Whatever you're going through translate French
57 parallel translation
Whatever you're going through, you're not an animal.
Quels que soient tes problèmes, tu n'es pas une bête.
Marshal! I'm sorry for whatever personal turmoil you're going through, son.
Ça me fait de la peine de vous savoir perturbé.
Look, I don't claim to know what you're going through but whatever it is, it's not worth dying for.
J'ignore ce que vous traversez, mais ça ne justifie pas que vous mouriez.
Being with them will make whatever you're going through feel like nothing.
Ce sera tellement chiant que tu en oublieras tes soucis.
Whatever phase you're going through, embrace it.Because at least it's interesting.
Où que tu en sois, là, c'est intéressant.
Trust me, whatever you're going through is not half as bad as what I'm facing.
crois moi, peut importe ce que tu traverses c'est pas la moitié de ce que je suis en train de vivre.
Okay, look, Miles, whatever you're going through, whatever is...
Ecoute Miles, quoi que tu vives, quoi qu'il...
Whatever you're going through, I hope you don't blame me.
Quoi que tu traverses, j'espère que tu ne m'en veux pas.
I'm sorry, but whatever it is you're going through, you'll have to figure it out alone.
Je suis désolée, mais tu vas devoir traverser cette crise sans moi.
Listen, Nathan, whatever you're going through,
Ecoute, Nathan, quoi que tu traverses,
" whatever you're going through.
" Quoi que vous passez.
Look, whatever it is, whatever you're going through, it'll pass.
Je sais pas ce qui t'arrive mais ça te passera.
Just... whatever you're going through, I have the feeling I've been there too.
Quoi que tu traverses, moi aussi, je l'ai traversé.
Whatever you're going through, killing yourself is not the answer!
Quoi que tu traverses, le suicide n'est pas la solution!
Whatever you're going through, just... let it happen.
Quoique vous traversiez, contentez-vous... de laisser faire.
And then, when you're through with that, you're going to go to school, where you're going to apply your natural inquisitiveness to whatever is happening in that classroom.
Et quand tu auras fini tout ça, tu iras à l'école, où tu utiliseras ta curiosité naturelle pour t'intéresser à ce qui se passera dans ta classe.
I intend to find out what happened to my wife, whatever the risks, so I'm going through the anomaly, and if you want to stop me, then you're going to have to shoot me.
J'ai l'intention d'élucider la disparition de ma femme, quoi qu'il arrive. Je mènerai mon enquête, et si vous voulez m'en empêcher, alors il faudra m'abattre.
Whatever you need, because I know what you're going through.
Comme tu veux. Je sais ce que tu traverses.
we just want to say how sorry we are for what you're going through but we're here to do whatever we can to try and get michael home.
Nous sommes désolés que vous deviez vivre ça, mais nous allons faire notre possible pour vous ramener Michael.
So if I get information through torture I have no way to verify anything because, well, I would just assume that you're going to tell me whatever the hell you want so the pain stops.
Si j'obtiens des informations par la torture, je peux rien vérifier parce que vous me raconterez n'importe quoi pour que la douleur cesse.
Letters, magazines. Shit like that, it all goes through unmolested. But if Grandma sends you cookies or porn or brownies or whatever, you're going to have to pay for it if you want to get it.
Le courrier, les magazines, ça passe sans probléme, mais si ta mamie t'envoie des gâteaux ou même un porno, il faudra raquer pour l'avoir. 5 $ le colis.
If you're going all the way to Chicago, through Birmingham, whatever... Take it to California.
Tant qu'à aller jusqu'à Chicago ou jusqu'à Birmingham, peu importe, va jusqu'en Californie.
Whatever you're going through, this identity crisis, you can survive.
Peu importe la crise d'identité que tu traverses, tu peux y survivre.
Whatever it is you're going through, i can't imagine.
Je ne sais pas ce que vous cherchez.
I understand what you're going through, whatever the circumstances.
Je comprends ce que vous traversez, quelles que soient les circonstances.
Kurt, can I talk to you for a second? I know you're going through a really scary time right now, but I feel like I don't know how to be around you anymore, and I know you're not really spiritual or whatever, but I feel like you're closing yourself to a world of experiences that might surprise you.
Je peux te parler? mais tu te fermes à un monde qui pourrait te surprendre.
Whatever you're going through,
Quoi que tu traverses,
So you're going to have to work through whatever hurt feelings you have and provide us with some information.
Alors faites avec tout votre ressentiment et donnez-nous des infos.
