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Translate.vc / English → French / [ W ] / We leave at

We leave at translate French

840 parallel translation
We leave at dawn.
Nous partons à l'aube.
- We leave at once.
- On part immédiatement.
We leave at dawn, if we get a signal or not. Yes, sir.
Nous partons à l'aube, avec ou sans Driscoll.
- We leave at 6?
- On part à 6 h?
We leave at 6 : 00.
Nous partons à six heures.
We're not interested in your opinions. Tell the boys to get packed. We leave at once.
Dites aux porteurs de se tenir prêts!
All aboard. We leave at once.
En voiture, nous partons.
Well, if Mr. Robinson doesn't mind, I don't. We leave at 4 : 00.
Si M. Robinson est d'accord, disons 16 h.
Ferani, get the guards. We leave at once.
Appelle les gardes, partons vite!
We'll leave Sunday at dawn.
- D'accord.
At this rate, we'll have to leave the country to save our faces.
À ce rythme-là... on va devoir quitter le pays pour sauver la face.
We'll look at the patient in the next room and leave these young people alone. Come, nurses.
Venez, infirmières.
Maybe we better leave one at a time.
On devrait partir une à la fois.
No, we must leave at once.
Non, on doit partir tout de suite.
I'll check this at the station and you can pick it up when we leave.
Je dépose ça à la gare, pour plus tard.
We won't be putting in at any port where we could leave you.
On ne va pas accoster dans un port où vous pourriez descendre.
1 paid your room rent here at the hotel and III leave you enough money for expenses until we get backl
J'ai payé votre chambre à l'hôtel et je vous laisserai assez d'argent jusqu'à notre retour.
Well, maybe we'd better leave things as they are for a while at least.
J'aimerais pouvoir les rassurer.
Then we must leave at daybreak.
Dans ce cas, partons à l'aube.
Unfortunately, you will have no shore leave while we're here at Tahiti.
Vous n'aurez hélas aucune permission de terre à Tahiti.
So we're asking you, in a nice way, to leave at once.
Vous êtes priés de déguerpir.
Looks pretty black. Even if we leave first thing in the morning... there's still a connection at Basle. We'll probably be hours.
Je suis inquiet et il faudra encore attendre une correspondance à Bâle.
Look, and we'll leave blackhat Gallagher at Briggs'cottage around the corner.
Et on dépose Blackhat Gallagher devant chez Briggs, un peu plus loin.
We no more than got here, when I learned that my regiment was to leave at once for South Africa, so we had to act in a hurry.
Puis j'ai appris que mon régiment partait en Afrique du Sud, et je vous l'ai amenée.
It was just a heat rash. We don't have to leave at all.
Ce n'était que des rougeurs causées par la chaleur.
Listen, dear. I don't want to alarm you, but we have to leave the country at once.
Écoute, chérie, je ne veux pas t'alarmer, mais on doit quitter le pays immédiatement.
We must leave for New York at once.
Il faut aller à New York.
If you say we're happy, let's leave it at that.
Si vous dites que nous sommes heureux, restons-en là.
They have leave till 4 : 00. We sail at dawn.
Nous appareillons à l'aube.
It's the only way I could make it if we're going to leave at 7 : 00 in the morning.
C'était la seule façon d'être à l'heure, si on part à 7 h. Un verre?
We shall not leave it at that.
Nous n'en resterons pas la.
He's very sick at the moment. We'll leave immediately he's well.
Nous partirons dès qu'il ira mieux.
We must leave at once.
Il faut que nous partions.
We'll leave at once unless you insist on our staying.
- Nullement! - Si, si — c'est une gêne. Mais peut-être pourriez-vous — nous prier à souper?
We must leave at once from the hut if we want to be out in three hours.
Nous devons partir tout de suite de le refuge si nous voulons nous lever dans trois heures.
We have to pay, we won't leave it at that.
Nous devons payer, n'en restons pas là.
Yes of course, my dear fellow I understand. We'll leave our address at the desk.
M. Potts, ce fut un plaisir.
And here, at Scotland Yard, we're equally convinced he did leave London.
Mais à Scotland Yard, nous pensons le contraire.
As a matter of fact, we have to leave at once.
On doit partir de suite.
We must leave at once.
- Venez. Il faut partir tout de suite.
And when we leave this earth, we are reunited with it as a raindrop falling from heaven is at last reunited with the sea which gave it birth.
En quittant cette terre, nous en faisons de nouveau part comme la goutte d'eau qui retourne à l'océan.
We leave tomorrow morning at 6 : 00.
On part demain matin à 6 h.
Is there any reason why we can not leave for the settlement at once instead of tomorrow?
Partons sans attendre demain.
We weren't supposed to leave at first, but then
D'abord, on ne devait pas partir, mais après...
Ruy Blas, my young friend... and we won't leave it at that.
Ruy Blas, mon jeune ami, nous n'en resterons pas là.
We leave from my place at 6 : 30 on Friday.
Nous partons vendredi à 6h30.
If I could make a suggestion, sir, we could leave the stuff at Mr Macroon's shop. Then you could take it up with Headquarters.
On pourrait déposer les caisses chez M. Macroon, en attendant.
We will leave tomorrow. Now we are looking for a radio operator to hold the fort here. And you have nothing else to do at the moment, right?
Nous partons demain, et nous cherchons un télégraphiste, qui, ici en ville, tient la place pour nous Et vous ne voulez rien d'autre?
I'll leave the talking to you. You're good at it. We need you.
Je vous laisse les discours et les réunions.
We'll leave tonight at once.
Nous partons ce soir. Immédiatement.
Well, folks we're gonna have to leave this hospitable community at exactly 7 : 30.
Mes amis, nous devons quitter cette ville si hospitalière à 19 h 30 précises.

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