Tell him that translate French
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Last night, I decided to tell him that...
La nuit dernière, j'ai décidé de lui dire que...
Well, I can't tell him that.
Ouais, je peux pas lui dire ça.
Just tell him that we're the LA Limo Inspection Committee.
Il suffit de lui dire que nous sommes du Comité d'inspection des Limousines.
The more people that tell him that, the more angry he's gonna get.
Plus on lui dit ça, plus grande sera sa colère.
Did you tell him that, too?
Tu lui as dit ça aussi?
I can tell him that you were not where you said, when Alicia? disappearance.
Je peux dire que tu n'étais pas où tu as dit, quand Alicia a disparu.
Now, if you really want to be his girlfriend, stop playing around and tell him that's what you want.
Bon, si vous voulez vraiment être sa petite amie, arrêtez de tourner autour et dîtes-lui ce que vous voulez.
I have to tell him that Tommy has been completely unruly, and that you had nothing murder trial to do.
Dis que Tommy agit pour lui seul, qu'il est ingouvernable. Et que tu n'as rien à voir avec la tentative d'assassinat.
And tell him that it's urgent.
- Dites-lui que ça urge.
You do that, and I'll tell him that you once slept with this monster.
Tu fais ça, et je lui dirai que tu as couché avec ce monstre.
I, I'm not gonna tell him that.
Je, je ne vais pas lui dire ça.
Tell him that when I do a favor for someone, that someone always returns the favor.
Tu lui diras aussi que quand je rends service à quelqu'un, ce quelqu'un me rend toujours ce qu'il me doit.
Tell him that, tell him that!
Dis-le, ça! Dis-le!
- I will tell him that.
- Je vais lui dire ça.
I'm gonna meet God and I'm gonna tell Him that I know you. "
"je vais rencontrer Dieu et je vais Lui dire que je te connais."
So, you want me to go to the Commander... and tell him that the guy we spent weeks looking for... is now dead, and, whoops, we were wrong after all... he didn't kill the mother and child
Donc, je vais chez le directeur, et je lui dis que le type que j'avais promis de lui ramener par la peau des couilles est mort. Et qu'on s'était un peu trompés. C'est pas lui l'assassin.
Well, will you please tell him that he's supposed to take me to the mall?
S'il te plaît, tu veux bien lui dire qu'il est censé m'emmener au centre commercial?
The point is that I want him to know that I'm gonna have this, like, child that's both of ours'. You know, but, like, I mean, I guess, honestly, what I really want from him is just to tell him that, like, I want to do this on my own.
Tu vois, mais, je veux dire, je suppose, honnêtement, que ce que je veux vraiment de lui, c'est juste lui dire que je veux le faire toute seule.
Yeah, just tell him that.
Ouais, dis-lui juste ça.
You came here to tell him that you're not gonna have it with him.
Tu es venue ici pour lui dire que tu ne vas pas l'avoir avec lui.
Duke is sewing up anyone who could tell him that Jennifer's dead.
Duke coud tous ceux qui pourraient lui dire que Jennifer est morte.
I'll call Thom in the morning and tell him that it was my fault.
Je vais appeler Thom demain matin et lui dire que c'était de ma faute.
He'll probably never speak to me again but maybe you could tell him that I wasn't lying.
Il ne me reverra sans doute jamais. mais peut-être que vous pourriez lui dire que je ne mentais pas.
Then I can go back to Coover, I can tell him that you're back on track, and he can put the Immigration dogs back in the kennel.
Ensuite, j'irai voir Coover, Je lui dirai que vous êtes de nouveau sur le bon chemin, et il pourra renvoyer les chiens de l'immigration dans leur chenil.
Tell him that Nico Gaelle will be delivering the files to the Pakistani Embassy in the morning.
Dis-lui que Nico Gaelle va livrer les fichiers à l'ambassade pakistanaise dans la matinée.
Why don't you just call him and tell him that you can't take the meeting, old toughy-tough-super-tough?
Pourquoi tu ne l'appelle pas pour lui dire que tu ne peux pas aller à cette réunion, vieille dure à cuire?
But Jane wasn't about to tell him that.
Mais Jane n'allait pas lui avouer ça.
Just you can't tell him that I told you...
Tu ne peux pas lui dire que je t'en ai parlé...
I need you to promise me that no matter how angry you get with my father... and we both know how easy it is to get angry with him... that you will never, ever tell anyone what happened.
J'ai besoin que tu me promettes que peu importe à quel point tu es en colère contre mon père... et on sait tous les deux à quel point c'est facile... que tu ne diras jamais, à personne ce qui s'est passé.
Then tell that to Jessica,'cause when it's over, she's gonna fire him.
Dans ce cas, va dire ça à Jessica, parce que quand ceci sera terminé, elle va le renvoyer.
Don't tell him I said that.
Ne lui dites pas que j'ai dit ça.
So do me a favour, serve those to him this afternoon when he gets back from work with his favourite cup of coffee, and make sure you tell him how much that Holly and I appreciate him.