So whatever it is you're on or going through, drop the fucker and get your arse out there and see to your daughter!
Alors peu importe ce qu'il se passe, ramène tes fesses et va voir ta fille!
So... You need someone to talk to about whatever it is you're going through.
Il faut que tu parles à quelqu'un de ce que tu vis.
So either you let us through, arrest us, whatever. We're not going back.
Pour nous empêcher de passer, vous allez devoir nous arrêter.
Look, I know you and Detective Barber were friends, and I know this thing with you and Andy's gotta be tough, but whatever you're going through, you need to deal with it, soon.
Écoute, je sais que le Détective Barber et toi étiez amis, et je sais que les choses entre Andy et toi doivent être difficiles, mais peu importe ce que tu traverses, tu dois le régler, rapidement.
Don't use whatever your mother is going through as your excuse to do what you're doing.
N'utilise pas ce que ta mère traverse comme excuse pour justifier ce que tu fais.
I won't pretend to know what you're going through. But whatever it is, you shouldn't hurt yourself.
Je ne veux pas savoir ce qui s'est passé, mais essaie de ne pas te faire de mal.
Look, lavon, I know you're going through a rough time, so Wade and I will do whatever we can to help. I gotta go.
Ecoute Lavon, je sais que tu traverses une mauvaise période, donc Wade et moi allons faire ce qu'on peut pour t'aider.
And whatever it is you're going through, we can go through it together.
Et quoi que tu traverses, on peut le traverser ensemble.
Whatever you're going through, it's not too late.
Qu'importe ce que tu traverses, ce n'est pas trop tard.
I know whatever happened, whatever you're going through...
Peut importe ce qu'il s'est passé, ce que tu traverses,...
Whatever you're going through, guess what? I did too.
Peu importe ce que tu traverses, devine quoi, je l'ai traversé aussi.
So whatever this is, whatever you're going through, we're gonna get through it together, okay?
Donc, quoi que ce soit, quoi tu es entrain de vivre, On va traverser ça ensemble, d'accord?
Michael, whatever you're going through, there's a way out.
Il y a toujours une solution.
But whatever it is you're going through,
Mais quoique tu sois en train de traverser,
If this case has taught us anything, it's that you can live, despite whatever pain you're going through.
Si cette affaire nous a bien appris une chose, c'est que tu peux vivre malgré la douleur que tu ressens.
Even if they make it through whatever it is you're doing to them, they're going to be totally unprepared for the real world.
Même s'ils s'en sortent, après tout ce que tu leur as fait subir, ils ne seront pas du tout préparés pour affronter la vraie vie.
Whatever you're going through... we're going through together.
Quoi que vous allez à travers... nous traversons ensemble.
Whatever you're going through we're going through together.
Quoi que vous allez à travers nous traversons ensemble.
- Whatever you're going through, we're going through together. - I love you.
- Je t'aime.
Whatever you're going through, we're going through together.
Quoi que vous allez à travers, nous allons à travers ensemble.
Look, just because you're going through a thing or whatever it is you won't talk about does not mean you can act like an asshole.
Regardez, juste parce que vous allez à travers une chose ou quoi que ce soit vous ne parlez ne signifie pas que vous pouvez agir comme un trou du cul.
Look, I appreciate whatever moral crisis you're going through right now, but this is my home.
Je comprends la crise morale que tu traverses en ce moment, mais c'est chez moi.
Listen, I-I just wanted to say that you know, whatever you're going through, I hope you know that you can tell me.
Ecoute, je voulais juste te dire tu sais, quoi que tu traverses, tu peux me le dire.
whatever you're doing 92
whatever you're thinking 33
whatever you're having 17
whatever you're selling 24
whatever you're planning 19
whatever you're gonna do 20
whatever you're thinking of doing 16
whatever 7954
whatevs 49
whatever you say 750
whatever you're thinking 33
whatever you're having 17
whatever you're selling 24
whatever you're planning 19
whatever you're gonna do 20
whatever you're thinking of doing 16
whatever 7954
whatevs 49
whatever you say 750
whatever works for you 17
whatever helps you sleep at night 20
whatever you need 442
whatever you think is best 17
whatever works 54
whatever you want 745
whatever it takes 474
whatever do you mean 52
whatever happens 538
whatever that means 174
whatever helps you sleep at night 20
whatever you need 442
whatever you think is best 17
whatever works 54
whatever you want 745
whatever it takes 474
whatever do you mean 52
whatever happens 538
whatever that means 174