Bring it here translate Portuguese
954 parallel translation
Get all the money you can, and bring it here.
Junte todo o dinheiro que conseguir e traga-o aqui.
Bring it here.
Trá-los aqui.
Now, get that bundle and bring it here, p.d.q.
Bem, tira o embrulho e traz-mo aqui o mais rápido que possas.
I want the sun, bring it here.
Eu quero o sol, trazei-mo cá.
You'll find a bag, bring it here.
Vai encontrar uma mala.
Bring it here.
Put down the coffee. Pour the boiling water in the basin and bring it here.
Deixe o café aí... agora jogue água na bacia e traga a bacia para cá.
Have Joey bring it here,
Chame o Joey pra cá.
The first to catch his pig and bring it here is the winner.
O primeiro que conseguir apanhar um e trazê-lo aqui é o vencedor.
Bring it here.
Trá-la cá.
He'll bring him here if it's at all possible.
Ele vai trazê-lo cá se for possível.
Get all the money you can and bring it down here right away.
Juntem todo o dinheiro que conseguirem, e tragam-no aqui.
No, bring it in here and guard it with your life.
Não, traz isso para o quarto e guarda-o com a própria vida.
In fact, it was suggested that someone be sent to bring him here.
De facto, sugeriram que alguém o trouxesse aqui.
Was it kind to bring your good-looking brother here to break my poor heart?
Acha bem ter trazido o seu irmão tão bonito, para despedaçar o meu coração?
It's going to bring that storm here.
Vai trazer a tempestade para cá.
It was she who got Ahmad to let us bring you here.
Foi ela quem pediu a Ahmad para trazê-lo para cá.
So it was a good idea to bring her here, after all.
Então sempre foi boa ideia trazê-la cá para casa.
- Then bring it back here.
- Depois tragam isso aqui.
However, I did bring her a present, and here it is.
De facto, trouxe-lhe um presente. Aqui está ele.
Well, if it concerns this case, why, bring her on up here, Dave.
Bem, se está relacionado ao caso, traga-a aqui, Dave.
It's good to have you here, Luke, even if it did take a bullet to bring you.
É bom tê-lo aqui, Luke, ainda que uma bala o tenha trazido.
Whatever you have up there, bring it down here.
O que quer que tenham ai em cima, tragam-na cá abaixo.
David, fill them buckets up with this here and bring them outside, and hurry it along.
David, enche os baldes com isto e traz cá para fora. Depressa.
The husband used to bring the boys down here to fly it.
E ela lembrou, o marido trazia-os aqui para brincar.
That's it. Bring the pole over here.
Traga-me esse tronco.
It would be a mistake to bring the enemy here.
Seria um erro trazer o inimigo para dentro do forte.
Standing here thinking about it won't bring him back.
Ficar aqui a pensar nisso não o fará regressar.
What'd you bring it in here for?
For que a trouxeste para aqui?
What did you bring it in here for?
Porque trouxeste a mala?
Bring it in here.
Traz para aqui.
well, Miss Tammy, you bring your dress here, and after I hang this up I'II come in and iron it for you.
Bem, Shtª Tammy, traga o seu vestido aqui, quando terminar este dou-lhe uma passagem a ferro
Then I'll bring it in here, all right?
Eu trago-te o jantar aqui, está bem?
Bring it over here in front of the mirror.
Traga aqui na frente do espelho.
Look, don't bring that rag of a uniform out here and expect to win battles with it.
Olhe, não venha com esse uniforme andrajoso... e esperar ganhar batalhas com ele.
I'd appreciate it if you'd bring that bottle back here.
Agradecia-lhe que me devolvesse a garrafa.
You two go on and get the silver and gold and bring it back here to me.
Vocês os dois vão lá buscar a prata e o ouro e trazem-me cá.
It's Ben Cartwright! ( mob clamoring ) What'd you bring that trash in here for?
É o Ben Cartwright! Porque veio trazer esse lixo aqui para dentro?
You could bring them over here, show them how we grow the fruit, process it, let them get a firsthand taste of Hawaiian sunshine, and they'd go back to their territories and sell like they never sold before.
Eles viriam pra ver como isto funciona, tomariam sol havaiano e voltariam cheios de vontade de vender.
Go to the trailer, get a bucket, fill it with gasoline, and bring it back here.
Vai à caravana, toma um balde, enche-lo de gasolina e trá-lo aqui.
It must be something important to bring you here.
Algo muito importante deve trazer-te aqui.
I think it would be best if you bring Tabby here, don't you think so?
Penso que seria melhor trazer o Tabby pra cá, não acha?
Bring it up here!
Eu ouvi!
Then we can hightail it outta here and bring back help.
Então podemos sair rápido daqui e trazer ajuda.
To remain here, a poor monk in simplicity of spirit, is it a path to bring me nearer to you?
Ficar aqui, como um monge em simplicidade de espírito? Este é o caminho que me levará para perto do Senhor?
It was not my wish to bring you here.
Não foi minha intenção trazer-te até aqui.
It's just in case you decided to bring guards or monks here. To convert us to your faith by force.
É para não trazeres militares e monges que nos forçam a abraçar a vossa fé.
You'll find my report in here. It'll bring you up to date.
Tem informações actualizadas.
It was Chico's idea to finish building the church, to bring all three villages here and make them into one.
Chico teve a ideia de acabar de construir a igreja, trazer as três aldeias para aqui e formar uma só.
I can keep them busy for a while, but it might be a good idea... to bring them here and give them a drink and sandwich to sweeten them up.
Mas acho boa ideia trazê-los até aqui e oferecer-lhes de beber e uma sanduíche, só para lhes fazer um agrado.
bring it on 469
bring it 412
bring it up 72
bring it home 60
bring it to me 68
bring it in 351
bring it out 20
bring it down 74
bring it back 84
bring it over 24
bring it 412
bring it up 72
bring it home 60
bring it to me 68
bring it in 351
bring it out 20
bring it down 74
bring it back 84
bring it over 24
bring it over here 26
bring it in here 22
here 35434
here we go 9033
here you go 5858
here we go again 374
here comes the sun 21
here goes nothing 99
here comes the bride 39
here it comes 620
bring it in here 22
here 35434
here we go 9033
here you go 5858
here we go again 374
here comes the sun 21
here goes nothing 99
here comes the bride 39
here it comes 620
here it is 2313
here we are 2264
here she comes 366
here you are 1966
here i come 382
here's the thing 1106
here's my number 71
here we come 237
here they come 557
here they are 545
here we are 2264
here she comes 366
here you are 1966
here i come 382
here's the thing 1106
here's my number 71
here we come 237
here they come 557
here they are 545