Whatever they are translate French
424 parallel translation
- They sure are pretty, whatever they are. - Indeed.
En tout cas, ils sont beaux.
So you see, Your Honour, you can't try us in a civil court, and I therefore move the charges be dismissed, whatever they are.
C'est pourquoi, un tribunal civil n'est pas compétent pour nous juger et je vous somme de déclarer les charges irrecevables.
Your old cows scare me to pieces with those long antlers or whatever they are.
Vos vaches me font peur avec leurs bois, ou quoi que ce soit.
Well, whatever they are, I'm sure they're not true.
Sans fondement, j'en suis sûre.
That makes you somebody, even if nobody knows your names whatever they are.
Ça fait de vous quelqu'un, même si vous n'êtes pas connus... qui que vous soyez.
If you choose to meddle thus be prepared to face the consequences, whatever they are.
Si vous les remuez, preparez-vous aux consequences...
What about these pills they've got, whatever they are?
Parlez-moi de ces pilules qu'on fabrique, vous voyez de quoi je parle?
You must have the strength to smother your feelings, whatever they are.
Aie la force d'étouffer tes sentiments, quels qu'ils puissent être.
I knew what I was doing.... And I've got to accept the consequences, whatever they are.
Je savais ce que je faisais, et je dois en accepter toutes les conséquences, quelles qu'elles soient.
Whatever they are, their physical development is absolutely startling.
Leur croissance est extraordinaire.
Ruled by their high-handed ideas, whatever they are.
Afin de garder la mainmise sur ces terres.
He was amazing, just amazing until he started having these little, whatever they are, these spells.
Il était extraordinaire de jeunesse jusqu'à l'apparition de ces petits "incidents cérébraux".
Whatever they are, the Germans aren't making all this effort for our benefit.
En tout cas, les Allemands n'ont pas faits tous ces efforts pour rien.
Pretty unpleasant-looking things, whatever they are.
Vraiment désagréable à l'œil, quoi que ce soit.
Guardians, Monoids, these beings, whatever they are, place a heavy strain on our credulity.
Gardiens, Monoïds, ces créatures, quelles qu'elles soient, nous croient très crédules.
Whatever they are, they're decomposing fast.
Je n'en sais rien mais ils se décomposent vite.
Whatever they are, they breathe air.
En tout cas, ils respirent de l'air.
I'm told they're harmless enough... as long as you keep the oxides, or whatever they are, separate.
- On me dit qu'ils sont sans danger... en autant qu'on ne mélange pas ensemble les oxydes ou les trucs.
Whatever they are, I'll wear'em, Nick.
Ça fera l'affaire.
And if any of you have any problems, whatever they are, do not hesitate to come to me.
Si vous avez des problèmes, quelqu'ils soient, n'hésitez pas, venez me voir.
Everybody's mistakes will be forgiven, whatever they are.
Que les erreurs de tout le monde soient pardonnées, n'importe lesquelles.
Whatever they are, they're fast!
Ils sont bien plus rapides que nous!
I don't think we can fight these beings, whatever they are.
Je ne crois pas qu'on puisse combattre ces choses.
Whatever it means, whatever they are... They're gone, at least for now.
Je ne sais pas qui ils sont ni ce que ça signifie, mais ils sont partis.
I've got those books to write. Whatever they are.
Et j'ai tous ces livres à écrire...
But whatever they are, they came out of this case of coffee.
Quoi qu'il en soit, c'était dans ces cartons de café.
Could it be those fireflies, or whatever they are?
Ça pourrait venir de lucioles, ou de Dieu sait quoi?
It was most unbecoming of you to go about parading your feelings, whatever you think they are.
Il est très inconvenant d'aller afficher tes sentiments, quoi que tu penses ressentir.
Subconscious thingamajigs, or whatever Dr van Straaten would say that they are
Des machins subconscients, quelque soit leur nom.
Whatever kind of planes the are, they make a lot of noise.
Quel que soit le type, ils sont très bruyants!
Whatever his reasons, they are good ones.
Quelles que soient ses raisons, elles sont bonnes.
Howdy. I come to help you sell these little kidney pills, whatever the heck they are.
Je viens vous aider à vendre ces petites pilules.
None whatever. For they are not mine alone.
Car ce ne sont pas uniquement les miennes.
You are to give whatever information they request.
Donnez-leur les infrormations nécessaires.
Whatever unseen beings are out there, they apparently have the power to influence our minds when we're unconscious.
Quels que soient les êtres qui peuplent ces lieux, ils ont le pouvoir d'agir sur nos esprits et de nous influencer.
