You get him translate French
12,564 parallel translation
What did you get him?
QU'est-ce que tu lui as trouvé?
Now, can you give this to him when they get home?
Pourriez-vous lui remettre ceci?
- Did you get hold of him?
- Avez-vous mettre la main sur lui?
Can you just get him for us, please? Victor, come out here.
Victor, viens là.
But my officer did get the distinct impression He was in the middle of a lovers'spat, And you did ask him to call me.
Mais mon officier a eu la nette impression d'être au milieu d'une querelle d'amoureux, et vous lui avez demandé de m'appeler.
And you went to jail instead of ratting him out. So, you're gonna go in there and you're gonna get him
Vous piégiez des voitures pour lui, et vous avez été en taule au lieu de le dénoncer.
Get him a bus. Yeah. You okay?
Appelle-lui une ambulance.
You're the only one who doesn't get mad at him for asking.
Vous êtes le seul à ne pas vous énerver contre lui pour ses questions.
If you want him to go and get new threads, you just go and buy them.
Si tu veux qu'ils aillent s'acheter des fringues, tu y vas.
If you can show him how the ball will move in flight and get that right...
Si vous pouvez lui montrer les mouvements de la balle - et faire ça bien...
Change his clothes, change his weapons, get him fit, get him fat, make him whatever you want.
Changer ses fringues, changer ses armes, le faire gros, le faire mince le faire ce que tu veux
Didn't really get a look at him or nothing, but he was wearing them... you know, what doctors wear.
Je ne l'ai pas vraiment regardé, mais il portait ce que les docteurs portent.
We, um, we found him, so as soon as you get this...
On l'a trouvé, - donc dès que t'as le message...
Get off him, you son of a bitch.
- Éloigne-toi de lui, fils de pute.
Did you get a good look at him?
L'avez-vous bien regardé?
You just gonna let him get away with smearing Nadia like that?
Vous allez le laisser s'en tirer en diffamant Nadia comme ça?
Did you hear the part about me not being able to get a hold of him?
Vous ne m'avez pas entendu dire que je n'arrivais pas à le joindre?
I get why you like him.
Je vois pourquoi tu l'apprécies.
He said you're the one who tried to get him killed because of what he knew about Black Sands, about what you did there.
Il m'a dit que vous avez essayé de le tuer à cause de ce qu'il savait à propos de Sable Noir, et de votre implication.
Hey, if anyone can get through to him, it's you.
Si quelqu'un peut l'atteindre, c'est toi.
I can't let him get a hold of you.
Je ne peux pas le laisser mettre la main sur toi.
Dwight, maybe you can just help me get him to the truck.
Dwight, tu peux m'aider à le mettre dans le camion.
I want you to look... Get him!
J'aimerais que vous regardiez...
Can you look after him for me, just until I get out?
Est-ce que tu peux t'en occuper pour moi, jusqu'à ce que je sorte?
He'd get gassed up and there was nothing you could do, and he had lungs on him like a bloody trombone.
Il avait des gaz et il n'y avait rien à faire, et il avait des poumons de trompettiste.
Before you had a chance to get your boozy old hands all over him.
Avant que tu ne mettes tes vieilles mains sur lui.
Please, you have to get him out of here.
Vous devez le sortir de là.
Please, you've got to go back and get him out!
S'il vous plait, vous devez le faire sortir!
What are you gonna do if you can't get him back after bypass?
Qu'est ce que tu vas faire si tu peux pas le ramener après le pontage
I didn't get to tell him goodbye... because of you.
Je n'ai pas pu lui dire au revoir... à cause de toi.
You'll want to get back for him.
Tu voudras retourner avec lui.
Then why did you give him a pass to get on?
pourquoi lui avez-vous donné un laissez-passer?
That's funny. Okay, guys, when you clear, we're gonna cut away the piece of the door here that's impaling him, then you can get him inside, okay?
Ok, les gars, quand vous dégagez, nous allons couper cette pièce de la porte ici, ça l'empale, après vous pouvez le faire rentrer, ok?
I get that you're worried about your friend, but you are not going anywhere with him.
Je comprends que tu sois inquiet à propos de ton ami, mais tu n'iras nulle part avec lui.
So you better get your abandonment issues under control, because Jack Soloff is gonna keep coming, and now you're gonna have to put him down.
Donc tu ferais mieux de contrôler tes problèmes d'abandon, parce que Jack Soloff va continuer à venir, et maintenant, tu vas devoir l'achever.
Well, did you tell him to get his ass down here?
Tu lui as dit de ramener son cul ici?
You're never gonna get to him.
Alors ça n'a pas d'importance.
Look, all you need to know is that without him, the entire witches'plan falls to nothing, but if we don't get the devil out of him...
Tout ce que vous devez savoir c'est que sans lui, le plan des sorcières est reduit à néant, mais si on ne fait pas sortir le Diable de lui...
Once you've got our son, get him someplace safe.
Dès que tu auras notre fils, mets-le en sécurité.
Laura, you can't just let him get away with this.
Tu ne peux pas le laisser s'en tirer.
You will not get to him.
Vous n'arriverez pas jusqu'à lui.
Get him as far away as you can.
Emmenez-le aussi loin que possible.
You need to come get him.
Vous devez venir l'attraper.
You can't get pregnant from pre-come. I got a buddy, this guy Donald- - him and his girlfriend were having sex- - same situation.
Mon pote, Donald, il lui est arrivé la même chose avec sa copine.
So if Barack Obama was here and he wanted to get on the plane, there's no way you could let him on?
Si Barack Obama voulait monter dans cet avion, il ne pourrait pas?
Maybe you do have a little more to lose than Justin because, I mean we have all known him and been friends with him way longer than we've known you so if you guys do break up, I mean, he would probably get to keep the friends.
Peut être que tu as un peu plus à perdre que Justin car on le connait tous et on est ami avec lui plus longtemps qu'avec toi. Donc si vous cassez, il gardera, probablement, les amis. vous cassez, il gardera probablement les amis.
- The murderer... Do you think you'll get him before he kills someone else?
Tu vas pouvoir le retrouver avant qu'il essaie de tuer encore?
Best way to get your father to notice you is to beat him at his own game.
Le meilleur moyen pour que ton père te remarque est de le battre à son propre jeu.
What if I told you there was a way to get back at him?
Et si je te disais que j'ai un moyen de me venger de lui?
Well, you better get him on tape, quickly, because Hap's a smart man.
Vous feriez mieux d'avoir cet enregistrement rapidement, car Hap est un homme malin.
You need to go straight to the White House and do whatever it is that you have to do to get your job back and talk some sense into him, because if he goes through with this, if he divorces me, then we are all finished... you, me, and him.
Tu dois aller tout droit à la Maison Blanche et faire ce qu'il faut pour récupérer ton travail et lui remettre les idées au clair, parce que s'il continue avec ça, s'il me quitte, alors on est fini. Toi, moi et lui.
you get me 124
you get what you pay for 29
you get away from me 19
you get used to it 162
you get the idea 54
you get what i'm saying 29
you get the point 20
you get 202
you get some rest 46
you getting this 48
you get what you pay for 29
you get away from me 19
you get used to it 162
you get the idea 54
you get what i'm saying 29
you get the point 20
you get 202
you get some rest 46
you getting this 48