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That you were translate French

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When things go wrong at a location, you need to make it seem like nothing happened and create the illusion that you were never there.
Quand les choses tournent mal quelque part, vous devez faire comme si rien n'était arrivé et créer l'illusion que vous n'étiez pas là.
And if I had known that writing your name meant that you were gonna be exposed...
Et si j'avais su qu'écrire ton nom voulait dire que tu serais inquiété...
You didn't talk much, but I could tell that you were hurting. So, I convinced Dad to let me have you over family weekend.
Tu ne parlais pas beaucoup, mais je sais que tu souffrais.
Toby said that you were untruthful about how you spent Halloween with your family.
Toby a dit que tu mentais à propos du fait que tu passais Halloween avec ta famille.
I've never heard you admit that you were scared before.
Je ne t'ai jamais entendu avouer que tu avais eu peur.
I just thought that you were...
Je pensais juste que tu étais...
Just admit that you were more important to her, and that she wanted to make sure that you felt special every single minute - of every single day so that
Admets que tu étais plus important à ses yeux et qu'elle voulait être sûre que tu te sentes spécial chaque minute de chaque jour.
I didn't know that you were on Prozac.
Je ne savais pas que tu avais pris du Prozac.
She told your parents that you were dead.
Elle a dit à vos parents que vous étiez morte.
You know, the saddest part about this story for me is that you were a kid.
Vous savez, la partie la plus triste pour moi dans cette histoire est que vous étiez une enfant.
From the correspondence, Bennett seemed to think that you were trying to cash in on Arturo's death.
D'après ça, Bennett pensait que vous vouliez profiter de la mort d'Arturo.
That's my house, you were in there, I was sleeping.
Je dormais. Je savais pas que tu prenais cette photo.
I didn't know you were taking that picture.
C'est mal.
- I think privacy is dead, and you were one of the first people to do that.
En partie grâce à ton travail.
If you were to look at that in that moment, just turn around and spontaneously
Mettez-vous à ma place.
I'm so in love with you and I'm so in love with the way that we met, but like... where was Tinder when we were dating?
Je suis fou amoureux de toi et de la façon dont on s'est connus, mais comment on a fait sans Tinder?
- Yeah, I mean- - Were you getting a little kick out of that?
T'as pris ton pied?
We've been doing pressure infusions of coffees that, you know, we couldn't have done that back when we were trying to make sure everyone got paid.
On a des méthodes d'infusion qu'on n'avait pas avant quand on se souciait surtout de payer nos gars.
As much as we can appreciate the position you're in, I just can't get behind the fact that you're the president simply because you were the Designated Survivor.
Même si on se rend bien compte de la position dans laquelle vous êtes, je ne peux omettre le fait que vous êtes le Président simplement parce que vous étiez le survivant désigné.
Was that your experience when you were bullied?
Est-ce votre ressenti quand vous étiez brutalisé?
Yeah, but you weren't thinking about that when you were creating it.
Mais vous ne pensiez pas à ça quand vous l'avez créé.
All the stories Reddington's told you about who he is and his connection to you- - he knew you were looking for answers and he took advantage of that to re-enter your life.
Toutes les histoires que t'a raconté Reddington à propos de qui il est et du lien qui vous unit... il savait que tu cherchais des réponses et il s'en est servi pour revenir dans ta vie.
Look, if I were you and our daughter were missing because of something that had nothing to do with me...
Si j'étais toi et que ma fille avait disparu à cause de quelque chose n'ayant rien à voir avec moi...
All this time teaching has made you think you were the best operative that never was.
Tout ce temps à enseigner t'a fait croire que tu étais le meilleur de tous les agents.
You know, a suspicious person might think that things in this garage were staged.
Vous savez, une personne suspicieuse pourrait penser que ces choses dans ce garage n'est qu'une mise en scène.
That's where you sat when you were a probie.
C'est là que s'assoient les débutants.
