He loved her translate Portuguese
321 parallel translation
He was Suellen's beau, and he loved her, not me.
Era o namorado da Suellen. Amava-a e não a mim.
He loved her to describe it... each time the seasons changed.
ele adorava que Iha descrevessem, sempre que a estação mudava.
He loved her so much.
Ele amava-a muito.
He realized she loved him as he loved her, that some force drew them together.
Ele compreendeu que ela o amava como ele a amava e que uma força única os atraía um para o outro.
He loved her deeply, and she, him.
Amava-a profundamente e ela a ele.
There, he'd said he loved her and would give her to others who wouldn't love her.
Foi naquela tarde que ele disse que a amava e que a daria a outros que não a amariam.
I don't know, I guess he loved her too.
Não sei, acho que ele também a amava.
He kept saying how much he loved her.
Não parava de dizer o quanto a amava.
He'd spent the whole war with his Silvana. He'd brought her from home. He loved her like a person.
Esteve toda a guerra com a sua Silvana, trazida da sua aldeia... gostava dela como uma pessoa, mas sim, até mais...
As much as he loved her, he couldn't bear having'this creep as a father-in-law.
Da maneira que a amava, ele não suportava ter aquele diabo como sogro.
He loved her.
All because he loved her.
Tudo porque ele amava ela.
And he loved her with his whole heart and soul.
E ele amava-a do fundo do coração.
He loved her, and he blamed Lewis for that loss.
Ele a amava e culpava Lewis pela perda.
- He loved her.
- Ele amava-a.
He loved her.
Ele amava-a.
He loved her project.
Ele adorou o projecto dela.
And he loved her.
Ele amava-a.
Then he talks for 45 minutes about his ex-girlfriend whose name also happens to be Susan. How he loved her and wanted to marry her how he wanted to father her 5 or 6 children.
Depois, esteve 45 minutos a falar da ex-namorada, que por acaso também se chamava Susan, do quanto a amava, que queria casar com ela, que queria ter 5 ou 6 filhos com ela.
He loved her very much.
Ele amava-a muito.
The man I want is... the man who will love me as much as he loved her.
O homem que eu quero é... o homem que me ame tanto quanto ele a amou.
He said he loved her?
Ele disse que está apaixonado?
- He loved her.
- Amava-a.
- He did't. He loved her.
- Não foi.
You know how much he loved her.
Sabe quanto ele a amava.
He loved her less. Anything else?
- Deseja mais alguma coisa?
And his mother, I guess he always loved her.
E sua mãe, acho que ele sempre a amou.
He's fought with her, worked with her, loved her.
Ele lutou com ela, trabalhou com ela, amou-a.
No. Not if he still loved her.
Não, não se ainda a amava.
# And loved her darlin'husband a month, a year, or two # But he was all a tyrant as he quickly rode about # Sayin'I'm sorry I ever married, The humour is on me now
.. E amou a seu querido marido um mês, um ano ou dois Mas ele era um tirano que a enganava Ela dizia'quanto arrependo-me de me haver casado'.
He had to love her as she loved him, no matter what.
Ele tinha que a amar como ela o amava, fosse como fosse.
Her son will never know how deeply he is loved.
O seu filho, nunca irá saber o quanto é amado.
But if he really loved Kamini Wouldn't he have recognized her?
Mas se ele realmente amava Kamini... será que ele não te reconheceu?
He really loved her.
Ele amava-a realmente.
And he... Hey loved her more than... He ever felt possible.
E ele, ele amava-a mais do que jamais julgou possível.
I asked Dr Aziz if he loved his wife when he married her.
Perguntei ao dr. Aziz se ele amava a sua esposa quando casou com ela.
'Cause he hated my sister. He never loved her. He just used her.
Ele odiava a minha irmã, nunca a amou.
Oh nothing. He must have really loved her because it's such an expensive gift.
devia gostar muito dela, porque é uma prenda muito cara.
Well, Houston loved Lila so much... he wanted to marry her.
Houston amava Lila tanto que queria casar-se com ela.
He had been sad for her... and then he hadn't known what to tell her... and then he'd told her... he had told her that it was as before... that he still loved her... that he would never stop loving her... that he would love her until his death.
Ele ficou triste por ela. Então, não sabia mais o que dizer. Então, ele lhe disse.
Because she loved us so much, she tried hard to be one after he died, but when the plague killed our cattle, something inside her broke and never mended.
Como nos amava muito, tentou sê-lo depois de ele morrer. Mas quando a praga dizimou o nosso gado, algo dentro dela quebrou e nunca mais recuperou.
We heard him cry... tell Mom that he had changed... that he would never drink again, that he was sorry... that he loved us... and especially her.
Nós ouvimo-lo chorar... dizer à mãe que tinha mudado... que nunca mais ia beber, que estava arrependido... que nos amava... especialmente a ela.
Indeed may be loved and devour her again whereby he's forever nourished.
"Certamente que poderá ser amor, devorá-la novamente, por meio do qual ele estará para sempre alimentado."
He probably loved you in "Gone With the Wind". - This is her first movie.
Deve ter gostado de ti em "E Tudo O Vento Levou".
Osório loved Ema, he believed her beauty was beyond compare, but his snobbery came to the fore when he had to listen to tales of her saintly aunt Augusta, with her proverbial goodness.
Osório, embora amasse Ema e a achasse uma beleza difícil de igualar, o seu esnobismo latente vinha ao de cima quando tinha de ouvir falar de D. Augusta, o protótipo da papa-óstias, cuja bondade era uma história de cordel.
He must've loved her very much.
Devia amá-la muito.
Her father loved me oft invited me still questioned me the story of my life from year to year the battles, sieges, fortunes that I have passed. Even from my boyish days to the moment he bade me tell it.
Seu pai me amava e amiúde me convidava a descrever a história da minha vida, ano após ano as batalhas, cercos e fortunas nos quais incorri desde minha meninice até quando ele pediu que os reIatasse.
She was in love and he she loved proved mad and did forsake her.
ela cantava uma canção, "salgueiro".
He loved her, and he wanted to prove it.
Promete que voltará inteiro?
- I thought he loved her.
- Pensei que a amasse.
He was off conquering countries just as fast as he could'cause he wanted to get back to her... because he truly loved the hussy. Yeah.
Andava a conquistar países o mais depressa que podia para voltar porque amava verdadeiramente aquela assanhada.
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heroin 209
herself 49
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hertz 45
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heroic 33
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herself 49
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