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Maybe it was translate Portuguese

4,243 parallel translation
Mm, so if it's not our victim's... Maybe it was the killer?
Então, se não é da nossa vítima... talvez fosse do assassino?
Maybe it was Chris's car.
Talvez tenha sido o carro da Chris.
So maybe it was pulled over before?
Então, talvez ele já tenha sido detido antes?
Or maybe it was my fault.
Se calhar foi culpa minha.
If you're right, maybe it was the daughter.
Se estiveres certo, é possível que tenha sido a filha.
Maybe it was worse than I thought.
Talvez fosse pior do que eu pensava.
Maybe it was a false alarm.
Talvez tenha sido um alarme falso.
Maybe it was a bad year for you.
Talvez tenha sido um mau ano.
Maybe it was real the last time and you just didn't know it.
Talvez fosse real das outras vezes e não soubesses.
Maybe it was'cause you knew he was a CI. That's a possibility.
Talvez fosse porque sabiam que ele era um informante.
Maybe it was a random act of violence, but Jake blamed Gordon?
Talvez tenha sido um acto casual de violência, mas, o Jake culpa o Gordon?
Well... You know, maybe it was Paraguay.
Talvez tenha sido o Paraguai.
Then maybe it was all worth it.
Então, talvez tenha valido a pena.
If it wasn't a car, maybe it was something else.
Se não fosse um carro talvez fosse outra coisa.
Maybe it was something bigger.
Talvez algo maior.
I was thinking, maybe it was a mistake, breaking up.
Eu estive a pensar, talvez tenha sido um erro acabarmos.
- Maybe it was misplaced.
- Talvez tenha sido colocado noutro lugar.
Maybe it was...
Talvez fosse...
I thought it was Abby that showed me the lab fire at school, but maybe it was Ryan.
Pensei que tinha sido a Abby a mostrar-me o incêndio no laboratório, mas talvez tenha sido o Ryan.
Maybe it was Dane Hendrix, the meth dealer?
Talvez o Dane Hendrix, o traficante?
For Guy, who knows? Maybe it was the new apartment, maybe it's the smell of your sweet breath on his pillow.
No caso do Guy, talvez fosse o novo apartamento, ou o perfume da sua respiração na almofada dele.
Maybe it was the naturally high amounts of lead in the environment that were messing up his results.
Talvez houvesse grandes quantidades de chumbo no ambiente que estivessem a interferir com os resultados.
Maybe I just had to make sure it was still there.
Fiz isso para ter a certeza de que ainda estava lá.
So maybe burying it With the body was a mistake.
Enterrar junto ao corpo foi um erro.
Looks like she ditched it purposely, maybe to let us know where she was heading.
Ela deixou-o cair de propósito, talvez para sabermos a sua direcção.
It was a red-and-white-colored step-through, wicker basket, European maybe.
Era uma vermelha e branca com marcha, e com um cesto de vime, europeia talvez.
He remembered so many specific details about that bike, I started to think that maybe he was gonna steal it himself.
Ele lembrou-se de tantos detalhes daquela bicicleta que comecei a pensar que ele, talvez, estivesse a pensar roubá-la sozinho.
Maybe it's that Jordan she was going to meet, you know?
Talvez seja o tal Jordan com quem ela se ia encontrar. Pois.
And... maybe the piss game was the biggest mistake of my life because not only did it...
Vamos lá, querida. - Comprei sopa. - Uma lata para cada.
It's the only reason I came, was to see if you wanted to move maybe further in the relationship. Do you feel like she was the woman that was writing to you?
Acha que ela era a mulher que lhe escrevia?
If Brynne Deveraux was actually Celeste when she cast the spell, then maybe Celeste can still break it.
Se a Brynne Deveraux era, realmente, a Celeste quando lançou o feitiço, então talvez a Celeste ainda o possa quebrar.
So, I was thinking, maybe we could get them to play it next week.
Estava a pensar que podíamos pedir para o passarem para a semana.
When SOPA was introduced in October 2011 it was considered inevitable our strategy when it first came out was to hopefully slow the bill down maybe weaken it a little bit, but even we didn't think that we would be able to stop this bill.
Quando a SOPA foi apresentada, em outubro de 2011, foi considerada inevitável. A nossa estratégia, quando saiu, foi tentar atrasar a lei, talvez enfraquecê-la um pouco, mas nem mesmo nós pensámos que poderíamos travar esta lei.
He knew it was worth trying but it doesn't seem winnable. And I remember, maybe a few months later, I remember him just turning to me and being like "I think we might win this"
Valia a pena tentar, mas não parecia possível vencer e lembro-me, talvez uns meses depois,
it was one of the few moments where you could really see that he felt like he had done something good. feeling like here is his maybe one and only victory lap.
foi um dos poucos momentos em que se pôde realmente ver que ele achou que tinha feito alguma coisa de bom, sentindo que aqui estaria, talvez, a sua única vitória.
Or maybe Madeline double-crossed the Russians and kept the coordinates to the nukes for herself and led you to believe it was all a myth.
Ou talvez a Madeline tenha traído os russos e guardado para ela mesma as coordenadas das armas nucleares, levando-o a acreditar que era tudo um mito.
It means maybe one of the reasons I broke up with Hanna was because you were pushing me to be with her.
Talvez uma das razões por que acabei com a Hanna foi tu teres-me pressionado para ficar com ela.
I'm just thinking that maybe there was some other object inside the vehicle when it blew up.
Pensei que talvez houvessem outros objectos dentro do veículo quando explodiu.
Maybe she'd be happy if she knew it was you.
Ela podia ficar contente se soubesse que eras tu.
If that was true, then maybe Simon Plame can confirm it.
Se isso era verdade, talvez o Simon Plame possa confirmar.
Maybe this new life was for Carroll, but it doesn't have to be anymore.
Talvez esta nova vida tenha sido pelo Carroll, mas, não tem mais que o ser.
Or I put the money maybe in a box, if it was that much money. What was the most amount of money you ever paid an fbi person, fbi agent?
Pode ser vigarista ou assassino, mas é pior ser informador.
Maybe he didn't know it was us he was coming to talk to.
Talvez não soubesse que ele vinha falar connosco.
Okay, maybe not antique, but it was a limited minting.
Talvez não rara, apenas limitada.
I think he's, uh, better at it than I was... maybe than I am.
Acho que ele é melhor do que eu era... Talvez até do que eu sou.
Maybe they knew what it was, maybe they didn't, but it ended up protecting the soldiers of the town.
Talvez soubessem o que era ou talvez não, mas acabou por proteger os soldados da cidade.
Maybe don't say that it was my idea.
Talvez seja melhor não dizeres que é uma ideia minha.
I thought maybe it would was something between us.
Eu pensei que talvez houvesse, ainda, qualquer coisa entre nós.
Maybe he decided it was a nice day to defect.
Ele achou que era um lindo dia para desertar.
Maybe this is the way it was always supposed to be.
Talvez é assim que sempre é suposto ser.
Maybe, but it was your idea and ingenuity that saved the virus.
Talvez. Mas, foi a sua inteligência que salvou o vírus.

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