You were the only one that had the opportunity to poison Bruno.
Le seul à pouvoir empoisonner Bruno.
Do you remember the second grade when you were afraid of the monsters under your bed, or the dark... or that old creaking oak tree?
Tu te rappelles en primaire quand tu avais peur des monstres sous ton lit, ou de l'obscurité... ou ce vieux chêne grinçant?
You knew that if Kirk was listening and he heard that we were going after Le Bron, he'd try to get to him first.
Vous saviez que si Kirk écoutait et entendait qu'on allait arrêter Le Bron, il aurait essayé de l'avoir en premier.
You know if that were true, all of this would have been resolved long ago with your abduction.
Tu sais, si cela était vrai, tout cela aurait été résolu depuis longtemps avec ton kidnapping.
You know that story you were telling me about the lion and the mouse?
Tu sais cette histoire que tu m'as racontée sur le lion et la souris?
If you were standing by that target right now, you'd be setting up a tripod instead of warning anyone.
Si tu te tenais prêt de cette cible, tu mettrais en place un trépied au lieu d'avertir les gens.
So, that's why you were late this morning.
C'est pourquoi tu étais en retard ce matin.
I was so focused on today's scenario that I lost sight of how much you were going through.
J'étais si concentré sur le scénario d'aujourd'hui que j'ai perdu de vue ce que tu traversais.
Even if you were the person she wants you to be today, how long will that really last?
Même si tu étais la personne qu'elle veut que tu soies, combien de temps cela durerait-il?
After that, you went to work at your father's firm, focusing on the human rights work they were doing in the DRC.
Après ça, tu as travaillé dans la firme de ton père, en vous concentrant sur les droits de l'homme en R.D. du Congo.
You were very good, Kevin. On that show.
Vous étiez très bon dans cette série.
I mean, you all were very recently complaining that you hated riding in these cars?
Il y a peu, vous disiez tous que vous détestiez faire la route dans ces voitures.
So, you pretended you were talking Cantonese when we came into that basement, didn't you?
Vous avez fait semblant de parler cantonnais quand nous sommes arrivés au sous-sol n'est-ce pas?
Did you know that the atoms and elements of your body were forged in the hearts of stars?
Saviez-vous que les éléments et les atomes de votre corps furent forgés dans des cœurs d'étoiles?
No memory at all of that, of what you were thinking or experiencing?
Aucun souvenir du tout de ça, de ce que tu as pensé, ou vécu?
Legend has it those that were never found moved into abandoned houses. Garcia, you should locate some of those properties.
Ceux jamais retrouvés seraient dans des bâtisses abandonnées.
Oh, that's right. Because you were too cocky back then.
Oh, c'est vrai, tu étais trop arrogant à l'époque.
You were with your siblings that night.
Vous étiez avec vos frère et sœur ce soir-là.
You said you were trying to protect Agnes from Reddington, and that's my decision to make- - and Tom's.
Tu disais vouloir protéger Agnes de Reddington, et cela relève de ma décision... et celle de Tom.
Kate's the only one that came. Well, she had to. You were paying her.
Elle était bien obligée, elle travaillait pour toi.
You were being a good friend to Nick by letting Reagan move in, but I wouldn't be a good friend to you if I just let that happen.
Tu es une bonne amie pour Nick en laissant Reagan emménager, mais je ne serais pas une bonne amie pour toi si je laissais ça juste arriver.
That's where you were taking me?
C'est là où tu m'emmenais?
When were you gonna tell me about that?
Quand comptais-tu m'en parler?
I mean, you were the one that said, "Figure out what you're fighting for."
Tu es celui qui m'as dit : "Trouves-toi une raison pour laquelle te battre".
Now, did you decide to take that drink, or was it pre-written, some kind of history that says you were meant to take that drink?
Maintenant, est ce que tu as décidé de boire ce verre, ou était-ce pré-écrit, une sorte d'Histoire qui dit que tu était destinée à boire ce verre?

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