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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ S ] / She didn't know

She didn't know translate Portuguese

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I didn't know she'd been in the hospital.
Não sabia que ela tinha sido internada.
So right away, I knew she didn't know.
Então na hora percebi, que ela não sabia.
She didn't know what Reilly had done!
Ela não sabia o que o Reilly tinha feito!
Oh, come on. You know she didn't do it. Otherwise, you wouldn't have put that wrong address on the search warrant.
Sabes que não foi ela, ou não tinhas colocado o endereço errado no mandado.
She didn't know, either.
Não faz mal, ela também não sabia.
I didn't know she took a bullet, man! How was I supposed to know that?
Eu lá sabia que levou com uma bala!
I didn't know she left the house!
- Não sabia que tinha saído. - Perdemos o pulso.
I mean, she didn't "ask me" ask me, but, you know, the nanny was late, she couldn't find anybody else to cover. What am I supposed to say, no?
Bem, ela não pediu, mas a babá estava atrasada, e ela não tinha mais ninguém para cobrir.
You know, I didn't see any cuts on her feet, so she didn't come through this.
Sabes, não vi nenhum corte nos seus pés, pelo que ela não passou por aqui.
She used to take me to work when she didn't know what else to do.
Ela costumava levar-me para o trabalho quando não sabia mais o que fazer.
I didn't know about it. Helena didn't know about it. But then she started saying that that woman, the woman that was killed, lived in her room and wanted her teeth back.
Nem eu nem a Helena sabíamos, mas depois ela começou a dizer que essa mulher a que foi morta, vivia no quarto dela e queria os dentes de volta.
I didn't know she worked for French Intelligence.
Não sabia que ela trabalhava Para a Inteligência Francesa.
And Becky, being a child, didn't know what to do, so she took it out on Katrina.
Certo, já se espalhou. Quando os detetives a levaram em custódia.
Uh, Tony, I don't know if you heard the news, but Annie Morgan was shot tonight, and... she didn't make it.
Tony, não sei se já sabes, mas a Annie Morgan levou um tiro hoje e não sobreviveu.
I didn't know she'd gone.
- Não sabia que tinha partido.
I don't know, but she told me if I didn't come, she'd gut me like a fish.
- Não sei. Mas ela disse-me que se eu não viesse me esventrava como um peixe.
Dude, if I didn't know any better... I think she's getting married.
Se não soubesse, diria que ela se vai casar.
I didn't know you were gonna be here. Daphne asked me to come by so she could say thank you, I guess.
- A Daphne pediu-me para passar cá para poder agradecer-me, penso eu.
- She didn't know.
- Ela não sabia.
She didn't know the first thing about it.
Não fazia ideia do que poderia acontecer.
I didn't even know she was out of the truck.
Aconteceu muito depressa.
You know, I didn't even tell Jess that I loved her before she died.
Sabes, nem disse à Jess que a amava antes de ela morrer.
Are you saying Midge didn't know she'd been hit?
Estás a dizer que a Midge não sabia, que tinha sido atingida?
She said you didn't even know where you were gonna start.
Ela disse que você nem sabia, por onde começar.
For reasons that I'll never fully know, Victoria decided early on she didn't want my relationship with Daniel to work, and so... it didn't.
Por razões que nunca irei perceber, a Victoria decidiu, não quer que o meu relacionamento com Daniel resultasse, e então... não resultou.
I didn't even know she was dead till the police told me.
Nem sabia da sua morte até a polícia me contar.
Your mom didn't know- - she thinks you have a boyfriend.
A tua mãe não sabia. Ela acha que tens um namorado.
But she didn't even know about me and Tommy.
Mas ela nem sabia de mim e do Tommy.
So Alex comes home from school the other day, and she said the teacher didn't know what she was talking about, when in reality, I don't think that- - Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Então a Alex voltou da escola no outro dia, e disse-me que a professora não entendia o que ela dizia, quando na realidade, não sei... Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Didn't know she was here, huh?
Não sabia que ela estava aqui, não é?
We didn't know where she was until now. I think it's about time we did.
- Não sabíamos onde ela estava.
Because she didn't want me to know how she really got that burn on her wrist.
Porque ela não quer que eu saiba como realmente queimou o braço.
You know, she had this anxiety disorder, and her family had no money, so if, uh, she didn't get a scholarship, she couldn't go to college.
Ela tinha problemas de ansiedade, a família não tinha dinheiro, e se não conseguisse uma bolsa, não ia à faculdade.
I know, but she didn't.
Mas ela não tinha.
I'd be surprised if she didn't know right now.
Ficaria admirado se ela não soubesse já.
All this time I idolized her and I didn't even know who she was.
Durante este tempo todo idolatrei-a, e nem sabia quem ela era.
I didn't know what to do. She won't... ( Sighs deeply )
Não sabia o que fazer.
She didn't know what she signed up for.
Ela não sabia no que se estava a meter.
You know, she didn't ask for any of this.
Sabe, ela não pediu por nada disto.
I didn't know she was at St. Ambrose.
Não sabia que ela estava no St. Ambrose.
So all three boys confessed, but the girl, Miranda, she didn't know anything about it.
Então, os rapazes confessaram... mas a rapariga, a Miranda, não sabia de nada.
Amin, I assure you, I swear to God, I didn't know of her intentions, and it never occurred to me that she was capable of such an act.
Amin, asseguro-te, eu juro por Deus, eu não sabia quais eram as intenções dela, e nunca me ocorreu que ela fosse capaz de um tal acto.
But she didn't know.
Mas ela não sabia.
Hey, I didn't know her, obviously, but she sounds like the kind of woman that wouldn't want you spending all your time being sad.
Eu não a conheci, óbviamente, mas parece o tipo de mulher que não ia querer que passasses o tempo todo triste.
She didn't know you were alive!
Ela nem sabia que eras vivo!
She didn't know what they would do to her, but she was too proud to run.
Ela não sabia o que é que lhe iriam fazer, mas ela era demasiado orgulhosa para fugir.
She said she knew you a long time, but you didn't really know her, nor she you.
Ela disse que o conhecia há muito tempo, mas que você não a conhecia verdadeiramente, nem ela a si.
She didn't know where you were, so I made something up.
Ela não sabia onde estavas, por isso inventei.
'Cause I didn't want you to know that she chose to leave you.
É mais fácil chegar a um consenso quando só há uma voz a ouvir-se, não é? De qualquer maneira, agradeço o que fez hoje na rádio.
I didn't know she was back.
Não sabia que ela tinha voltado.
You know? And she didn't deserve that.
E ela não merecia isso.

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