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Quarter to translate Portuguese

1,085 parallel translation
It's a quarter to six. Doesn't she want to go for the movie?
São 17h45.Ela não quer ir ao cinema?
A quarter to nine.
Um quarto para as nove.
- Quarter to seven.
Um quarto para as sete.
It's quarter to 12 : 00.
Quinze pra meia-noite.
Quarter to 12 : 00. Good.
Quinze pra meia-noite.
- Quarter to 12 : 00.
- Quinze pra meia-noite.
"B," a quarter to 6.
" "B" ", 1 5 para às 6.
It was a quarter to twelve.
Faltavam 15 minutos para a meia-noite.
Make it a quarter to 12 : 00.
- Um quarto para as doze?
Oh, and don't forget, tomorrow, we open at a quarter to nine.
Ah, e não se esqueça, amanhã vamos abrir às quinze para as nove.
Now the plane arrives at 2 : 20. It'll come right from the airport to here. That should be about a quarter to 3 : 00.
O Avião chega às 14.20 e ele deve chegar cerca das 14.45.
It's a quarter to.
É um quarto para.
It's a quarter to nine.
São quinze para as nove.
I have to get up at a quarter to seven.
Tenho de me levantar às 6h45.
It's a quarter to eight.
São oito menos um quarto.
Wake me up at a quarter to.
Acorda-me a um quarto para as sete.
She arrives at Ladder Bay at about a quarter to 12 and sees Madame Arlena sitting impatiently, awaiting the arrival of Patrick Redfern, with whom, I am convinced, she had a rendezvous.
Ela chega à outra Baía às doze menos quinze, e observa Arlena esperando pela chegada de Patrick Redfern, com quem deveria ter um encontro.
All right, all extra hands in the back yards to the quarter poles!
Todos os outros, aos postes exteriores!
Take that message to King George and tell him further that we have taken note that the public order of the rebels yesterday was to give us no quarter.
Levem esta mensagem ao o rei George e acrescentem que soubemos que entre os rebeldes a mensagem era a de não nos dar quartel
The Jones or the Smiths there of the quarter they can take account of them, if to happen some thing to me.
Os Jones ou os Smiths lá do bairro podem tomar conta deles, se me acontecer alguma coisa.
When in 15 of February, major Wild, emissary of General Percival, it arrived at ours quarter-general to 15h nobody believed it.
Quando em 15 de Fevereiro, o Major Wild, o emissário do General Percival, chegou ao nosso quartel-general às 15h ninguém acreditou nele.
When a commander he asked to its quarter-general, when it could wait clothes of Winter, they had said to it not to make more asked for unnecessary.
Quando um comandante perguntou ao seu quartel-general, quando podia esperar roupas de Inverno, disseram-lhe para não fazer mais pedidos desnecessários.
When we abandon Paris, we were to the quarter-general of Gamelin, in Vincennes, e we hear for the radio all cantigas and musics of the Italian war, the Giovenezza and this,
Quando abandonamos Paris, fomos ao quartel-general de Gamelin, em Vincennes, e ouvimos pela rádio todas as cantigas e músicas da guerra italiana, a Giovenezza e isso,
I'd sort of like to see them quarter you up but that'd deprive me.
Até que gostaria de os ver a cortar-te mas isso iria privar-me.
Right down to the quarter inch?
Com diferença de meia polegada?
It was in the quarter-general when I heard to say that the airplane of the Todt had been knocked down.
Estava no quartel-general quando ouvi dizer que o avião do Todt tinha sido derrubado.
At the beginning, it outside only the strategist of the coup d etat, but as it had of frequentar the quarter-general of Hitler e to attend the conferences, could to arrive very close to Hitler e to make an attempt, what the July of 1944 happened.
No início, ele fora apenas o estrategista do golpe de estado, mas como ele tinha de frequentar o quartel-general de Hitler e assistir a conferências, podia chegar muito perto de Hitler e fazer uma tentativa, o que aconteceu a Julho de 1944.
We were to few meters of the nest of the viper, the quarter-general of Hitler, the Imperial Chancellery.
Estávamos a poucos metros do ninho da víbora, o quartel-general de Hitler, a Chancelaria Imperial.
The beaters went of a quarter for another one, having to the times to follow for sewers and to crawl under enemy fire.
Os batedores iam de um bairro para outro, tendo às vezes de seguir pelos esgotos e rastejar sob fogo inimigo.
I was called the quarter-general of Hitler, in the Eastern Prússia, e it disclosed, me and to General Krebs, the Head of the Group of Armies of the Center, he folloied that me, that we would receive reinforcements in the end of November or at the beginning of December.
e ele revelou, a mim e ao General Krebs, o Chefe do Grupo de Exércitos do Centro, que me acompanhava, que receberíamos reforços no final de Novembro ou no início de Dezembro.
