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Translate.vc / English → French / [ Y ] / You must eat

You must eat translate French

286 parallel translation
- Oh, no. You must eat.
Tu dois manger.
But you must eat.
Mais tu le dois.
You must eat it. You've got to get your strength back.
Tu dois la finir pour reprendre des forces.
Oh, but you must eat something.
Mais vous devez manger quelque chose.
You must eat something before you go.
Vous devez manger quelque chose, avant de partir.
You must eat more solids...
Vous devez manger plus de solides...
Now, you must eat it while it's hot.
Buvez-le, il est chaud.
You'll find quantities of breakfast over there. But you must eat it all, or Cook will be mortally offended.
Le petit-déjeuner est là-bas et vous devez tout manger.
Then you must eat something.
Alors il faut que tu manges.
And you must eat and rest.
Vous devez aussi manger et vous reposer.
- You must eat them.
- Vous devez les manger.
- You must eat one of these.
- Mangez une brioche. - Ça fait grossir.
- You must eat, you've got a big frame to fill.
- Il faut que vous mangiez.
Please, Karin, you must eat.
Je t'en prie, Karin, tu dois manger.
You must eat.
Vous devez manger.
But you must eat. - I sent Two Moons to look for'em.
J'ai fait venir Ben et les autres.
John, you must eat something.
John, il faut manger quelque chose.
- If you won't sleep, you must eat.
- Si tu ne dors pas, mange au moins.
You must eat something, Mr. Fogg.
Il faut manger.
Eat, you must eat, You have to!
Mange, tu dois manger, t'es obligé!
- You must eat.
- Il faut manger.
You must eat.
Il faut manger.
- Take it away. - You must eat.
- Tu dois te nourrir.
You must eat first
Reste dîner avec nous.
You must eat bread!
Il faut manger du pain!
- You must eat something.
- Faut manger un morceau.
You must eat, little and often.
Tu dois manger, peu et souvent.
But, Françoise, you must eat something.
Et toi, mange quelque chose, tu ne peux pas rester sans manger, ma chérie.
- I am saying you must eat and eat! - Cuchillo! Take the bread!
Moi, je dis que manger, c'est pas un péché.
You must eat instead of smoking.
Tu fumes trop!
- Then you must eat with us this evening.
- Dînez avec nous ce soir.
You must eat something, Don Antonio Excuse the intrusian, Terio
Vous devez manger quelque chose, Don Antonio.
- You must eat.
Oh! Tiens!
You must have something to eat.
Vous devriez manger.
Say, how many of these things must you eat before an Archduke comes out?
Combien doit-on en manger avant qu'un archiduc sorte?
You must get this guy something to eat!
Il va falloir donner à manger à cet homme!
You must laugh to eat well.
Il faut rire pour bien manger.
You must be starving. Eat up.
Vous devez mourir de soif.
If you would eat, you must hurry.
Dépêche-toi si tu veux manger.
Your very presence is distasteful to me, that I must eat with you, sleep under the same roof with you.
Votre simple présence est désagréable pour moi. A devoir manger à vos côtés, et dormir sous le même toit.
You must try to eat and rest properly.
Tu devrais essayer de manger et de te reposer correctement.
How many times must I tell you, one doesn't eat honey without bread.
Je t'ai dit que le miel ne se mangeait pas sans pain.
- You must visit my home. - I will offer you something to eat.
Voudriez-vous honorer ma demeure?
As if you were a princess. You can't be difficult here. You must learn to eat whatever there is.
Ne faites pas la Princesse... ici, il faut manger de tout.
You must try to eat.
Il faut manger...
You must learn to eat them properly.
Tu dois savoir comment les manger.
But you must eat whipped cream. "
Il faut manger de la crème. "
But you must try and eat something.
Mais vous devez essayer d'avaler quelque chose.
Come on, let's get something to eat. You must be hungry, eh?
Venez manger un morceau, vous devez avoir faim.
Ten minute's time is all they have to eat it in, and they must keep moving, they must keep dancing at all times. - How are you doing, Sailor?
Ils n'ont que dix minutes pour manger et ils doivent continuer à bouger, à danser tout le temps.
And you must be hungry, you couldn't have had time to eat.
Et tu dois bien avoir faim.

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