Then who was it translate French
534 parallel translation
then who was it?
alors qui est-ce?
Well, then who was it?
- Alors, qui c'était?
- If it wasn't you, then who was it?
Mais si ce n'était pas toi, alors qui?
- Then who was it?
- Alors, de qui?
- No, ma'am. Then who was it?
Alors, qui est-ce?
Then who was it?
Qui ça?
An officer who was protecting you was shot down in front of your house. And you ain't allowing to go into court and be a witness against the murderer.. Then it ain't your country.
Si un policier qui te protège est abattu devant chez toi, et qu'on t'empêche de témoigner au tribunal, ce n'est pas ton pays, mais celui des criminels et tu n'es qu'un lâche!
Peter Blood, was it you, then, who took this ship and turned defeat into victory?
C'est à toi que nous devons cette victoire?
The man who want to get more out of life than he puts into it the hoodlum he's the same today as he was then.
l'homme qui veut tout tout de suite, le truand. Aujourd'hui, il reste le même qu'hier :
Then I'm sure it was Mrs Cooper who made the 50 years go so swiftly.
Alors ce doit être Mme Cooper.
Then it was my belt. Who do you say gave you the coat?
C'est donc bien ma ceinture qui a...
No. He was a man who got everything he wanted, and then lost it.
Kane a eu tout ce qu'il a désiré et il a tout perdu.
Then you're certain it was Parry who was in the accident?
Tu es donc sûre que c'est Parry qui a eu l'accident?
All right then, answer me this, who was it allowed you to sublet half of her apartment against her better judgment?
Qui a sous-loué la moitié de son appartement contre sa propre volonté? - Pourquoi avoir loué derrière mon dos Mon appartement à ce... à ce... à lui! - Vous
You wouldn't even say today is Tuesday unless you looked at the calendar. Then you'd check to see if it was this year's or last year's calendar. Then you'd find out who printed the calendar... and find out if their calendar checked with the World Almanac's calendar.
Pour dire qu'on est mardi, tu vérifies si le calendrier est bien de cette année, et tu téléphones à l'Observatoire pour être sûr.
Then it was you who killed Millard, frightened him with your lying tongue into taking his own life.
C'est vous qui avez tué Millard, le poussant à se suicider par votre langue mensongère.
Then suddenly I had the feeling that someone was listening that I was singing for someone who enjoyed it.
Et soudain, j'ai eu l'impression que quelqu'un m'entendait que je chantais pour quelqu'un à qui ça faisait plaisir.
- Then it was Cora who crowned Nick. Then she slid out and sent the car over the cliff.
C'est Cora qui a précipité la voiture... dans le ravin!
Then who did you think it was?
Qui pensiez-vous trouver ici?
Then later I knew it was Saint Michael who spoke.
Depuis j'ai su que c'était saint Michel.
He gave me the acid test to see whether i loved him enough to give up all rights to his money, and then i realized it was you who provided the acid.
Il m'a fait subir le test : l'aimais-je assez pour renoncer à son argent? J'ai compris que ça venait de vous.
It was Stephen then who was first suspicious? - Yes.
C'est lui qui a eu les premiers soupçons?
Then you're under the impression that it was Emily Gaunt who took these things?
Vous pensez donc qu'Emily Gaunt a pris ces objets.
Even then, it was I who comforted him, not you.
C'est moi qui le consolais à l'époque, pas vous.
And it was your mother who knew better... who heard your father tell that lie to the police... and then lied herself to protect him.
Et ta mère, qui savait... a entendu ton père mentir à la police... et a ensuite elle-même menti pour le couvrir.
Then it was anybody who had anything we wanted.
Puis quiconque avait ce qui nous intéressait.
Then it was you who decoyed those warships here.
C'est à cause de vous que ces navires sont déployés.
I was not thinking then... that it was I who was acting the little soldier.
Je ne pensais pas.. .. que c'était moi qui jouais au petit soldat.
First you said it was yours, then that it wasn't yours, then you told me it was your dad's, who died and left it to you.
