translation
Their coffins are simply put into the ground.
Leurs cercueils sont simplement mis en terre.
Oh, we'll simply put a lean on Mr. Vole's £ 80,000.
Nous piocherons dans les 80 000 livres de M. Vole.
Simply put... I... simply...
Simplement... je... simplement...
As for democracy, simply put it means, "Take things as they come."
"Démocratie", disons-le, signifie : "Faire ce qui survient."
No, they simply put poison in the communion wine.
On avait mis du poison dans le vin de messe.
I simply put two and two together.
Simple comme bonjour.
We'll simply put that down to enthusiasm.
Nous mettrons votre initiative sur le compte de...
We have simply put an end to your war.
Nous avons simplement mis fin à votre guerre.
- I said, you'll simply put the mansion back in the state it was at the turn of the century.
Je dis que vous allez tout simplement remettre votre hotel particulier dans l'état où il se trouvait au début du siècle
I simply put a stop to you!
je vous ai juste... arrêté.
Novosiltsov was a sort of tsar's supervisor. Because everyone who was against the tsar, they were simply put in jail.
Novosiltsev était un général tsariste qui emprisonnait tous ceux qui s'opposaient au Tsar.
A franc is 11.18 to the pound... so I simply put down 11.18 -
111 / 8 francs dans une livre. Je pose 111 / 8 et...
You can't simply put it on a glass.
On ne peut pas y mettre un verre tout simplement.
As seekers after truth, you will be wise to withhold judgment and not simply put your trust in the writings of the ancients.
En tant que chercheurs de la vérité, vous ferez mieux de retenir votre jugement et de ne pas simplement faire confiance dans les écritures des anciens.
We simply want to put you out of commission.
Nous voulons juste te rendre inoffensif.
Well, I'll simply have to put the money in the bank for you.
Eh bien, je vais mettre l'argent en banque pour vous.
Oh, tea. Oh, that would be simply divine, but I don't want to put you to any trouble.
Ce serait divin, mais je ne veux pas vous importuner.
To put it simply, I should say that our general belief was in moderation.
Disons simplement que nous croyons en la modération.
I'll try to put it simply.
Je vais vous expliquer simplement.
They will put you through the jumps, but you simply don't answer.
Ils vont vous en faire baver, mais vous ne répondez pas.
To put it simply, if she could realize he is not a danger.
Si on pouvait la rassurer?
Well, to put it as simply as I can. The purpose of my work has been to arrive at an end result... For the original theoretical hypotheses...
Et bien, pour le dire aussi simplement que possible... le but de mon travail a été d'arriver à un résultat final... depuis les hypothèses théoriques originales...
I have to put things very simply there, sting people into thinking for themselves.
Je dois être brutal, et pousser les gens à penser par eux-mêmes.
You speak like a learned man, and I will put it simply :
Toi tu parles comme les savants, moi je le dis simplement :
Put simply : She loved love.
Bref, elle aimait l'amour.
If we're ever gonna reunite these two personalities, to put it simply, I'd say the first logical step to take in that direction would be to introduce'em to each other.
Si on veut réunir ces deux personnalités en une seule, il faut commencer par les présenter l'une à l'autre.
Put simply, we're invited to dinner.
Pour résumer, nous sommes invités à dîner.
In the dawn the old man simply woke looked out the open door at the dying moon unrolled his trousers and put them on.
A l'aube, le vieil homme se réveilla, regarda par la porte ouverte la lune mourante, déroula ses pantalons et les enfila.
To put it as simply as possible, if Johnny's name were put forward at the convention next week, would you attempt to block him?
Pour faire très simple : Si Johnny était nommé à la convention la semaine prochaine, tenteriez-vous de le bloquer?
I should put it more simply.
Je vais vulgariser.
To put it simply, your thoughts will be in my head.
Pour simplifier, vos pensées seront dans ma tête.
Well let me put this to you quite simply, did you know what you were doing?
Bref, saviez-vous ce que vous faisiez?
And to put it simply the Bedford can inflict more damage in 10 minutes than the entire United States Navy caused in World War ll.
Bref le Bedford... peut causer plus de dommages en 10 minutes... que notre Marine n'en a causés pendant la guerre.
To put it simply and kindly under no circumstances would I recommend the loan.
Entre nous, et sans vouloir vous vexer, un prêt est hors de question.
This is simply nature's way of telling you to put the brakes on... shut the motor off.
La nature a choisi ce moyen de vous dire de ralentir, de couper le moteur.
Well, let me put it simply, sweetheart.
Je vais te résumer tout ça, mon chéri.
To put it simply.
Dit simplement, oui.
Simply turn the creature into a toad, and put her out back.
Transforme cette créature en crapaud, et fais-la sortir.
On the other hand, it would be absurd and stupid to put an end to it simply with a divorce.
D'autre part, mettre fin à tout ça par un simple divorce aurait été stupide.
To put it simply, it's time you go away for a while.
Bref, mon garçon... il vaudrait mieux que tu décampes quelque temps.
- Put simply, yes.
- Oui.
I simply think it should be put to the test.
Mais il ne faut pas conclure trop vite.
Put more simply, Mr. Caretaker :
En langage plus simple.
- Put it with the other things, please You can't simply take a cap away from there!
Vous ne pouvez pas prendre cette casquette!
Okay. I'll put it more simply.
Je vais faire plus simple.
I'll put it simply like a newspaper headline.
Je m'exprime intelligiblement, en titre du journal :
Put it simply, if you please.
Dites-le plus simplement, je vous prie.
Well, I'll put it as simply as I can.
Je vais vous expliquer simplement.
Indeed I have, Rex. I simply couldn't put it down.
Tu m'as passionnée.
Well, put simply, Genesis is life from lifelessness.
Genèse, c'est la vie naissant de la mort.
The Knights simply have to win one game against the Phillies to put them in the World Series.
Il faut que les Knights gagnent... contre Philadelphie pour aller au Championnat.
puta 30
put your coat on 23
put your 20
puto 26
putt 36
putting 65
put your hands up 343
put it down 1121
put your back into it 52
put it on me 21
put your coat on 23
put your 20
puto 26
putt 36
putting 65
put your hands up 343
put it down 1121
put your back into it 52
put it on me 21
put it out 105
put the phone down 76
put it up 74
put your hands in the air 121
put him through 93
put it in 97
put it back 246
put him on 122
put me down 388
put your head down 57
put the phone down 76
put it up 74
put your hands in the air 121
put him through 93
put it in 97
put it back 246
put him on 122
put me down 388
put your head down 57