Tell him the truth translate French
912 parallel translation
I had no knowledge of it. Sunbaenim, why don't you tell him the truth?
Je ne savais rien.
we've got to tell him the truth, Lily. Oh, no.
On doit lui dire la vérité, Lily.
- I've gotta tell him the truth.
- Lui dire la vérité.
We have to tell him the truth regardless of what happens to the furniture.
II faudra lui dire la vérité, peu importe ce qu'il advient des meubles.
If you're gonna take care of me, tell him the truth.
S'occuper de moi? Dis-lui donc la vérité!
If only I could tell him the truth.
Si seulement je pouvais lui dire.
Now, tell him the truth and nothing can happen to you.
Si vous lui dites la vérité, il ne vous arrivera rien.
If ever I reach England again, I'll go to your father and tell him the truth. Thanks.
Si j'atteins l'Angleterre... j'irai dire la vérité à votre père.
I think Honoré should tell him the truth before he dies. No, I won't tell him.
Il me semble, Fanny, il me semble qu'il faut qu'Honoré, avant de partir, lui dise la vérité.
- l'm going to tell him the truth.
- Je vais lui dire la vérité.
- Do we tell him the truth?
On lui dit la vérité?
No alternative, Sir Humphrey, I did not dare tell him the truth.
Pas d'alternative, Sir Humphrey, je n'ai pas osé lui dire la vérité.
- Well, what do you want me to do? - Tell him the truth. Tell him that you don't love him, that you...
Dites-lui que vous ne l'aimez pas, que vous...
Well, tell him the truth.
- Dis-lui la vérité.
Go on, Mickey, tell himI Tell him the truth!
Allez, Mickey, dis-lui! La vérité!
Why didn't you tell him the truth when he came back?
Pourquoi ne lui as-tu pas parlé à son retour?
I tried to tell him the truth.
- J'ai essayé de lui dire la vérité.
I bring you here by accident and my father likes you so much. We can't tell him the truth.
Je vous emmène ici par accident et vous plaisez tant à mon père... qu'on ne peut pas lui dire la vérité.
You can tell him the truth and claim your legal rights.
Dites-lui la vérité, réclamez vos droits.
- Why, you cheap clown. Why don't you tell him the truth?
- La vérité va finir par se savoir.
Let's tell him the truth.
Lui dire la vérité.
Let's tell him the truth.
Il n'y a que l'honnêteté qui paie.
- Tell him the truth.
Dis-lui tout.
I was gonna tell him the truth.
J'allais lui dire la vérité.
I'll tell him the truth.
Je lui dirai la vérité.
Tell him the truth.
Dites-lui la vérité.
I'm going to tell him the truth.
Je vais lui dire la vérité.
Leave me, someone has to tell him the truth
Faut tout lui dire...
Why didn't she tell him the truth?
Pourquoi ne lui a-t-elle pas dit la vérité?
Tell him the truth.
Dis-lui la vérité.
But once you tell him the whole truth, you'll be shattering the image he has of his parents.
Même si nous vous laissions sa charge, imaginez-vous ce que les gens diraient.
But to tell you the truth, I like him even better in his dinner coat.
Mais pour dire la vérité, je l'aime encore mieux dans son costume du soir.
You've got to tell a good guy the truth no matter how much it burns him up.
C'est un type bien, il faut lui dire la vérité, même si ça le blesse.
No, I didn't tell him that. I told him the truth. And, strangely enough, he believed me.
Non, je lui ai dit la vérité et il m'a crue.
I told him I was going straight back to you and tell the truth.
J'ai dit que je repartirais vous dire la vérité.
Tell him the second truth, the truth in our way.
Dites-lui une autre vérité ; notre genre de vérité.
Why don't you make him tell the truth?
Faites-lui dire la vérité!
Tell me the truth... do you love him?
Dis-moi la vérité.
To tell you the truth, I'm the one that talked him into being a prize fighter.
A vrai dire, c'est moi qui l'ai poussé à être boxeur.
If I brought him face to face with you, he might break down and tell the truth.
S'il te voyait en face, il pourrait craquer et dire la vérité.
I want you to help me tell the world the truth about him.
Aidez-moi à dire la vérité au monde entier.
I don't know what I'll tell him, but it'll be pretty close to the truth.
Ce que je vais lui dire, s'approchera beaucoup de la vérité.
Well, to tell you the truth, I haven't met him yet.
En fait, je ne l'ai pas encore vu!
I pleaded with him to tell the truth, but he stuck to his story.
Je l'ai supplié de dire la vérité, en vain.
But did you not stand in that box and swear by Almighty God as you shall stand before Him on the great day of judgment that you would tell the truth, the whole truth, - and nothing but the truth?
Ne vous êtes-vous pas tenu à la barre et n'avez-vous pas juré de dire toute la vérité, rien que la vérité?
Just let him tell the truth.
- Make him tell me the truth, Hugo
Je veux la vérité.
Tell him the truth.
Dites la vérité.
Take me to the Prince. I'll tell him the whole truth.
Je veux voir le prince.
It was hard to tell whether or not he was stating the truth because the Reverend Father tried to question him, he screamed he had no brother and ran away.
On ne sait pas s'il a dit la vérité. Quand le révérend l'a questionné, il a hurlé qu'il n'avait pas de frére et s'est enfui.
To tell the truth, I've seen him... in the park yersterday night.
À vrai dire, je l'ai vu... au parc hier soir.
tell him yourself 23
tell him 1314
tell him i said hi 19
tell him to come 17
tell him i love him 20
tell him i'm busy 16
tell him to wait 20
tell him to call me 20
tell him everything 25
tell him what you told me 25
tell him 1314
tell him i said hi 19
tell him to come 17
tell him i love him 20
tell him i'm busy 16
tell him to wait 20
tell him to call me 20
tell him everything 25
tell him what you told me 25