He employs models, long-legged pulchritude, with whatever face and posture they are wearing this year.
Il embauche des mannequins. Des beautés aux longues jambes, avec le visage et l'attitude à la mode cette année.
Whatever the creatures are, they have apparently taken over all the inhabitants of Deneva.
Les créatures semblent avoir envahi tous les habitants de Dénéva.
Now, whatever she is and what she imparts to them... is how those children are gonna grow up, and this is the age when they need it.
Qui qu'elle soit et quoi qu'elle leur apprenne, c'est ainsi qu'ils grandiront. Et c'est à cet âge qu'ils en ont besoin.
Your little jokes are meaningless, Mr. Neville. Or doctor, or colonel, or whatever it was they called you.
Vos plaisanteries n'ont pas cours, M.Neville... ou docteur, ou colonel?
Hey man, did you go into that... slaughter room or whatever they call it? The whole family are cracked.
Une famille entière de Draculas.
The cattle cars or whatever they're sending are due to arrive at 1200 hours, provided, of course, that the Russian sappers have not blown up the track.
Quels qu'ils soient, les véhicules doivent arriver à 12 h, à condition bien sûr que les Russes n'aient pas fait sauter la route.
And whatever your fears are, well they'll be defeated just by facing up to'em.
Et quelles que soient tes peurs, c'est en les confrontant que tu en triompheras.
Whatever are they talking about?
Qu'entendent-ils par là?
The men in the audience are free to do whatever they want to.
Je prierai les messieurs de continuer à vaquer à leurs occupations.
Those not accepted for whatever reasons are all ex-soldiers. They know weapons, they know tactics.
Et les réservistes n'en restent pas moins d'ex-soldats connaissant armes et stratégie.
- Let him speak! Fascists are entitled to speak, whatever they have to say.
Laisse-le parler, les fascistes en ont le droit.
I guarantee you that these dreams or nightmares or whatever the hell they are will never bother you again.
Et je te promets que ces... ces cauchemars, ne te dérangeront plus jamais.
Whatever limits are drawn by large capital... they are forced to work within these limits. At this point. not becoming part of advancing cinema... but becoming part of collapsed. dissolved... and outdated filmmaking is wanted.
Ils deviennent alors au lieu d'un élément de développement, un élément de décadence et d'obsolescence.
So I'm going where they are, to learn whatever they know.
Alors je pars à leur recherche, pour apprendre d'eux tout ce qu'ils voudront bien me dire.
These souls, who for whatever reason are not at rest... are also not aware that they have passed on.
Ces ämes qui, pour une raison ou une autre, ne sont pas en repos... ignorent également qu'elles ont trépassé.
Some of my most stirring memories are of cheering for whomever it was to do whatever they were supposed to do to whomever they were supposed to do it.
Je me souviens avec émotion d'avoir encouragé l'équipe en question à faire ce qu'elle était censée faire contre l'équipe adverse en question.
whatever they say 25
whatever they want 22
they are coming 72
they are 1447
they are my friends 21
they aren't 58
they are everywhere 27
they are beautiful 39
they are cute 16
they are delicious 17
whatever they want 22
they are coming 72
they are 1447
they are my friends 21
they aren't 58
they are everywhere 27
they are beautiful 39
they are cute 16
they are delicious 17
they are my family 17
they are here 88
they are good 26
they are the same 17
they are dead 31
they are fine 18
they are mine 34
they are not 95
they are yours 18
they are gone 47
they are here 88
they are good 26
they are the same 17
they are dead 31
they are fine 18
they are mine 34
they are not 95
they are yours 18
they are gone 47
they are real 22
they are there 18
they are now 30
are you okay 10556
area 145
are you all right 6257
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are you 9496
are you sure 6189
aren 34
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they are now 30
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area 145
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are you 9496
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aren 34
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ares 34
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are you fucking serious 72
are you kidding me 3423
are you married 428
are you ok 2809
are you there 1616
are you crazy 2783
are you serious 3114
ares 34
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are you fucking serious 72
are you kidding me 3423
are you married 428
are you ok 2809
are you there 1616
are you crazy 2783
are you serious 3114
are you free tonight 40
are you mad at me 175
are you ready 1883
are you listening 493
are you listening to me 401
are you nuts 615
are you mad 557
are you here 359
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are you hungry 755
are you mad at me 175
are you ready 1883
are you listening 493
are you listening to me 401
are you nuts 615
are you mad 557
are you here 359
are you done yet 34
are you hungry 755