D'abord la voiture est à toi, puis, elle ne l'est pas puisque c'est l'héritage de ton père qui est mort.
Oh, he'd cut a little corner now and then on little things. Who doesn't? But when it came to the big ones... there was only one way to play it for him-straight.
Il négligeait certes les détails... mais pour les choses sérieuses il n'admettait qu'un critère :
Then you tell her It was her old man who got between you and her.
Dites-Iui que c'est son vieux qui s'est mis entre vous.
Theoretically yes. Is it unreasonable then to ask yourself... Whether the mammoths might have remained alive all those years,... and it was the Siberians who killed them before they had a chance to thaw out and breathe again!
N'est-il donc pas raisonnable de se demander si les mammouths étaient vivants et si les Sibériens les ont tués avant qu'ils puissent décongeler et respirer?
Then it was you who... Yes.
- Alors, c'était vous...
Then it was I who.
Alors c'est moi qui en ai.
Then, it's either you or the other dirty slob, the phony crazy who was scared to come in.
Alors, ou c'est vous ou c'est l'autre salaud, le faux dingue qui avait peur d'entrer.
Who was it then?
Alors qui était-ce?
And then the doctor came in, who was supposed to do the... and he said he thought it was awful.
Ensuite, le docteur est entré, celui qui devait me... Lui aussi, il a dit que c'était affreux.
Who knows, maybe there was a country where he would be accepted for his heart, and where he would had been able to forget everything he had learned... and then learn it again without embarrassment or offense,
Qui sait, peut-être il y avait un pays où il serait accepté pour son coeur, et où il aurait pu oublier tout ce qu'il avait appris puis réapprendre sans embarras ou injure, d'une façon douce et naturelle comme ça aurait dû se faire.
It was due to his father who had by then become something of a legend in the district.
C'était à cause de son père, qui était devenu... une sorte de légende dans le quartier.
Then it was SPECTRE who killed the Russian agent in the mosque.
C'est Spectre qui a tué l'agent russe à la mosquée. C'était vous?
It was Queen Isabella, the Spanish one who then was Duchess of Calabria - she made me study and allowed me to be where I am today organist at the Holy Church, paid by the kindness of Your Excellency.
Ce fut la reine Isabelle, l'espagnole, alors duchesse de Calabre, qui me fit étudier me permit de devenir ce que je suis organiste de l'Église. Honoré de la bienveillance de Votre Excellence.
- I was just wondering who wrote a bit of verse and then remembered it was I.
- Quoi? - Je cherchais l'auteur de vers et je me suis rappelée que c'était moi.
I think it was this swindle that Mr. Ffolly-Hardwicke stumbled upon. So did Compton who then added to his list of crimes, blackmail.
je pense que M. Ffolly Hardwicke est tombé par hasard sur cette escroquerie, ce qui a fait que Compton, a alors ajouté à sa liste de crimes, le chantage.
Then Mom would come to see who it was.
Maman viendrait voir qui c'est.
Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was : and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.
Lors ta cendre s'en retournera en la terre d'où elle vient et ton esprit en Dieu qui te le donna.
I thought it was some foolishness, then I remembered : Is there not a bourgeois criminal cad the Riddler, who preys upon the workers?
J'ai cru que c'était une plaisanterie, puis je me suis rappelé... qu'un malotru bourgeois criminel... le Riddler, tourmentait les travailleurs de ce pays.
Who was it landed here before, then?
DOCTEUR : Qui a atterri ici plus tôt, alors?
Then I will. It was Fox who took them.
Eh bien, c'est Fox qui les a prises!
If it wasn't you who bought him, then it was your father, and you knew about it.
Si c'est pas toi qui l'a acheté, lors c'est ton père et toi tu étais au courant.
Who was it, then?
- Qui c'était, alors?
If it was the British who killed Pavel, then they know.
Si les Anglais ont tué Pavel, alors, ils sont au courant.
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then who are you 56
then who am i 16
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who was it 877
was it 1813
was it worth it 132
was it something i said 48
was it me 31
was it fun 48
was it nice 29
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was it you 219