When the Wehrmacht started to invade the American ranks in the Ardenas, the colloquy in the quarter-general of the Allies in Versailles it was centered in the notice of the death of director of orchestra Glenn Miller more than in the possibility of the greater offensive German the west since 1940.
Quando a Wehrmacht começou a invadir os postos americanos nas Ardenas, a conversa no quartel-general dos Aliados em Versalhes centrava-se na notícia da morte do director de orquestra Glenn Miller mais que na possibilidade da maior ofensiva alemã a oeste desde 1940.
Nearly a quarter of a million men were taken prisoner - a victory to rank alongside Stalingrad.
Quase 125 mil homens foram feitos prisioneiros, uma vitória comparável à de Estalinegrado.
Therefore, the only thing that I could make it was to contact way telephonic line of the railroads, to obtain that the employee he was to the post offices of Rangum e to convince it that it was extremely important that I contacted quarter-general of the Air Force.
Por isso, a única coisa que eu podia fazer era contactar a linha telefónica dos caminhos-de-ferro, conseguir que o funcionário fosse aos correios de Rangum e convencê-lo de que era extremamente importante que eu contactasse o quartel-general da Força Aérea.
Though she only made herself dangerously ill due to the very small amount which she swallowed this, nevertheless, caused an intervention from a certain quarter which was long overdue.
Embora tivesse ficado apenas perigosamente doente... devido à pequena quantidade engolida... provocou contudo uma intervenção... há muito necessária...
And I'm interested in why I got roughed up for something that was supposed to be hidden in his place in the Quarter.
E quero saber por que quiseram me pegar... por causa de algo que devia estar na casa dele.
He goes to the Arab quarter.
Vai para o bairro árabe.
With a quarter left to play, it's the Horsemen....
Com um quarto ainda a jogar, são os homens-cavalos...
I learned your tongue a quarter-century ago, to the year. As castellan for English prisoners, after our victory at Bannockburn.
Aprendi a vossa língua há um quarto de século, como chefe castelão dos prisioneiros ingleses depois da nossa vitória em Bannockburn.
So, sometimes it got up to a quarter.
Fizemos coisas mais graves.
- Quarter master. An army must eat, and it's a long way from Dumasta to Jerusalem.
- Sr. Intendente, um exército tem de comer e estamos muito longe de Damasco a Jerusalém.
Occupation of the Latin Quarter without provocation to the police.
Politicamente, eu mesmo sou um conservador.
They must proceed to re-establish circulation, because, even though now it's 2AM, in a few hours the cars must be able to run through the quarter, and perhaps that is why now the police have decided to clear the quarter, specially the Boulevard Saint-Michel, the Rue Saint Jacques and the Rue Gay-Lussac.
Mas agora, tinha que fazer notar sua força. E, para fazê-lo, permitiu que a polícia usasse... todo um equipamento que ninguém sabia que existia. Para o manifestante, o Estado apareceu como uma visão, como a Virgem Maria de Fátima.
Right now the students are trying to escape through the alleys of the Latin Quarter, and there are police cars patrolling every street of the Latin Quarter, and every time they find a group of two, three, or four students, the police get off and it's always the same scene, a few blows and they arrest them.
Aqui a impressão é de que a atmosfera parece pacífica, até bem-humorada.
I'm pleased to see that... my efforts this past quarter haven't entirely been in vain.
Dá-me gosto ver que... os meus esforços feitos neste último trimestre não foram de todo em vão.
First one to find it gets a quarter.
Quem achar ganha 25 centavos.
And the weather, the same for tomorrow, Another beautiful day here in Los Angeles, The limit just went up to a quarter.
O limite subiu para 25 cêntimos.
Ladies and gentlemen, in this age of quarter-section pastures... and tinhorn legislators who is riding our old trails... it's a real pleasure to welcome a vestige of that heroic era... that we just about lost.
Senhoras e senhores, nesta era de pastos divididos e legisladores de meia-tigela que vagueiam pelos velhos trilhos, é um verdadeiro prazer dar as boas vindas a um vestígio da era heróica que estamos prestes a perder.
Oh, man, I was just tryin to find a quarter on the floor. Damn.
Eu estava só à procura de uma moeda no chão.
In just about a quarter of an hour's time, ex-police officer David Steed is to be submitted to the supreme test.
Daqui a cerca de 15 minutos, o ex-polícia David Speed será posto à derradeira prova.
Go to the French Quarter. You'll have a good time. And don't worry about him.
Visite o Bairro Francês, divirta-se e não se rale mais com ele.
Why don't you let me take you to the French Quarter?
Eu levo-a ao Bairro Francês.

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