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I found her translate Portuguese

2,476 parallel translation
I found her.
Eu a encontrei.
That's where I found her.
Foi onde a encontrei.
She wasn't dead yet when I found her. No.
Ela não estava morta quando a encontrei.
I haven't told anybody this before, but when I found her it sounded like she was trying to say, uh, "Why?"
Não contei isto a ninguém, mas ao encontrá-la, parecia que estava a tentar dizer : "Porquê?"
I found her.
Eu encontrei-a.
I found her on the road.
Encontrei-a na estrada.
She was near death when I found her.
Ela estava a morrer quando a encontrei.
I found her wandering in the wood
Encontrei-a perambulando na mata
This little child, I found her trembling in the shadows
Essa criancinha, encontrei-a tremendo nas sombras
Bill and I found her over on the lawn.
Bill e eu a encontramos na relva.
I can hardly believe I found her.
Custa-me a crer que finalmente a encontrei.
I found her barking up a tree.
Encontrei-a a gritar com uma árvore.
I found her pleasant right off.
Achei-a muito simpática.
- I found her earring on the floor.
- Encontrei o brinco dela no chão.
I found her backpack in the dumpster, * when I was taking out the trash.
Encontrei a mochila dela no contentor do Casino, quando fui despejar o lixo.
Um, I found her by the road.
Hum, eu encontrei-a pela estrada.
I found her huddled by the dumpster.
Encontrei-a abraçada ao balde do lixo.
I found her in a bin outside Topshop.
Encontrei-a numa caixa à porta da Topshop.
I went to her apartment, and I found her like that.
Fui ao seu apartamento e encontrei-a daquela maneira.
As for Cinderella, I think she's found her Prince Charming.
Quanto à Cinderela, acho que encontrou o seu Príncipe Encantado.
I was the one that found her.
Fui eu que a encontrei.
I told her I found them funny.
Disse-lhe que lhes achei graça.
I only hope we found some peace for her... if that's even possible.
Espero que encontremos paz para ela... se for possível.
Found 50 quid in one of her old books and what do I spend it on?
Encontrei estes 50 num dos seus velhos livros e vou gastá-los em quê?
Rosalie found in the basement this morning. And I thought it would be fun have her in sight.
A Rosalie encontrou-a na cave, esta manhã e achei que seria bom olhar para ela.
I thought she was destroyed, consumed by her own magic, but she must have transported to wherever you found her.
Pensei que ela tivesse sido destruida, consumida pela sua própria magia, mas ela deve-a ter levado para onde quer que a encontraste.
Found it when I busted her.
Eu encontrei ele quando eu era sua presa.
and I never found her. And her mother never forgave me.
A mãe dela nunca me perdoou.
- I found her, dude.
I found the sound of her peeing incredibly erotic.
Achei o som do seu xixi incrivelmente erótico.
I thought if her ladyship did notice, they'd search my cabin and it wouldn't be found.
Pensei que se Lady Manton descobrisse, podia fazer uma busca à minha cabine.
I thought if Her Ladyship did notice, they'd search my cabin and it wouldn't be found.
Pensei que se Lady Manton descobrisse, podia fazer uma busca à minha cabine.
- I do. - You found her. You have to remember her.
Descobriste-a, tens de saber o nome dela.
Yeah, well, she found out I was fucking around on her a little bit.
Ela descobriu que eu a andava a trair.
I waited, went to look for her and found her between the dirt bags.
Esperei uma hora, fui procurá-la, e encontrei-a no meio dos sacos do lixo.
I found out that Diana is getting her funding from an Australian holding company.
Descobri que a Diana anda a conseguir o dinheiro de uma empresa australiana.
We both know she does not deserve that money, and your getting it away from her is the least you could do after what I found out about you two today.
Ambos sabemos que ela não merece este dinheiro, e tirá-lo das mãos dela é o mínimo que podes fazer depois do que eu descobri sobre vocês dois.
When my board members found out, I defended her, saying it couldn't be true. I never lied to you, Richard!
Quando a minha direcção descobriu, eu defendi-a, disse que não podia ser verdade.
So I take it no one's found her yet.
Então... deduzo que ninguém a encontrou ainda.
I found an address on her tags.
Encontrei uma morada na coleira.
Would you mind terribly if I called him to ask him if he found her?
Não te importarias se lhe ligasse para perguntar se ele a encontrou?
I've found at least a dozen photos of her and Dan.
Encontrei pelo menos uma dúzia de fotos dela com o Dan.
I found divorce papers in her bag.
Encontrei estes papéis de divórcio na sua mala.
Why? I'm the one who found her.
Fui eu que a descobri.
Yeah, with a knife I had found hidden in her things.
Pois, uma faca que encontrei escondida entre as coisas dela.
I found this in her bag.
Encontrei isto na mala dela.
Perfect because I already found her!
Óptimo, porque já a encontrei!
I got scared that Frank maybe found out about us and maybe he hurt her.
Fiquei com medo do Frank ter descoberto e a ter magoado.
I was just calling to say if you or Don were wondering where Sally is, she found her way home.
Estou a ligar caso tu ou o Don não saibam onde a Sally anda, ela veio para casa.
I was like her West Country whore, fuckable just as long as nobody found out.
Eu era a putinha dela, comível até alguém descobrir.
I was the one who found her.
Quem a encontrou, fui eu!

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