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Call him back translate Portuguese

718 parallel translation
- I'll call him back.
- Eu volto a ligar-lhe.
Call him back.
Let me call him back, darling.
- Desligou? - Sim.
Good love, call him back.
Chama-o, caro!
I said I'd call him back.
Disse que voltava a ligar.
Tell him I'll call him back.
Diz-lhe que eu já lhe ligo.
Why don't you call him back again and see what happened?
Porque não lhe telefona outra vez e vê o que acontece?
Call him back and say I'm not goin'.
Telefona e diz que não vou.
I know Haganah would call him back, if you would only use your influence.
Eu sei que o Haganah o mandava voltar, se tu usasses a tua influência.
- Freddy, could you call him back?
- Freddy, podes voltar a telefonar?
Call him back then.
Traga-o de volta.
Não descobriu nada até agora mas liga se descobrir algo importante.
Tell him I'll call him back.
Diga a ele que ligo de volta.
I'll call him back.
- Eu já ligo.
Don't call him back.
Não volte a ligar-lhe.
All right. Call him back and say yes, and find out what time.
Ligue-lhe a dizer que sim e descubra a que horas.
Call him back. Tell him I left to chase down a lead.
Liga-lhe e diz-lhe que saí para seguir uma pista.
Call him back!
Chamem-no de volta!
I call him back, I find he's not in his office.
Chamei-o de volta e vi que ele não está no seu gabinete.
Give him five months, then call him back.
Dai-lhe quatro ou cinco meses e mandai-o regressar.
Better to call him back when you don't need him than when you do.
É melhor chamá-lo enquanto não precisais dele, do que terdes de vos humilhar quando precisardes.
I'll call him back for a rest.
Vou chamá-lo de volta para descansar.
- Call him back.
- Chama-o de volta.
Tell the chief I'll call him back.
Diga ao chefe que ligarei de volta.
I call him back, he's under sedation.
Ligo de volta, ele está sedado.
I'm asking you, why you didn't call him back?
Perguntei porque não mandaram o Beaumont voltar?
I told him you'd call him back.
Eu disse-lhe que tu lhe ligavas.
Call him back.
Acaba de chegar agora.
Yes. If Sawyer shows up, I'll have him call you right back.
Se o Sawyer aparecer, eu digo-lhe para lhe telefonar.
I asked him to call back, but he particularly wanted to wait.
Lhe disse que chamasse mais tarde, mas preferiu esperar.
And I'm not gonna call him one, to his face or his back.
E não o vou chamar isso, nem pela frente, nem pelas costas.
I told him if we weren't back there in 15 minutes, for him to call the American Consulate at Casablanca.
Disse-lhe que se não estivéssemos de volta dentro de 15 minutos, para telefonar para o Consulado dos EUA em Casablanca!
- I'm telling you, I was in a pub, I tried to call our design engineer to tell him I was back...
Eu estava num bar, tentei ligar pro nosso chefe de construção, pra dizer-lhe que estou de volta...
- Tell him to call back.
- Diga-Ihe que volte a telefonar.
Maybe if I take him back to the hotel room where he made the phone call maybe the familiar surroundings will strike a chord.
E se o levarmos ao hotel de onde fez a chamada telefónica talvez a visão das redondezas o faça recuperar a memoria.
Would you ask him to call me back right away, please?
Peça-lhe para me telefonar imediatamente, por favor.
If you insist on speaking to him, then you'll have to call back later.
Se insiste em falar com ele, terá de ligar mais tarde.
I told him you had left and you'd call him as soon as you get back.
Disse-Ihe que tinhas saído e que Ihe ligavas quando voltasses.
So, after you've talked to him, call me back at the cabin, will you, and let me know what he decided.
Depois de falares com ele, liga-me para a cabana e diz-me o que ele decidiu.
- Did you call him back?
- Ligou-lhe?
There's a game on tonight, and I'll call back and give him the address... when we set a place. - This is Chalky.
- Sou o Chalky.
Call the sergeant back here... and ask him a question that'll take a long time for him to answer, okay?
Chama o sargento... e pergunta-lhe uma coisa que eu quero saber há muito.
Let's go back and call him.
Vamos regressar e telefonar-lhe.
I'll call you back in a little while and we'll go get him next time.
Telefono-te dentro de um momento e depois continuamos da próxima vez.
I'll have him call back later.
Eu digo-lhe para telefonar mais tarde.
I'll get him on his feet and call back.
Vou colocá-lo de pé e ligo em seguida.
"Bring'Em Back Alive" Frank Buck, they call him.
Deixou-o sobreviver, não o matou.
You simply call Detective Alvarez and tell him to call you back on a public phone.
Ligue ao Detective Alvarez e diga-lhe para lhe ligar de um telefone público.
I might call Zack sometime... and give him back his records.
Talvez lhe ligue um dia destes... e devolvo-lhe os discos.
I think you should call him and order him back to Paris.
Acho que lhe devia ligar a mandá-lo regressar a Paris.
Tom Bradford. If I'm not back by the time you go to work tomorrow, call him and tell him to come looking for me at Fong's.
Se eu não voltar até amanhã quando saíres para o trabalho, liga-lhe e diz-lhe que me procure em casa do Fong.

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