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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ D ] / Did you hear her

Did you hear her translate Portuguese

121 parallel translation
Did you hear her?
Lina, did you hear her?
Lina, estás a ouvir?
Did you hear her?
Did you hear her, Tom?
Escutaste, Tom?
Did you hear her?
Ouviu o que ela disse?
Too self-possessed. Did you hear her?
Demasiado confiante.
Did you hear her rototilling at 6 : 00 in the morning?
- Você e o Frank gostaram do México?
Did you hear her report in Miss Weigatt's class?
Ouviste o que ela disse na aula da Miss Weigatt's?
Did you hear her voice?
Ouviu a voz dela?
- Did you hear her come in last night?
- Ouviste-a entrar ontem à noite?
- Did you hear her? - She's fine.
- É óptima.
- Did you hear her come in last night?
- Ouviste-a entrar ontem?
Did you hear her saying, " Who is she?
Tu viu ela falar assim : " Quem é ela?
Well, did you hear her scream or cry out?
Ouviste-a gritar ou chorar?
- Did you hear her?
- Escutaste-a? - A quem?
Did you hear her? Did you hear what Marilyn said?
Sabem o que disse a Marilyn?
But, did you hear her?
Mas, ouviste-a?
Did you hear her rototilling at 6 : 00 in the morning?
Ouviste-a? A lavrar às seis da manhã?
- Did you hear her again after that?
- Ouviste a voz dela depois disso?
Did you hear her?
Ouviu ela falar?
Did you ever hear the story of the old woman who shook her head at the family so much that it fell off, right on the table?
Você já ouviu a história de uma mulher quem balançou a cabeça na família tanto que ele caiu em cima da mesa?
Before she went to her cash drawer did you hear this man say something?
Antes de ela ter ido à gaveta, ouviu o homem a dizer alguma coisa?
Well, I couldn't exactly see what all was going on, but I did hear the defendant open her bag and say "As you see, I am prepared to make good my promise"
Bem, eu não pude ver exactamente o que se passava mas ouvi a acusada abrir a mala e dizer : "Como vê, estou preparada para cumprir a promessa!".
Listen, did you hear the one I'm doing in the show, about a guy walks in the elevator... and there's a naked broad there, and he says to her :
Olha, já ouviu a piada que conto no show... de um cara que entra no elevador... e tem uma dona nua lá dentro, e ele diz para ela :
Did you ever hear her say Mr. Kramer was insensitive to his son's needs?
Ela disse que Mr. Kramer era insensível para com as necessidades do filho?
Did you hear the one where he tried to run her lover over?
Já sabem daquela em que ele quis atropelar a amante dela?
Did you ever hear of her?
Já ouviu falar dela?
Did I hear miss Ochs say you were one of her students?
Ouvi Miss Ochs dizer tu és um dos seus estudantes?
- Did you hear him beat her?
Ouviu ele golpeá-la?
- Didn't you hear her? Did you fucking listen? - Keep your voice down.
Ouviste o que ela disse?
"Did you hear, Pooja went back to her father?"
Já sabes?
Did you not hear her?
Não a ouviste?
You did not hear her scream?
- Não a ouviu gritar?
- Did you hear about her old school?
- Sabes o que se passou na antiga escola dela?
Did you hear Mike Dexter broke up with her?
Já ouviste que o Mike Dexter acabou com ela?
Did you hear from her again?
Voltou a saber dela?
What did you want to tell her even I would like to hear it.
O que é que você queria dizer-lhe, eu gostava de ouvir.
If you did date her... I'm in the Booster Club with her, which means I'll hear things.
Se namorasses com ela, acabaria por ouvir coisas, porque andamos no mesmo Clube.
Did you hear about her?
- No outro dia...
- Did you ever hear her?
- Alguma vez a ouviram?
Did you ever hear him threaten her?
Ouviu-o ameaçá-la?
Speaking of taking your tampon out... yo, did you hear what i did to her boyfriend?
Por falar em tirar o tampão... Yo, ouvistes dizer o que fiz ao namorado dela?
- Can you hear me? - Did you use it against her?
Não deve ser usada contra alguém que se ama.
Your mother'll be broken-hearted to hear that not only did you sneak into town... but you didn't have the decency to call and tell her you were okay.
A tua mãe vai ficar destroçada não só de chegares sorrateiramente à cidade mas não tiveste a decência de lhe ligares e dizeres que estavas bem.
Because I did't hear a call her having mentioned hiring you as her lawyer.
Pois ela não mencionou ter contratado você como advogado.
Did you ever hear her mention that name?
Alguma vez a ouviu falar no nome dela?
- Did you hear about her?
- Ouviu sobre ela?
What did you hear about her?
O que ouviste acerca dela?
Did you ever hear the one about the guy who wanted to tell the girl - how much he liked her, but all he did was stammer and say - mean things when he wanted to be funny?
Já alguma vez ouviste aquela do tipo que queria dizer à rapariga... o quanto gostava dela, mas só sabia gaguejar e dizer coisas parvas quando pretendia ter piada?
- Why would he have her cash in his chips? - Did you hear anything about the dress?
Por que teria ele o dinheiro dela nas suas fichas?
Did you hear what she said when I offered to buy her a drink?
Ouviste o que disse, quando lhe ofereci um copo?

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