Servez-les-lui cet après-midi, quand il rentrera du boulot, avec un bon café. Dites-lui bien combien Holly et moi, on lui est reconnaissants.
And could you tell Herman I said hello, and I'll probably be seeing him at the next town hall meeting, but I need his vote to get those cross-walks funded over at the school, so please, please mention that.
Passez le bonjour à Herman. Je le verrai sûrement à la prochaine réunion municipale, mais j'ai besoin de son vote pour faire construire le trottoir près de l'école. Si vous pouvez lui en toucher un mot.
I'll tell him I cheated on him with Sami, just before he got killed... or that he might be the father of the baby I'm going to abort
Je lui dirai que je l'ai trompé avec Sami juste avant sa mort? Ou qu'il est peut-être le père du bébé dont je vais avorter?
You should explain all of that to Hank and tell him how you feel. - I feel fine.
Tu devrais tout expliquer à Hank, et lui dire ce que tu ressens.
We can't force him to tell us any more than that.
On ne peut pas le forcer à en dire plus.
- And proud that, even though you came to New York this summer to tell Eddie you didn't need him- he's the one you turn to now.
Et fiers, bien que tu sois venue à New-York cet été pour dire à Eddie que tu n'avais pas besoin de lui... Il est le seul vers qui tu peux te tourner maintenant.
So that next morning we're doing roadwork, 4 : 30 in the morning before the sun is up, when he can run, and I tell him about the boy.
Le lendemain matin, on fait un jogging. Il est 4 h 30 du matin, avant que le soleil ne se lève. Je lui dis pour le gosse.
Uh, well, that's kind of what I came here to talk to you about, actually, um... uh, he doesn't know yet, and I just woke up feeling like I had to tell him today,
Euh, c'est un peu pour ça que je suis venue te parler, en fait, hum... il n'est pas encore au courant, et je me suis réveillée en sentant que je devais lui dire aujourd'hui,
Like, do you have something that you just want to tell him?
Genre, tu as quelque chose à lui dire?
I can tell you that if you do not claim him, there will be a distance between you and that boy for the rest of your lives.
Je peux vous dire que si vous ne le reconnaissez pas, il y aura une distance entre vous et ce garçon pour le reste de votre vie.
I'll tell him you call, asking about him every day, that you're pining for him.
Je lui dirai que tu appelles en demandant pour lui tous les jours. que tu insistes.
Tell that little prick when you're done patching his fuckin'conscience I wanna talk to him.
Dis à ce petit connard que quand vous aurez finis de rafistoler sa conscience je voudrais lui parler.
I need you to tell me that you're gonna find Damon and bring him back because I don't think I can live forever without him.
Il faut que tu me dises que tu vas trouver Damon et le ramener parce que je ne crois pas que je puisse vivre éternellement sans lui.
I needed him alive to tell the DA that he lied.
J'avais besoin de lui en vie pour dire au procureur qu'il a menti.
You can tell him I said that.
Vous pourrez lui dire que j'ai dit ça.
And let me tell you, he is going to be very disappointed to see that you gave him up.
Et laissez-moi vous dire, il va être vraiment déçu de voir que vous l'avez abandonné.
You call off the hit on Halstead, and you tell me who it was tried to take him out at that bar.
Tu retires le contrat sur Halstead, et tu me dis qui a essayé de le tuer dans ce bar.
That's exactly what I was gonna tell him.
C'est exactement ce que j'allais lui dire.
- Look, I just wanted to come and tell you That we have a memorial for him at my place tomorrow.
Je voulais juste te dire qu'il y aura une cérémonie pour lui, chez moi demain.
- Take this guy in for booking. Charge him with kidnapping. And tell chief beifong that prince wu is missing.
Bouclez-le pour enlèvement, et dites à Beifong que le prince Wu a disparu.
tell him yourself 23
tell him 1314
tell him i said hi 19
tell him to come 17
tell him i'm busy 16
tell him i love him 20
tell him to wait 20
tell him to call me 20
tell him the truth 70
tell him everything 25
tell him 1314
tell him i said hi 19
tell him to come 17
tell him i'm busy 16
tell him i love him 20
tell him to wait 20
tell him to call me 20
tell him the truth 70
tell him everything 25
tell him what you told me 25
tell him to stop 32
tell him to come in 19
tell him i'm sorry 30
tell him i'll call him back 20
tell him it's urgent 16
tell him now 20
tell him what 72
that 10639
that's nice 2129
tell him to stop 32
tell him to come in 19
tell him i'm sorry 30
tell him i'll call him back 20
tell him it's urgent 16
tell him now 20
tell him what 72
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's awesome 830
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my sister 96
that's good to know 269
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that's good to hear 161
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that'll be it 25
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that's my sister 96
that's good to know 269
that doesn't seem fair 27
that's for sure 889
that's my baby 48
that's me 2273
that is 2872
that's my man 51
that's my line 54
that is so lame 16
that'll be me 20
that's for sure 889
that's my baby 48
that's me 2273
that is 2872
that's my man 51
that's my line 54
that is so lame 16
that'll be me 20