Listen to them translate Portuguese
1,031 parallel translation
Why should we listen to them?
Por que lhes damos ouvidos?
Now I have to listen to them say you're all washed up.
Agora tenho de os ouvir dizer que estás um caco.
Listen to them buzz, buzz.
Ouça os zumbidos.
Listen to them.
Ouve-os só. Eles gostaram.
Listen to them.
Listen to them.
Listen to them cheer.
Ouve-os dar vivas.
Listen to them one at a time.
Ouça-as uma de cada vez.
Will you listen to them?
Irá escutá-los?
Listen to them!
Listen to them tinkle.
Ouça o barulho que fazem.
We never had a chance to listen to them.
Não houve tempo para as ouvir.
I can think of a dozen arguments now and a dozen people who'll listen to them.
Não consigo pensar numa dúzia de argumentos agora nem numa dúzia de pessoas Que os vai ouvir.
Listen to them, the mares from the fields.
Éguas, e os cavalos seus companheiros...
Don't listen to them.
Não liguem pra eles.
Listen to them, sir.
Escute-os, senhor.
Make them listen to me before it's too late!
Ouça antes que seja tarde demais!
Listen, we took the bear to the house of that actress, and when the police tried to arrest us, we tied one of them on the back of the bear and shoved them both into the river!
Escutem isso : nós levamos o urso para a casa daquela atriz... e quando a polícia tentou nos prender... nós amarramos um deles ao urso... e atiramos os dois no rio!
If we can make one of them listen to us and believe, we reach more people than there are in Wangcheng.
Se conseguirmos que um deles nos ouça e acredite em nós, atingimos mais pessoas que as que há aqui em Wangcheng.
I've got a good one for them to listen to and repeat.
Tenho uma boa para eles ouvirem e irem repetir.
Listen to them.
Listen to them if not to me.
Ouça seu povo, se não a mim.
We can talk to them and they'll listen.
Podemos falar com eles e eles ouvirão.
When I pass people on the street I want to stop them and say, "Listen, I've got a fellow!"
Quando encontro as pessoas na rua eu quero-lhes dizer, "Escutem, eu tenho um companheiro".
We'll make them listen to us.
Faremos com que nos ouçam.
Now the publicans and sinners were drawing near to him to listen to him. And the Pharisees and the scribes murmured, saying, "This man welcomes sinners and eats with them."
Se acercaram muitos cobradores de impostos... e outras pessoas consideradas de má vida... ao ver isto, os fariseus e os escribas murmuravam, dizendo... este recebe pecadores e come com eles... e ele lhes propôs esta parábola, dizendo...
I told them all this, but it was of no use, because few today will listen to...
Disse-lhes isto tudo mas não serviu de nada... porque hoje são poucos os que ouvirão...
I did, I am, I told them you didn't have anything to do with me but they wouldn't listen.
Eu disse que você nada tinha com isso, mas não me ouviram.
Without them, the science of criminal investigation is a guessing game. You listen to me and you will learn something.
Sem eles, a ciência da investigaçäo criminal näo passa de um jogo de adivinhas.
Oh, look. If I have to listen to the stories of your love life, I'd much rather hear them in the morning with a nice cup of tea to steady my nerves.
Prefiro ouvir as tuas aventuras amorosas amanhã diante de uma xícara de café que acalme os meus nervos.
Beatrice, listen to me! Tell them--tell them that we've found each other.
Diz-lhes que encontramos o nosso amor.
We want them to listen in.
Queremos que eles nos ouçam.
Bernard Labe could tell them, and they would listen to him.
eles escutam-no.
Listen, Chief, I think we'd better contact all the space agencies who are going to occupy this building and tell them.
Chefe, creio que era melhor falar com as agências espaciais que vão ocupar este edifício e avisá-las.
Well, I'll tell them to listen for you downstairs.
Liguem-me com o presidente.
Listen, tell them to wait.
Ouça, diga-lhes que esperem.
Listen, maybe you better talk to them this time.
Escuta, talvez seja melhor falares com eles desta vez.
- But I can't just kill them. - You listen to me.
- Mas não os posso matar.
You know where to find them. And they'll listen to you.
Sabes onde encontrá-los e eles te farão caso.
My goodness. Listen, Vollmer, tell them to prepare the major surgety.
Vollmer, diga para prepararem a cirurgia principal.
I'll give them something to listen to.
Vou dar-lhes algo para ouvir.
Listen, I tried to stop them, but I...
Ouve, eu tentei pará-los, mas eu...
- We should listen to them.
Não, não!
Well, they can listen to it and decide if it's evolved enough for them to buy it.
- Ainda mais sobre os nossos discos. - Eles compram discos.
- I'll listen to any alternatives, soldier, but until I hear a good one you burn them.
- Ouvirei qualquer alternativa, soldado... mas até ouvir uma boa, queima-os.
If he would listen to me, opportunists, anarchists, traitors, subversives. We should have gotten rid of them, even today. I'd just need a sign.
Se ele me escutasse, os oportunistas, anarquistas, subversivos, traidores... poderíamos ter-nos livrado deles, hoje mesmo, só preciso de um sinal.
Listen, with a goddamned corpse aboard and a hold full of illegal Africans, how could I explain them to the police?
Com o raio de um cadaver a bordo... e um porão cheio de africanos ilegais, que explicações daria à Policia?
I've got to get them to listen to me, for their sakes as well as ours.
Tenho de fazer com que eles me ouçam, para o bem deles e o nosso.
Listen, Miro, your only hope is to fight against the gorillas, not with them.
Miro, sua única esperança é lutar contra os símios, não a seu lado.
Listen to them, Brun.
He's telling them not to listen to our lies.
Ele está a dizer-lhes para não escutarem as nossas mentiras.
listen to me 9369
listen to your heart 36
listen to the music 21
listen to me carefully 119
listen to your mother 43
listen to me now 51
listen to your father 24
listen to me very carefully 119
listen to my voice 41
listen to yourself 211
listen to your heart 36
listen to the music 21
listen to me carefully 119
listen to your mother 43
listen to me now 51
listen to your father 24
listen to me very carefully 119
listen to my voice 41
listen to yourself 211
listen to this one 27
listen to her 124
listen to him 223
listen to what i'm saying 18
listen to you 160
listen to it 46
listen to this 734
listen to reason 18
listen to us 43
listen to that 89
listen to her 124
listen to him 223
listen to what i'm saying 18
listen to you 160
listen to it 46
listen to this 734
listen to reason 18
listen to us 43
listen to that 89
listen to me for a second 21
listen to 20
listen to what you're saying 17
listen to yourselves 16
to them 177
theme 39
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
listen to 20
listen to what you're saying 17
listen to yourselves 16
to them 177
theme 39
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19