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Maybe it is translate Portuguese

2,290 parallel translation
Maybe it is.
- Talvez seja.
Maybe it is.
Talvez esteja mesmo.
Maybe it is the perfect business.
Talvez seja o negócio perfeito.
Well, maybe it is, but Peter's got the best one ever written right there.
Talvez seja, mas o Peter tem a melhor anedota de sempre.
Maybe it is that bad.
Talvez seja assim tão mau.
Hold on. Maybe it is that bad.
Espera aí, talvez seja assim tão mau.
Maybe it is and maybe it ain't.
Talvez seja, talvez não.
Maybe it is. No.
- Talvez seja.
You know, maybe it is time that I took care of myself.
Talvez esteja na hora, de tratar agora de mim.
Maybe it is, but you know what? Carlos makes a great product and without him, we're just another brand.
Talvez seja, mas sabem, o Carlos faz este óptimo produto, e sem ele, somos apenas mais uma marca.
Wow. Okay. Maybe it is time for this partnership to end.
Então devíamos deixar de ser colegas.
- Well, maybe it is.
- Talvez sejam.
Maybe I have been having a hard time with Lizzy being gone. And maybe it is stressing me out, so I figured...
Talvez esteja a passar uma fase difícil, com a partida da Lizzy, e talvez isso me ande a stressar, portanto... pensei...
You know, maybe it is too dangerous for us to use our powers at all.
Talvez seja muito perigoso simplesmente usar os poderes.
Now, if Lois is gonna trust me tonight, maybe it's time I trusted her.
Se a Lois confiar hoje em mim, talvez devesse confiar nela.
But if it's not controlled, it can lead to dementia and insanity maybe even death, but I've been working on a fix and this is the closest that I've gotten to one.
Mas se não for controlado, pode levar a demência e insanidade, talvez até a morte. Mas tenho trabalhado numa solução e isto foi o mais próximo que cheguei.
Maybe if we're quick... 200 paces, that's it. This is as far as we go.
Isto é o mais longe que já viemos.
- Maybe being close is all it takes.
Talvez a proximidade seja o suficiente.
Is it possible maybe he's broken any laws that you know of?
É possível que ele tenha infringido alguma lei?
And the reason I agreed to meet with you is because I hoped it would spark something, and maybe six to eight months from now you can call me with a humdinger.
E o motivo para ter aceitado reunir consigo foi porque esperava que tivesse alguma ideia, e talvez daqui a seis ou oito meses me ligasse com uma coisa espetacular.
Maybe'cause the sky is beautiful And everybody likes looking at it.
Talvez porque o céu é lindo e todos gostam de olhar para ele.
I drill hole in head of man who maybe is my son, put chip in his brain, and now you tell me it doesn't work.
Faço um buraco na cabeça do homem que pode ser o meu filho, coloco um chip no cérebro dele e agora tu dizes-me que não funciona.
Maybe a demon is ringing it.
- E se for um demónio a tocar?
- Maybe. Or maybe the cost of keeping my secret is too high and it's time to pay the piper.
Ou talvez o custo de manter o meu segredo seja demasiado alto e seja altura de enfrentar as consequências.
You know what, maybe it's not in the book. Because the answer is so obvious.
Talvez não esteja no Livro porque a resposta é tão óbvia.
Well, maybe it's because I'm looking in from the outside, but I'm willing to wager that somewhere, deep inside his brain, Peter Bishop senses that something is not quite right with you, that something has changed, that... you're not his Olivia.
Bem, talvez porque estou a olhar de fora, mas estou disposto a apostar que algures no interior do cérebro dele, o Peter Bishop sente que algo não está bem contigo, que algo mudou, que não és a Olivia dele.
You got me thinking, if my class is so important to you, maybe I should try a little harder to make it worth your while.
Puseste-me a pensar. Se a minha aula é tão importante para ti, talvez deva tentar esforçar-me mais para fazê-la valer a pena.
Maybe it is.
Talvez seja.
Maybe Lisa can help ease her fears. Explain the Live Aboard to her. Tell her how wonderful it is to live on a ship.
Talvez a Lisa possa ajudar a aliviar os seus receios, explicar-lhe o Viver a Bordo, dizer-lhe quão maravilhoso é viver na nave.
Is it our fault, maybe?
É culpa é nossa, talvez?
Look, I assumed you and I were exclusive. But we never talked about it. So maybe this is partly my fault.
Eu assumi que éramos exclusivos, mas nunca falámos sobre isso, portanto parte da culpa seja minha.
But she'll sleep here. Maybe you'll want her tomorrow morning. Oh, it is tomorrow morning.
E se quiser, amanhã cedo... já é amanhã cedo!
If this is how the unsub is finding them, Maybe they're connected to him without even realizing it.
Se é assim que o suspeito as encontra, se calhar estão ligados a ele sem darem conta.
Well, maybe he is good at it.
Certo. Talvez ele seja bom nisso então.
Maybe this is bigger than it looks.
- Não sei. - Talvez isto seja pior do que parece.
And if he was 8 or 9, maybe it'd make a difference, but Josh is 17.
Se ele tivesse 8 ou 9 anos, talvez fizesse diferença, mas o Josh tem 17.
Maybe our friend knows where it is.
Talvez o nosso amigo saiba onde está.
Ah, whatever it is, I'm sure you're working your angle. Maybe.
Seja o que for decerto que tens alguma na manga.
I would rather face the danger of it and have the fun and the freedom of making some comment that is maybe to an older audience or an audience that is more mature.
Prefiro antes enfrentar o perigo, divertir-me, e ter a liberdade de fazer uma espécie de reflexão que talvez se dirija a um público mais velho ou mais maduro.
Maybe you just want to cry, is that it?
Talvez só queiras chorar.
- Now I'm beginning to realize that maybe it is his life.
Estou a começar a perceber que talvez seja a vida dele.
Every time we get separated, it is memorable to me Because I often think, well, maybe this is it. No!
Sempre que nos separamos, é importante para mim porque penso sempre, bem, talvez é o fim.
So maybe whoever put it on his arm can tell us who John Doe is.
Pode ser que quem lha tatuou saiba dizer-nos quem é o Zé Ninguém.
I would love to get into this. Is it? Is it at all possible for you to cover yourself with maybe a towel?
Adoraria explicar isso, mas será que é possível tapares-te com, talvez, uma toalha?
I mean, well, it is... maybe.
Quero dizer, é... talvez.
'Cause maybe tutoring is the only way I can actually spend time with you without it being wrong, okay?
Porque talvez ser teu tutor seja a única maneira de poder passar algum tempo contigo sem ser errado, percebes?
We found his vehicle- - maybe there is something in it that will lead us to the others.
Encontramos o veículo dele. Talvez tenha alguma coisa - que nos leve aos outros.
So maybe this treatment will make me look all scabby and weird-looking, which is gonna be harder on you than it will be on me'cause I can just avoid mirrors.
Talvez este tratamento me deixe sarnosa e com mau aspecto, o que vai ser mais difícil para ti do que para mim, porque eu posso evitar de me ver ao espelho.
Well, maybe it's time for a news update, because Vanessa is turning Buckley tonight.
Talvez esteja na hora de novas actualizações, porque a Vanessa vai transformar o Buckley esta noite.
I'll see if I can match it to Starling's printer. Maybe the clue is in the clog.
Vou ver se consigo combinar isto com a impressora do Starling.
You invite her to the club, and maybe that would have been all right, but the problem is, when you and Jimmy get together, it's nothing but trouble.
E convidaste-a para o clube, e isso estaria bem. Mas o problema é que quando tu e o Jimmy se juntam só dá confusão.

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